Should I use Object Oriented Programming in MATLAB? - matlab

I have an issue, where I need to handle a lot of figures in matlab and the code is starting to get messy. Different kinds of plot objects are added to the code in different stages and some have legends and some does not. The problem is that there is no NULL legends. As soon as an object is created, so is a legend. However, until the legend(handles,...) is called they are not shown. This means that if things are plotted and some, need a legend entry and some not, a lot of handles needs to be passed around.
Now, the file is starting to be quite long, about 1500 lines, with some globals that spans over many functions in the file and so. To prevent the "Do not use globals" comments to pour in, yes I know globals are normally unnecessary, but the code was like that when I laid my hands on it. However, now the code is getting more and more messy and I think about using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) to handle figures.
The idea is to have the custom figure objects handling themselves and thus make more readable code, split up in smaller blocks. The idea is to have a design like
class Figure
To be defined, for example formatting plotting, edit title,…
The complete design is not really thought through completely, but the point of this questions is really about using OOP in matlab. What I have seen so far it os not really used were much. Are there a reason for this? Could anyone give pros and cons to OOP in matlab? Is OOP recommended or not in matlab?
I have added the information about my issue since I understand that OOP is more needed for large complex issues, so an answer would preferably take the drawbacks in comparison with the complexity of the problem into account. (For example, do never use OOP in matlab, do it only when you have complex problems, do it whenever you like,...)

Okay the question is about OOP in Matlab - but is it not OOP in Matlab in your organisation?
By that I mean to think who is going to use/develop and maintain the code going forward.
Background: I have used OOP for my own toolbox (because its complex/large enough to warrant it - and I develop/maintain it) - however in consultancy jobs for the majority of my clients I create functions (which in some instances call my toolbox) - because when the job is finished they get the source code and the majority are (much) more comfortable working with functions rather than classes.
In summary - I decide on whether to use OOP on the job specifics and the situation where the code will be used (developed & maintained) in the future.
So back to your topic - I would consider where you think the code is going to go and who will develop/maintain it. Will they be comfortable with classes - or will they be more comfortable with functions?
FYI: Last year I was talking to Mathworks and they said that they run multiple "Intro to Matlab" courses per week - but only 1 "Matlab Classes" per quarter!! That gives you an indication on the level of Matlab class use in industry.


How to remove nodes from TensorFlow graph?

I need to write a program where part of the TensorFlow nodes need to keep being there storing some global information(mainly variables and summaries) while the other part need to be changed/reorganized as program runs.
The way I do now is to reconstruct the whole graph in every iteration. But then, I have to store and load those information manually from/to checkpoint files or numpy arrays in every iteration, which makes my code really messy and error prone.
I wonder if there is a way to remove/modify part of my computation graph instead of reset the whole graph?
Changing the structure of TensorFlow graphs isn't really possible. Specifically, there isn't a clean way to remove nodes from a graph, so removing a subgraph and adding another isn't practical. (I've tried this, and it involves surgery on the internals. Ultimately, it's way more effort than it's worth, and you're asking for maintenance headaches.)
There are some workarounds.
Your reconstruction is one of them. You seem to have a pretty good handle on this method, so I won't harp on it, but for the benefit of anyone else who stumbles upon this, a very similar method is a filtered deep copy of the graph. That is, you iterate over the elements and add them in, predicated on some condition. This is most viable if the graph was given to you (i.e., you don't have the functions that built it in the first place) or if the changes are fairly minor. You still pay the price of rebuilding the graph, but sometimes loading and storing can be transparent. Given your scenario, though, this probably isn't a good match.
Another option is to recast the problem as a superset of all possible graphs you're trying to evaluate and rely on dataflow behavior. In other words, build a graph which includes every type of input you're feeding it and only ask for the outputs you need. Good signs this might work are: your network is parametric (perhaps you're just increasing/decreasing widths or layers), the changes are minor (maybe including/excluding inputs), and your operations can handle variable inputs (reductions across a dimension, for instance). In your case, if you have only a small, finite number of tree structures, this could work well. You'll probably just need to add some aggregation or renormalization for your global information.
A third option is to treat the networks as physically split. So instead of thinking of one network with mutable components, treat the boundaries between fixed and changing pieces are inputs and outputs of two separate networks. This does make some things harder: for instance, backprop across both is now ugly (which it sounds like might be a problem for you). But if you can avoid that, then two networks can work pretty well. It ends up feeling a lot like dealing with a separate pretraining phase, which you many already be comfortable with.
Most of these workarounds have a fairly narrow range of problems that they work for, so they might not help in your case. That said, you don't have to go all-or-nothing. If partially splitting the network or creating a supergraph for just some changes works, then it might be that you only have to worry about save/restore for a few cases, which may ease your troubles.
Hope this helps!

About to begin learning MATLAB on my own

so essentially I have the task to learn matlab decently well in the next few weeks, and I want to really be able to impress the people i'm learning it for, so if you guys have advice, I would greatly appreciate it.
What I'm dealing with Throughout the course of my job I will be dealing largely in two areas.
Formatting and importing data from excel
Interpreting the data in a meaningful way.
I realize the second category is extremely broad, but essentially i'm working with arrays of pricing information to set some standard price for a commodity, so the analysis that I will be doing will be less computationally heavy and will focus more on error getting the data in correctly and accurately and making sure all of the functions that I want to perform are executed correctly. Very basic stuff.
So here's what I'm looking for:
What are the most important topics so that I can import data from excel into matlab perfectly?
What should I study just to get basic functions down that will be applied to entire matrices/arrays?
What should I study prior to studying anything else to get a firm foundation in the subject? (So I don't make stupid syntax errors, etc.)?
Your help is greatly appreciated :)
The first two things you'll want to learn about are (1) the Matlab GUI and (2) the basics of Matlab syntax. A quick visit to the Getting Started section of the Matlab documentation will do you wonders. It should take you less than a day to get through the basics. Do note that the Matlab documentation is generally excellent, and you should use it often.
Beyond that, there are a number of questions here about importing Excel into Matlab (importing from excel, exporting to excel), and there's some excellent docs on the Mathworks site as well (xlsread, xlswrite). Read them and become familiar with the details and common problems. Good luck!
Since you will be using excel it is likely the data you import could come out in cell format. Look into the differences between indexing using matrices and cells. Also, learn early on the difference between [operator] and .[operator] for vector calculations. The second one is element-wise and will most likely solve a lot of issues you'll come across if your records are meant to only relate to one row/column of data
Perhaps you have gained the MATLAB skills you need now, but hopefully this will help someone following the same path later.
The Math Works (developers of MATLAB) run a site called MATLAB Cody.
This site offers a range of problems and a web based MATLAB interpreter so you can test your solutions. When you have a correct solution, you can compare with other solutions to the same problem. Then you can look up the functions others have used in the online MATLAB documentation for more understanding.
The problems focus on regular expressions and cell manipulation which will be very relevant to importing and manipulating Excel data.

Matlab vs Aforge vs OpenCV

I am about to start a project in visual image-processing and have no had experience with Matlab, Aforge, OpenCV and was wondering if anyone had any experiences with these different software packages.
I was also wondering which of the three packages were most efficient I assume OpenCV but has anyone had any experience?
The question you need to ask yourself is which is more important - your time or the computer's time. If your task is really simple, you may be able to code it up in MATLAB and have it work right off the bat. MATLAB is by far the easiest for development - a scripted language with built-in memory management, a huge array of provided functions, and a great interface for displaying and manipulating data while debugging.
On the other hand, MATLAB is at least an order of magnitude slower than compiled openCV code for many tasks. This is especially true if you use the intel performance primitives libraries.
If you know how to code in MATLAB, I would suggest writing and debugging your algorithms in that language, then porting them to c/c++ with openCV for speed. If there are only a couple of simple functions that you need to speed up, you can call c code from MATLAB, but it's hard to get this working right the first few times you try it, so you're probably better off just rewriting your finished code entirely in c/c++
First, please elaborate about your project's needs. It has the biggest impact on the choice, in addition to other factors - your general programming knowledge (If you haven't dealt with dot net but just with C++, AForge is not a good choice, for example).
Both AForge and OpenCV has a built-in interface to .Net, and OpenCV also with C++, python, and more. Matlab might be more efficient, but if you don't have any experience with it - you should also learn its syntax. Take it into consideration.
Matlab probably has the largest variety of functions, but it is more complicated than the other projects. OpenCV and AForge themselves have some differences - see them described in this StackOverflow question/ answers.
I worked last year in two similar projects with cars on the highway. Afaik, Matlab allows to process only one picture frame at a time (surely you could elaborate an algorithm to compute a stream) but using Simulink you can process the stream directly.
On the other hand, i found AForge a lot friendlier and easier to use since you can easily adjust the processing parameters from a GUI (not so fast/easy) to do in Matlab/simulink.
I'd go for Aforge.Net. It's also fast enough if you're worrying about processing speed. (using 640x480)
If you are asking about using one of these in .net,easily you can get info by this:
1-matlab mostly used in simulation of projects not the End-prototype project; my numer : 30;
2-aforge (as I'v used in many project) if you do not need the circular process like capturing image, or recognition of something in images or ... you'll find it very good, cause it is easy to use but useful for single processes; my number : 50
3-opencv very good at speed and useful for circular processes, for example you can capture images from a webcam and Instantly cartoonize it without any delay, But not easy-to-use as aforge. I like it anyway cause of its speed and MANY functions it gives us mostly anything we need in programming; my number : 80
Dr.Taha -

Using MATLAB's plotting features as an interactive part of a Fortran program

Although many of you will have a decent idea of what I'm aiming at, just from reading the title -- allow me a simple introduction still.
I have a Fortran program - it consists of a program, some internal subroutines, 7 modules with its own procedures, and ... uhmm, that's it.
Without going into much detail, for I don't think it's necessary at this point, what would be the easiest way to use MATLAB's plotting features (mainly plot(x,y) with some customizations) as an interactive part of my program ? For now I'm using some of my own custom plotting routines (based on HPGL and Calcomp's routines), but just as part of an exercise on my part, I'd like to see where this could go and how would it work (is it even possible what I'm suggesting?). Also, how much effort would it take on my part ?
I know this subject has been rather extensively described in many "tutorials" on the net, but for some reason I have trouble finding the really simple yet illustrative introductory ones. So if anyone can post an example or two, simple ones, I'd be really grateful. Or just take me by the hand and guide me through one working example.
platform: IVF 11.something :) on Win XP SP2, Matlab 2008b
The easiest way would be to have your Fortran program write to file, and have your Matlab program read those files for the information you want to plot. I do most of my number-crunching on Linux, so I'm not entirely sure how Windows handles one process writing a file and another reading it at the same time.
That's a bit of a kludge though, so you might want to think about using Matlab to call the Fortran program (or parts of it) and get data directly for plotting. In this case you'll want to investigate Creating Fortran MEX Files in the Matlab documentation. This is relatively straightforward to do and would serve your needs if you were happy to use Matlab to drive the process and Fortran to act as a compute service. I'd look in the examples distributed with Matlab for simple Fortran MEX files.
Finally, you could call Matlab from your Fortran program, search the documentation for Calling the Matlab Engine. It's a little more difficult for me to see how this might fit your needs, and it's not something I'm terribly familiar with.
If you post again with more detail I may be able to provide more specific tips, but you should probably start rolling your sleeves up and diving in to MEX files.
Continuing the discussion of DISLIN as a solution, with an answer that won't fit into a comment...
#M. S. B. - hello. I apologize for writing in your answer, but these comments are much too short, and answering a question in the form of an answer with an answer is ... anyway ...
There is the Quick Plot feature of DISLIN -- routine QPLOT needs only three arguments to plot a curve: X array, Y array and number N. See Chapter 16 of the manual. Plus only several additional calls to select output device and label the axes. I haven't used this, so I don't know how good the auto-scaling is.
Yes, I know of Quickplot, and it's related routines, but it is too fixed for my needs (cannot change anything), and yes, it's autoscaling is somewhat quircky. Also, too big margins inside the graf.
Or if you want to use the power of GRAF to setup your graph box, there is subroutine GAXPAR to automatically generate recommended values. -2 as the first argument to LABDIG automatically determines the number of digits in tick-mark labels.
Have you tried the routines?
Sorry, I cannot find the GAXPAR routine you're reffering to in dislin's index. Are you sure it is called exactly like that ?
Reply by M.S.B.: Yes, I am sure about the spelling of GAXPAR. It is the last routine in Chapter 4 of the DISLIN 9.5 PDF manual. Perhaps it is a new routine? Also there is another path to automatic scaling: SETSCL -- see Chapter 6.
So far, what I've been doing (apart from some "duck tape" solutions) is
use dislin; implicit none
real, dimension(5) :: &
x = [.5, 2., 3., 4., 5.], &
y = [10., 22., 34., 43., 15.]
real :: xa, xe, xor, xstp, &
ya, ye, yor, ystp
call setpag('da4p'); call metafl('xwin');
call disini(); call winkey('return');
call setscl(x,size(x),'x');
call setscl(y,size(y),'y')
call axslen(1680,2376) !(8/10)*2100 and 2970, respectively
call setgrf('name','name','line','line')
call incmrk(1); call hsymbl(3);
call graf(xa, xe, xor, xstp, ya, ye, yor, ystp); call curve(x,y,size(x))
call disfin()
which will put the extreme values right on the axis. Do you know perhaps how could I go to have one "major tick margin" on the outside, as to put some area between the curve and the axis (while still keeping setscl's effects) ?
Even if you don't like the built-in auto-scaling, if you are already using DISLIN, rolling your own auto-scaling will be easier than calling Fortran from MATLAB. You can use the Fortran intrinsic functions minval and maxval to find the smallest and largest values in the data, than write a subroutine to round outwards to "nice" round values. Similarly, a subroutine to decide on the tick-mark spacing.
This is actually not so easy to accomplish (and ideas to prove me wrong will be gladly appreciated). Or should I say, it is easy if you know the rough range in which your values will lie. But if you don't, and you don't know
whether your values will lie in the range of 13-34 or in the 1330-3440, then ...
... if I'm on the wrong track completely here, please, explain if you ment something different. My english is somewhat lacking, so I can only hope the above is understandable.
Inside a subroutine to determine round graph start/end values, you could scale the actual min/max values to always be between 1 and 10, then have a table to pick nice round values, then unscale back to the correct range.
Dump Matlab because its proprietary, expensive, bloated/slow and codes are not easy to parallelize.
What you should do is use something on the lines of DISLIN, PLplot, GINO, gnuplotfortran etc.

Your experiences with Matlab/F#/R for data analysis and modeling algorithms

I've been using F# for a while now to model algorithms before coding them in C++, and also using it afterwards to check the results of the C++ code, and also against real-world recorded data.
For the modeling side of things, it's very handy, but for the 'data mashup' kind of stuff, pulling in data from CSV and other sources, generating statistics, drawing charts etc., my colleague teases me no end ("why are you coding that yourself? It's built in to MatLab").
And I have another colleague who swears by R, which also has charting stuff 'built-in'.
I know that MatLab, R and F# are not strictly comparable, so I'm not asking for a 'feature comparison shoot out'. I just wondered what other people are using for these kind of pre- and post-analysis scenarios, and how happy they are with it.
(If there's anyone out there working on wrapping Microsoft Charts into something F#-friendly, let me know, I'd be happy to participate...)
(Note: answers to this question will be subjective, but based on experience, please)
I have very little experience with F#, but regarding C++/Matlab/R: If the speed of your program's execution is the most important, use C++. If speed of implementation is the most important, use Matlab or R. This is true for a number of reasons, not the least of which is their massive libraries of math/stats packages.
Both Matlab and R can be sped up through parallelism: so generally, I think that speed and quality of implementation should be a bigger concern. That's where the real "value" of programming is taking place, in the design of the application. It's not a minor proposition if you can write 3 or 4 good R programs in the same time it takes you to write 1 good C++ program.
Regarding F#: so far as it is part of Microsoft's framework, it must have a lot to offer. If you're developing in Visual Studio or working on a big .Net project (for instance), it might make sense to use F#. On the other hand, you can call both Matlab and R from .Net applications, so I would probably argue that their libraries should be a bigger concern. For instance, see this article as an example for R and the Matlab Builder.
Long story short: comparing F# and Matlab/R isn't a good comparison. F# is a general purpose programming language, while Matlab/R can be viewed as massive mathematical/data analysis toolkits. Some people call Matlab or R from F# in order to take advantage of each language's benefits (e.g. see this discussion, this article on Matlab/F#, or this article on R/F#).
So far as charting is concerned: R is extremely strong on this front. Have a look at the graphics view on CRAN and this series of posts on the LearnR blog about Lattice and ggplot2.
I've worked a bit with matlab and python/pylab for these purposes. What these tools have 'built-in' is a programming environment, a shell, and gui tools designed for quickly looking at data from a variety of sources.
In a few commands, you can go from having a csv file to interactive plots on the screen, then to an image export in just about any format. It takes a minute or two to go from data to visualization once you have the hang of it. I would imagine this is uncommon in the C++ world (although I have seen some professors with pretty impressive work-flows).
I've tried R, but I can't say much useful about it. It seems to offer about the same set of features, but it may be troublesome to Google for support.
If you are spending more than a couple minutes getting from data to plot using your current method, it's definitely worth learning one of these environments. The best choice depends on your colleagues, your work environment, experience, and your budget.
This is a reasonable close double to the previous question on suitable functional language for scientific/statistical computing so you may want to peruse the long and detailed answers there.
Answers depends, as so often, on your experience and prior language training. I very much prefer R for data munging / modeling / visualization.
I use R because on the one hand it has everything built in and on the other hand you can still manipulate almost everything or start from scratch. Nevertheless, R is rather slow for heavy calculations (although I do all my Monte Carlo simulations in it).
I would say that Matlab is best for the availability of mathematical functionalities in general, R is best for data input/manipulation/visualisation/analysis/etc., and C++ for high-speed subroutines. You can by the way easily integrate C++ (or C, fortran, ...) code in R. Why not read and manipulate input data in R, apply the models in C++, and analyse/visualize output back in R?
I always prototype my models in MATLAB. If my prototype is fast enough, I refactor and it's done. If not, I go back and implement certain functions in C to be called by MATLAB. This requires knowledge of a low level language, which I think is always going to be the case if you are doing anything that is technically challenging.
I'm intrigued with this Lisp flavor if it ever gets off the ground.