how to handle multiple layers in single scene in cocos 2d iphone - iphone

I am learning cocos2d and that we have multiple layers in single scene.
I want to manage both layers at a time I.e, first scene with 480X320 image and second one also with same size. when I try the second one is only visible. Thats ok. But whenever touch occurs I want to add another sprite to both of the layers (different sprites for each). Could any one help with this.

Why are you using multiple layers? Layers are for grouping multiple objects so that you can apply effects like movement to all nodes of the layer.
It sounds to me as if you should just be adding sprites to one layer. And if you add two sprites at fullscreen size, one will be on top of the other regardless unless it has transparent parts in the image.


how can I make a player hidden by terrain always visible?

I am making a 3D isometric game, in my game, there is a lot of holes and the player can go into them, but the problem is when he goes into one of them he becomes invisible, I can,t move the camera it will change the concept I tried using shader like the one in this video but it makes the entire terrain transparent and glitchy (I am using unity terrain) so I am stuck and I need Idea how to make the layer visible inside the hole
What you're asking can be achieved in multiple ways, depending on your render pipeline and requirements.
If you're working with the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), you could create a Forward Renderer asset and create a custom render pass whenever your player is occluded by terrain.
You could assign a new Layer to the player, such as "Player", then select or deselect said mask from the Filters > Layer Mask properties of the Forward Render Data. Then assign the same or a custom material for when the player is occluded by terrain.
Alternatively, you could create either a cutout or a dither shader using Shader Graph, on which there are many tutorials
Camera GameObjects give you the option to select what layer you want them to "see" (render) using the culling mask. Think of layers as grouping GameObjects and giving that group a name.
You can have multiple cameras at the same time each one with a different name and different layer to render, or even change the viewing layer of a single camera depending on changes happening in the game.
Assign a layer tag in each of the terrain elements in your scene and have the camera render them accordingly and "cull" the rest.
Very helpful documentation on layers and camera culling mask.

Does changing multiple sprites on a single animation affect performance?

I have been building a 2D sprite based game for which I want to have the player be able to customize their equipment. This means that although I am fine with drawing the content, I'd need to ensure animations in the game run fine on top of each other. For this, I have been preparing a game object with several children to account for the equipment:
Each of the children runs a single animation and should have to follow the player, which I accomplish by using transform.localPosition =; on the Update of the script each takes, so they hook to the parent's pivot and follow the player. While this has worked for the most part, there are moments in which all of the objects are not synchronized and as such sometimes the parent object (the body) is seen where it shouldn't since the other game objects should render on top:
Aside from that, to make it easy for the children to follow the parent position I had made sprites which are all the same size, which risks me having to load a lot of transparent space per sprite.
Another problem that I just noticed as I'm trying to address the issue of loading too many useless pixels involves the positioning with other objects such as the Sword game object, which doesn't follow the player fully if I use sprites that are not perfect squares (see this question for details How to align sprites of smaller sizes to a moving gameobject sprite? and this one Sibling sprite doesn't appear to follow main GameObject sprite even when transform.position updates)
I tried to fix this by making the Sword a child of the Hero, but even then changing the position through a function that sets values to add on to transform values of the sword game object only change the position of it relative to the initial value. I attempted changing the pivot of the sword sprites to a custom value to guess where the center of it would align with the main game object and appear in the right position, but even that doesn't seem to work.
I'm kind of getting tired with my current process, as I have to rely on several animations for each of the game objects, both parent and children, so that these obey to different layers in a single animator (or in the case of the sword, a separate animator), all to ensure there is some synchronization that doesn't always occur:
I really don't mind the web that is turning out in what I'm doing, but the fact that I have to repeat it across multiple layers with no real guarantee that all the objects would appear right on top of each other due to the fact of having multiple animations playing, and loading multiple sprites with empty space is becoming more of a chore than enjoyment.
So I think I came up with a possible solution: If I could make a single animation for the whole equipment used at any given point (whether only wearing pants or wearing full equipment), then having this single animation could guarantee synchronization across parent and children without the need for animator layers or special functions to update position or worrying about pivots or square sprites if I can set the position of non-square sprites in the animation, with the downside that I would need to account for every single animation for each possible equipment variation (so if I had even 3 of each sword, pants, boots, etc. that would mean 3^6 animations) and make a more complex web of animator states. The only thing I'd be worried about in this case, however, would be the performance, if having too many animations for a player would affect how fast these load. But at the benefit of eliminating the other problems mentioned, my question boils down to this:
Is it better to have a single game object with animations that change multiple sprites across children game objects and a single animator that chooses states based on multiple variables, or game objects with multiple animations that change a single sprite for each, and a single or multiple animators with multiple layers that choose states based on multiple variables?
There isn't really a set answer for something like this. It really just depends on how good your/the players computer is when playing the game. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted.

How to make one game object to be in front of another in unity

I heard that game objects are drawn in the same order they appear in the Hierarchy. But in my case it doesn't work.
For example I wanted the wolf is placed in front of the rabbit, but it doesn't work.
Is there some way to make it with sorting objects according in hierarchy or I can make it only with layers?
The hierarchy sorting you speak of only works in the canvas - so for example with RectTransforms and Images. However I guess you want to use Sprites. SpriteRenderer component has a Order in layer property. Plus Sprites are more lightweight than Images with Transparency. Or you could just move Transforms closer and further away from the camera (even if your game is 2D/ using an orthogonal camera). If everything fails you could change the RenderQueue of the Materials.

Merge several textures on screen into a single big one

In my 2D app, I create many gameObjects with UI image components (I work with new UI). These are simple colored circles. They are placed in different positions on screen. But when I play long enough, the count of these gameObjects becomes too high and it impacts performance.
I thought since these objects are just textures (I do not need them to be animated or something, just simple textures that stay on the same place in the screen all the time), maybe there is a way to merge them into one gameObject with Image component that would hold all these circles in one texture?
I tried to capture the camera view through RenderTexture ReadPixels method, but it captures the whole screen and all objects in it, while I need to merge only these circles and in a specific rectangle on the screen.

How can i switch multiple layer with same sprite?

I have 6 sprites on screen, now after particular time, I want to reload that 6 sprites without affecting screen. (with removing old & add new images)
like objects are changing in one frame.
I use Layers for this, but I am not able to assign two same sprite in both layers.
How can I switch multiple layer with same sprite?
got the answer.
just detach current layer.
initialize next layer.
overwrite ArrayList (in my case, i have taken arraylist of sprite) of sprite with required images.
attach that arraylist to newly created layer & then attach that layer to scene.