how can I make a player hidden by terrain always visible? - unity3d

I am making a 3D isometric game, in my game, there is a lot of holes and the player can go into them, but the problem is when he goes into one of them he becomes invisible, I can,t move the camera it will change the concept I tried using shader like the one in this video but it makes the entire terrain transparent and glitchy (I am using unity terrain) so I am stuck and I need Idea how to make the layer visible inside the hole

What you're asking can be achieved in multiple ways, depending on your render pipeline and requirements.
If you're working with the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), you could create a Forward Renderer asset and create a custom render pass whenever your player is occluded by terrain.
You could assign a new Layer to the player, such as "Player", then select or deselect said mask from the Filters > Layer Mask properties of the Forward Render Data. Then assign the same or a custom material for when the player is occluded by terrain.
Alternatively, you could create either a cutout or a dither shader using Shader Graph, on which there are many tutorials

Camera GameObjects give you the option to select what layer you want them to "see" (render) using the culling mask. Think of layers as grouping GameObjects and giving that group a name.
You can have multiple cameras at the same time each one with a different name and different layer to render, or even change the viewing layer of a single camera depending on changes happening in the game.
Assign a layer tag in each of the terrain elements in your scene and have the camera render them accordingly and "cull" the rest.
Very helpful documentation on layers and camera culling mask.


How to make one game object to be in front of another in unity

I heard that game objects are drawn in the same order they appear in the Hierarchy. But in my case it doesn't work.
For example I wanted the wolf is placed in front of the rabbit, but it doesn't work.
Is there some way to make it with sorting objects according in hierarchy or I can make it only with layers?
The hierarchy sorting you speak of only works in the canvas - so for example with RectTransforms and Images. However I guess you want to use Sprites. SpriteRenderer component has a Order in layer property. Plus Sprites are more lightweight than Images with Transparency. Or you could just move Transforms closer and further away from the camera (even if your game is 2D/ using an orthogonal camera). If everything fails you could change the RenderQueue of the Materials.

Is there a way to apply bloom to a specific object?

I've currently noticed that, if i uncheck the "is Global" checkbox on the Bloom Effect of a Post Processing Volume, even thought I adjusted my layer to affect one in particular, the Bloom doesnt apply to that layer I've set in the P-p layer. In fact, it doesn't apply at all. Either it sets bloom for everything in the scene, or it doesn't.
Extras: I have no Pipeline asset, maybe thats the issue, but I've tried to setting one LRP (because for some reason URP in my 2019.2.17f1 version doenst exist) and it just breaks all my materials that i use for Particle Systems (Particles/Standard Unlit) even if i upgrade them for LRP materials.
Any ideas? If it's possible to deliver a solution to both these problems excellent, but the main one is the title question.
Note: The "camera stacking" approach mentioned here applies only to Unity URP. For the Unity Built-in Render Pipeline or Unity versions prior to 2019.3.0f3 you can achieve a similar effect with RenderTextures. Though Unity HDRP has no explicit "camera stacking" feature it does allow for the same net effect via the HDRP-specific Graphics Compositor.
"Is there a way to apply bloom to a specific object?"
You could take a leaf out of Unity camera stacking whereby one set of objects are rendered by one camera and another set with a different camera. The results of each camera rendering are merged together automatically by Unity and presented to the screen.
But don't take my word for it, this is what Unity has to say:
In the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), you use Camera Stacking to layer the output of multiple Cameras and create a single combined output. Camera Stacking allows you to create effects such as a 3D model in a 2D UI, or the cockpit of a vehicle. Tell me more...
...and (my emphasis):
A Camera Stack overrides the output of the Base Camera with the combined output of all the Cameras in the Camera Stack. As such, anything that you can do with the output of a Base Camera, you can do with the output of a Camera Stack. For example, you can render a Camera Stack to a given render target, apply post-process effects, and so on. Tell me more...
When you consider that each camera has the potential for its own rendering settings (including bloom) the solution is clear:
ensure there are two cameras in the scene, say My Default Camera and Bloomin' Camera
create a custom layer called "Bloom"
assign whatever objects you want to be rendered with a bloom to layer Bloom
setup the camera stack as per "Adding a Camera to a Camera Stack".
My Default Camera should be set to "Base":
Bloomin' Camera should be set to overlay:
Add Bloomin' Camera to My Default Camera Stack settings:
ensure that the Culling mask for My Default Camera has the Bloom layer unticked. This ensures that the objects to be bloomed are only drawn once on the Bloom layer
ensure that the Culling mask for Bloomin' Camera has a single ticked entry for the Bloom layer and nothing else. You don't want to double-up on rendering otherwise you will get funky and undesirable z-order effects apart from hurting game performance. Other layers will be rendered by My Default Camera.
apply bloom effects to camera Bloomin' Camera
run game, celebrate
The is global might sound confusing at first. Ultimately it does not mean where to apply the post processing effect, but when to apply the effect. If it is set to Global, it will always be applied, otherwise you can set a layer and a border that triggers the effect.
The general approach is to only set emission to materials where you want the effect to take place. If your Materials are to dark otherwise you should adjust the ambient lighting settings.
Atleast in URP there are some work arounds for older versions like this, but afaik this does not work in 2020.3 since they made some changes on URP and the camera system.
edit: on the video Chris Hull
Chris Hull game an answer for how to do it with the new system
#Mezzanine Add your actual game objects to a created bloom layer.
Create two cameras and set one of them to cull everything except that
bloom layer you made. Set the other to only cull the bloom layer. Then
you can set your camera to overlay and it will be added to the other.
You can then use separate post process stacks on these cameras. Note
that you can only bloom objects in the background with this technique
as if you add bloom to an overlay camera, for some reason it just adds
bloom to everything rather than just the things in that camera view.
Doesn't make much sense and makes the purpose of the layers redundant
in my opinion. If you can find a way to add post process to the
overlay camera before it is added to the final image, to do let me
i have not tested that yet, but i presume it's still valid.

Unity: Is there a 2D equivalent to the avatar mask that is used on the animator layers?

I am creating a 2D game and I want to add a shooting animation to my character.
I want to add it in a different animation layer so it will affect only the upper body part of my character while not breaking the basic movements animations such as idle, run and jump.
In tutorials and guides, I saw the usage of an avatar mask on 3D models.
Is there an option to use that masking on a 2D character?
Thank you :)
No, Unity doesn't provide out-of-the-box solutions for 2D Avatar Mask. One thing you can do to emulate this feature is split you character's body parts (arms, legs, torso, etc) into different animations, then assign each a Layer in the associated Animator Controller and control them programmatically via script.

Recommendations for clipping an entire scene in Unity

I'm looking for ways to clip an entire unity scene to a set of 4 planes. This is for an AR game, where I want to be able to zoom into a terrain, yet still have it only take up a given amount of space on a table (i.e: not extend over the edges of the table).
Thus far I've got clipping working as I want for the terrain and a water effect:
The above shows a much larger terrain being clipped to the size of the table. The other scene objects aren't clipped, since they use unmodifed standard shaders.
Here's a pic showing the terrain clipping in the editor.
You can see the clipping planes around the visible part of the terrain, and that other objects (trees etc) are not clipped and appear off the edge of the table.
The way I've done it involves adding parameters to each shader to define the clipping planes. This means customizing every shader I want to clip, which was fine when I was considering just terrain.
While this works, I'm not sure it's a great approach for hundreds of scene objects. I would need to modify whatever shaders I'm using, and then I'd have to be setting additional shader parameters every update for every object.
Not being an expert in Unity, I'm wondering if there are other approaches that are not "per shader" based that I might investigate?
The end goal is to render a scene within the bounds of some plane.
One easy way would be to use Box Colliders as triggers on each side of your plane. You could then turn off Renderers on objects staying in the trigger with OnTriggerEnter/OnTriggerStay and turn them on with OnTriggerExit.
You can also use Bounds.Contains.

Can not see game objects after change their layer in reference prefab in Unity

I'm creating a 2d game using Unity and get the following problem. When I change the layer of some game object in its reference prefab, I can not see that game object in the scene window.
In Unity, cameras can view one or more layers simultaneously. If you have created a new layer, be sure that at least one of your cameras is set to render it. You may have placed your object on a layer which is not currently being rendered on any of your scene's cameras.
Maybe you have set some layers as invisible. You can check visible layers in a popup list "Layers" at top right corner of Unity Editor window.