how to customize fb-like button and post_data - facebook

I am using the fb-like widget by facebook in my site. I want it to render image of the post and description when they like it and that like needs to render on to the facebook wall that they liked it. But fb-like is just showing the link as the description and header on the wall.

You need to add the Open Graph metatags to your page. Read step 2 in the Like button social plugin docs for a guide to creating these tags. This will ensure that your page appears correctly in posts.


How could i post an image in Facebook feed dialog

I've been using Facebook's Feed Dialog to let users on a site share content on their Facebook feed. On their feed there would be a picture that serves as a link to the page on my site, with some text below it like name, caption and description fields. All of these - picture, name, caption and description are now deprecated and stop working now :( Is there any other way to achieve this functionality using a different method, i've proved the quote parameter but I don't like it.
You cannot post pictures on user profiles, not with the API and not with the feed dialog. The feed dialog is for sharing URLs, but they can include an image in the og:image tag of the page source. So you just need to add the correct image in the page source, with an absolut path:

Blogger : Facebook share button for each post using iframe

Can't get facebook share button (IFRAME) to show for each separate blog post on Blogger.
Im using the FB dev share button configurator
I can get javascript to work, but I can't seem to place my button neatly.
Tried FB iframe and I can place button neatly.
with iframe :
I can't get the blog post to list.
It asks for a http url , rather than say data:post.url
Blogger uses XML.
Can anyone say what iframe code I would use for a FB share button on each blogger blog post ?
example for '' (which works)
Put this code in your bolg post footer
<a class='facebook share' expr:href='"" + data:blog.url' onclick=', &apos;windowName&apos;, &apos;width=550, height=600, left=24, top=24, scrollbars, resizable&apos;); return false;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>facebook</a>

use Facebook OpenGraph with a custom Facebook button?

I want to add Facebook OpenGraph tags to my page, but I also want to stick with the style of Facebook Like button that I currently have (a custom image tag).
The OpenGraph plugin instructions suggest you have to use Facebook's own Like button styles, and the customization options are limited.
Is there any way I can apply the Facebook Like code to my own image button?
UPDATE: to be clear, what I mean is that I have an image on my page that links to I don't have a standard Facebook Like button. Will this mean that the OpenGraph tags on my page don't actually do anything?
The old sharer.php endpoint will read the same meta tags as the Like button - when shared, the Facebook crawler accesses your site and pulls the metadata for the post (image, description, etc)
If you want to generate some sample metadata there's a form on the like button documentation (see 'step 2') to output tags in the correct format.
Use the Debug tool to see what tags Facebook detects on your site.
It's against facebook's policies to try and replicate or re-create the like button.
Adding open graph tags won't affect your page, but they will improve how it appears when shared or liked in Facebook.
You may create a button called share which opens the feed dialog (sharer.php is deprecated) but you must use the real like button, not a custom image tag.

Facebook Share/Like Button -> News Feed

I need a facebook share/like button on my page, that posts my page with picture, title, description etc. into the news feed. I've created one with the Facebook "Like-generator" and bring it succesful on my page, but when I click on "like" my page is not in the news feed, only on my wall.
As a second step I want to activate a form when the user shares the page on facebook. Is it possible to do that? FB.Event.subscribe?
I need a direct share (one-click share) of the page - without click a second time share on:
I found an example of this button I need
On this site there is a button called "Empfehlen", when you click on this button, the page will be post on your wall and it will be displayed in the news feed.
Like button clicks will post on the users wall 100% of the time; however, facebook uses an algorithm to determine the relevance of the link and that determines the probability of that post appearing on the users news feed. So in other words, not everything you post on your wall will appear on your news feed. This is new, before, everything wall post appeared on the news feed but facebook is now selling space on the news feed to commercial page wall posts so that limits the space for regular pages
Facebook has rather extensive documentation on how to make like buttons, including a code generator.
First, you have to add a facebook like button on your page. And then you have to set up the open graph meta tags in the <head> of your page. These tags allow you to describe the page with a title, a description and an image which will be displayed in the news feed.
These two steps are described here :

FaceBook share button to post content on FaceBook

i have added facebook share button on my site, by clicking on that button i want to post content on facebook.
how can i do this?
You can generate the code for it here:
With documentation here:
You can use meta tags to control the thumbnail and description. The title comes from your sites title.
Consider also the Like and Recommend button: