could u suggest some socialnetworking plugins for inviting and adding friends,
for both registerd and unregistered users in website.
Check this website for building a social networking site in rails using some plugins.
and check the stackoverflow question for some more information.
Best Ruby on Rails social networking framework
I am working for designing a web site where I use the Play Framework web application framework. I want to give a feature for the end-users to login to my web site using Facebook, Twitter and Gmail. But how to implement the same feature in Play framework as it uses scala.html? I have searched for the same, but I got the links related to php application. Is Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail provide APIs free of cost?
Thanks. is answer for your question, is the Play framework plugin, you can use it for Authentication and Authorization through the Social sites. Also it supports for Java & Scala and its an active project.
I've successfully implemented SSO Authentication with Gmail using the play-pac4j library which also supports Facebook and Twitter.
I'd like to have a facebook or alike log-in plug-in feature for my website so that my users would just user their social account to log in to my website. What would you recommend? Thanks!
PS I'm using wordpress 3.3
Using oAuth you can achieve this. From facebook developer account you have to create an app id. Then use that app id to send the request.
Read It has got everything you would like to implement for social login using facebook.
here's one. compatible with wordpress 3.3. Also has a couple of advanced features for example being enabling the user to share stuff to his timeline.
Also, if you just require a simple login check this out:
This plugin allows the user to sign in from any of the popular social networks into your site.
Or, if you want to code a custom functionality, you should check facebook sdk.
I need to integrate facebook in my playN game(gwt). The user should be able to login to facebook and get the friendlist, online presence and so on.
Can any on please suggest some of the facebook apis for this?
Thanks In Advance.
You might want to consider using socialauth in your GWT backend code. I currently use this for G+ and Facebook integration server side.
I am currently developing the mobile version of my site.
Can you please give me a tutorial to integrate Facebook connect / Twitter so users can connect.
This can help you :
This blog post contains the detail answer for both facebook connect and twitter. Of course, as the blogger mentions he is extending on the technique provided at
If you want to avoid phonegap, this solution is pretty neat -
Otherwise, the newer phonegap friendly solution uses their plugins directly, which can leverage some native apps and avoid the difficulties of OAuth - &
I like the idea to add to my website a Face Book Comment Plug-In, this would allow my Users to comment and share my pages with their friends.
I understand this Plug-in come from Face Book and it is working with Anonymous User as for registers FB users.
What about other logged-in users like Google, Yahoo?
Albeit Face Book is quite popular I would like to know if exist some other free service out there that would allow commenting my pages from a wider range of registered users from other service like Google Account an Yahoo a bit similar to what OpenId provide for registering to a website.
Do you know any ideas?
Thanks for your time!
PS: Does FB support OpenId?
Take a look at Disqus. They integrate with Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and OpenID.
DISQUS is a comments platform that
helps you build an active community
from your website's audience. It has
awesome features, powerful tools, and
it's easy to install.