mongodb search results - mongodb

I'd like to display the total of number of records a query found and then the search results below it. Currently I do this with 2 queries like so:
$total_results = $mydb->count($qry);
$r = $mydb->find($qry)
Is it possible to somehow combine the count and find queries into a single call that returns both info? Or can this only be done by issuing 2 separate queries like I'm already doing?

I asked a similar question, looks like you'll have to run it twice.
How to handle pagination queries properly with mongodb and php?


Need help querying distinct combinations of nested fields

Desired result
I am trying to query my collection and obtain every unique combination of a batch and entry code. I don't care about anything other than these fields, the parent objects do not matter to me.
What I have tried
I tried running:
db.accountant_ledgers.aggregate( [ {"$group": { "_id": { entryCode: "$actions.entry.entryCode", batchCode: "$actions.entry.batchCode" } } } ]);
I get unexpected results when I run that query. I'm looking for a list of every unique combination of batch and entry codes, but instead I get a list of arrays? Perhaps these are the results I'm looking for, but I have no idea how to read them if they are.
I think perhaps this could have to do with the fact that these fields are nested. Each object has several actions, each action has several entries. I believe that the result from that query is just the aggregated entry and batch codes found in each object. I don't know how long the list of results is, but I'd guess it's the same number as the total number of objects in my collection (~90 million).
EDIT: I found out that there are only 182 results from my query, which is clearly significantly smaller than 90 million. My new theory is that it has found all unique objects, with the criteria for "uniqueness" being the list of the batch and entry codes that appear in their actions, which makes sense. There should be a lot of repetition in the collection.
How can I achieve the result I'm looking for? I'm expecting something like:
I apologize if this is a bad question, I'm not sure how else to frame it. Let me know if I can improve my question at all.
Picture below shows the results of the query.
I can't share any sample documents, but the general structure of the data is shown (crudely) in the below image. Each Entity has several Actions, each Action has one Entry and each Entry has one Batch code and one Entry code.
List item
You are getting a list of documents (each is a map or a hash), not a list of arrays.
The GUI you are using is trying to show you the contents of each document on the top level which is maybe what is confusing.
If you run the query in mongo shell you should see a list of documents.
It looks like your inputs are documents where entry code and batch code are arrays, if so:
Edit your question to include sample documents you are querying as text
You could use $unwind to flatten those arrays before using $group.

How to skip elements before certain document

I am writing a mobile application which has lazy loading page. My backend is using go and mongodb with mongo-go driver. There are 10 elements on that page and i want to get next ten when i scroll to the bottom. I am planning to send ObjectID (_id) as request query parameter and get next ten elements starting from the index of id + 1.
I write what i want in mongo shell "language" so that more people understand what i want and can help in shell syntax.
Is there a way to get index of the document by it's _id or may be i can get skip until it in skip().
something like db.collection.find().skip(idOfDocument+1).limit(10)
I found the answer here.
nextDocuments = db.collection.find({'_id'> last_id}).limit(10)

Querying MongoDB: retreive shops by name and by location with one single query

Hi folks!
I'm building a "search shops" application using MEAN Stack.
I store shops documents in MongoDB "location" collection like this:
_id: .....
name: ...//shop name
location : //...GEOJson
UI provides to the users one single input for shops searching. Basically, I would perform one single query to retrieve in the same results array:
All shops near the user (eventually limit to x)
All shops named "like" the input value
On logical side, I think this is a "$or like" query
Based on this answer
Using full text search with geospatial index on Mongodb
probably assign two special indexes (2dsphere and full text) to the collection is not the right manner to achieve this, anyway I think this is a different case just because I really don't want to apply sequential filter to results, "simply" want to retreive data with 2 distinct criteria.
If I should set indexes on my collection, of course the approach is to perform two distinct queries with two distinct mehtods ($near for locations and $text for name), and then merge the results with some server side logic to remove duplicate documents and sort them in some useful way for user experience, but I'm still wondering if exists a method to achieve this result with one single query.
So, the question is: is it possible or this kind of approach is out of MongoDB purpose?
Hope this is clear and hope that someone can teach something today!

Get total number of matches along with result in algolia

I am looking for something like FOUND_ROWS() in mysql select query in algolia results as I need to keep a track of how many total results to expect. Is there someway to get this in Algolia?
The proper way to obtain the number of results is to access the nbHits value which is available in the JSON response of every search call.

Spring data mongoDB GeoNear query with excluding fields

I don't know if I am doing something wrong or it is a bug.
I have the following code:
Query criteria = new Query(Criteria.where("locationTime").gte(
NearQuery query = NearQuery.near(point).maxDistance(maxDistance)
GeoResults<Profile> result = mongoTemplate
.geoNear(query, Profile.class);
I am executing the query and profiles near by retrieved correctly according to distance and the "locationTime" criteria but it seems to ignore the excluded field and retrieving the profiles with their friends.
When I use simple query the exclude/include fields works perfectly.
I looked every where and could not find any resemble use-case, please let me know if i am doing something wrong.
There's no way to limit the fields with a geoNear command, as far as I know.
I looked into calling executeCommand to try to work around the limitations of Spring Data, but it looks like they don't even have a way to do it from the raw command.