Get total number of matches along with result in algolia - algolia

I am looking for something like FOUND_ROWS() in mysql select query in algolia results as I need to keep a track of how many total results to expect. Is there someway to get this in Algolia?

The proper way to obtain the number of results is to access the nbHits value which is available in the JSON response of every search call.


Algolia optionalFilters acts like filters on virtual index

I have my index and virtual index, on my index query like:
"facetFilters": [["objectID:12345", "tag:Luxury","tag:Makeup"]], // 12345 or luxury or makeup
"optionalFilters": "objectID:12345" // put it as first
will return all documents that have given object id or tag luxury or tag makeup and puts object with id "12345" as first. It behaves like expected.
But when I run the same query on my virtual index it only returns document with given id "12456". So it behave like filter where in docs it says:
Unlike filters, optional filters don’t remove records from your search results when your query doesn’t match them. Instead, they divide your records into two sets: the results that match the optional filter, and the ones that don’t.
Weird. I just set this up and am seeing the same results. I don't see anything in the docs that would explain why the behavior would be different, so I'm reaching out to some engineering colleagues to see what's going on.
Algolia virtual replicas and optionalFilters both do out-of-band sorting of results at query time. It looks like those two features are causing strangeness when they both try to do their sort. I've cut a ticket on this, but for now to get the results you'll want to use a standard replica with optionalFilters -- the standard replica will do index-time sorting and then the optionalFilters can layer their query time filtering on top of it.

Need help querying distinct combinations of nested fields

Desired result
I am trying to query my collection and obtain every unique combination of a batch and entry code. I don't care about anything other than these fields, the parent objects do not matter to me.
What I have tried
I tried running:
db.accountant_ledgers.aggregate( [ {"$group": { "_id": { entryCode: "$actions.entry.entryCode", batchCode: "$actions.entry.batchCode" } } } ]);
I get unexpected results when I run that query. I'm looking for a list of every unique combination of batch and entry codes, but instead I get a list of arrays? Perhaps these are the results I'm looking for, but I have no idea how to read them if they are.
I think perhaps this could have to do with the fact that these fields are nested. Each object has several actions, each action has several entries. I believe that the result from that query is just the aggregated entry and batch codes found in each object. I don't know how long the list of results is, but I'd guess it's the same number as the total number of objects in my collection (~90 million).
EDIT: I found out that there are only 182 results from my query, which is clearly significantly smaller than 90 million. My new theory is that it has found all unique objects, with the criteria for "uniqueness" being the list of the batch and entry codes that appear in their actions, which makes sense. There should be a lot of repetition in the collection.
How can I achieve the result I'm looking for? I'm expecting something like:
I apologize if this is a bad question, I'm not sure how else to frame it. Let me know if I can improve my question at all.
Picture below shows the results of the query.
I can't share any sample documents, but the general structure of the data is shown (crudely) in the below image. Each Entity has several Actions, each Action has one Entry and each Entry has one Batch code and one Entry code.
List item
You are getting a list of documents (each is a map or a hash), not a list of arrays.
The GUI you are using is trying to show you the contents of each document on the top level which is maybe what is confusing.
If you run the query in mongo shell you should see a list of documents.
It looks like your inputs are documents where entry code and batch code are arrays, if so:
Edit your question to include sample documents you are querying as text
You could use $unwind to flatten those arrays before using $group.

Why MongoDB find has same performance as count

I am running tests against my MongoDB and for some reason find has the same performance as count.
orders collection size: ~20M,
orders with product_id 6: ~5K
product_id is indexed for improved performance.
Query: db.orders.find({product_id: 6}) vs db.orders.find({product_id: 6}).count()
result the orders for the product vs 5K after 0.08ms
Why count isn't dramatically faster? it can find the first and last elements position with the product_id index
As Mongo documentation for count states, calling count is same as calling find, but instead of returning the docs, it just counts them. In order to perform this count, it iterates over the cursor. It can't just read the index and determine the number of documents based on first and last value of some ID, especially since you can have index on some other field that's not ID (and Mongo IDs are not auto-incrementing). So basically find and count is the same operation, but instead of getting the documents, it just goes over them and sums their number and return it to you.
Also, if you want a faster result, you could use estimatedDocumentsCount (docs) which would go straight to collection's metadata. This results in loss of the ability to ask "What number of documents can I expect if I trigger this query?". If you need to find a count of docs for a query in a faster way, then you could use countDocuments (docs) which is a wrapper around an aggregate query. From my knowledge of Mongo, the provided query looks like a fastest way to count query results without calling count. I guess that this should be preferred way regarding performances for counting the docs from now on (since it's introduced in version 4.0.3).

How to fetch all documents from a collection using Firestore API?
I want to fetch all the documents from my collection using REST for reporting purposes.
I tried using list method in API explorer but I am only getting max 30 documents at a time and for next page I have to use the nextPageToken.
I have even tried giving the pageSize to 100, even then it is returning only 30 documents as it is for maximum number of documents to return. Is there any way I can fetch all documents?
I have around 3-4k simple documents.
The example here works for me:
You can use paging by finding the "nextPageToken" at the end of the json, then inserting it like so:
However it still limits the max pageSize to 300 for me. (odd that it limits it to 30 for you)

mongodb search results

I'd like to display the total of number of records a query found and then the search results below it. Currently I do this with 2 queries like so:
$total_results = $mydb->count($qry);
$r = $mydb->find($qry)
Is it possible to somehow combine the count and find queries into a single call that returns both info? Or can this only be done by issuing 2 separate queries like I'm already doing?
I asked a similar question, looks like you'll have to run it twice.
How to handle pagination queries properly with mongodb and php?