BEST approach to share messages between data tier and application tier - tsql

I was looking for any suggestion or a good approach to handle messages between the data & application tier, what i mean with this is when using store procedures or even using direct SQL statements in the application, there should be a way the data tier notifies upper layers about statement/operation results in at least an organized way.
What i commonly use is two variables in every store procedure:
#code INT,
#message VARCHAR(1024)
I put the DML statements inside a TRY CATCH block and at the end of the try block, set both variables to certain status meaning everything went ok, as you might be thinking i do the opposite on the catch block, set both variables to some failure code if needed perform some error handling.
After the TRY CATCH block i return the result using a record:
SELECT #code AS code, #message AS message
These two variables are used in upper tiers for validation purposes as sending messages to the user, also for committing o rolling back transactions.
Perhaps i'm missing important features like RAISERROR or not cosidering better and more optimal and secure approaches.
I would appreciate your advices and good practices, not asking for cooks recipes there's no need, just the idea but if you decide to include examples they'd be more than welcome.

The generally accepted approach for dealing with this is to have your sproc set a return values
and use raise error as has been previously suggested.
The key thing that I suspect you are missing is how to get this data back on the client side.
If you are in a .net environment, you can check for the return value as part of the code. The raise error messages can be captured by catching the SqlException object and iterating through the errors collection.
Alternatively, you could create and event handler and attach to the connection InfoMessage event. This would allow you to get the messages as they are generated from sql server instead of at the completion of the batch or stored procedure.
another option which I wouldn't recommend, would be to track all of the things you care about into a XML message and return that from the stored proc this gives you a little more structure then your free text field approach.

My experience has been to rely on the inherent workings of the procedure mechanisms. What I mean by this is that if a procedure is to fail, either the implicit raised error (if not using try/catch . . . simply CRUD stuff) or using the explicit RAISERROR. This means that if the code falls into the catch block and I want to notify the application of the error, I would re-raise the error with RAISERROR. In the past, I've have created a custom rethrow procedure so I can trap and log the error information. One could use the rethrow as an opportunity to throw a custom message/code that could be used to guide the application down a different decision path. If the calling application doesn't receive an error on execution, it's safe to assume that it succeeded - so explicit transaction committing can commence.
I've never attempted to write in my own communication mechanism for interaction between the app and the stored proc - the objects in the languages I interact with have events or mechanisms to detect the raised error from the procedure. It sounds to me like your approach doesn't necessarily require too much more code than standard error handling, but I do find it confusing as it seems to be a reinventing the wheel type of scenario.
I hope I've not misunderstood what you are doing, nor do I want to come off as critical; I do believe, however, you have this feedback mechanism available with the standard API and are probably making this too complicated. I would recommend reading up on RAISERROR and see if it's going to meet your needs (see the Using RAISERROR link for this at the bottom of the page as well).


ZIO [Declarative] Transactional Management

I spent a lot of time figuring out transactions on my otherwise well running ZIO+HTTP4S+Doobie-project.
How can I have proper [declarative] transaction management? Something like Spring #Transactional.
I read this very good post from-transactional-to-type-safe-reasonable-transactions, but ironically have exactly the alleged Spring challenge of getting confused how/where the transactions are precisely handled :)
Also tried tranzactio, even a entered a question under issues, where my PR (on my fork) seems to indicate individual transact calls are grouped in a single transaction?!
And here in bootzooka which is on the ZIO references list, I don't understand why the Resource is 'used' only once in main, and then transact is called around the logic. Well, I understand why it works, but I don't see any 'Strategy' or anything else letting me handle when an error in the first ZIO-effekt would let me control what happens to the second flatmapped effect...
Or how to assure there will be a single transaction happening for a HTTP4S-request.
Or an error handler, that got a #RequiresNew to actually store information about the error somewhere in the databse, even when all the previous logic is correctly rolled back.
I wouldn't mind helping others by writing up something about this, but I clearly have more to learn. About Doobie and ZLayers and so forth.
If there is something I am clearly missing here, please let me know :-)

Lagom | Return Values from read side processor

We are using Lagom for developing our set of microservices. The trick here is that although we are using event sourcing and persisting events into cassandra but we have to store the data in one of the graph DB as well since it will be the one that will be serving most of the queries because of the use case.
As per the Lagom's documentation, all the insertion into Graph database(or any other database) has to be done in ReadSideProcecssor after the command handler persist the events into cassandra as followed by philosophy of CQRS.
Now here is the problem which we are facing. We believe that the ReadSideProcecssor is a listener which gets triggered after the events are generated and persisted. What we want is we could return the response back from the ReadSideProcecssor to the ServiceImpl. Example when a user is added to the system, the unique id generated by the graph has to be returned as one of the response headers. How that can be achieved in Lagom since the response is constructed from setCommandHandler and not the ReadSideProcessor.
Also, we need to make sure that if due to any error at graph side, the API should notify the client that the request has failed but again exceptions occuring in ReadSideProcessor are not propagated to either PersistentEntity or ServiceImpl class. How can that be achieved as well?
Any helps are much appreciated.
The read side processor is not a listener that is attached to the command - it is actually completely disconnected from the persistent entity, it may be running on a different node, at a different time, perhaps even years in the future if you add a new read side processor that first comes up to speed with all the old events in history. If the read side processor were connected synchronously to the command, then it would not be CQRS, there would not be segregation between the command and the query side.
Read side processors essentially poll the database for new events, processing them as they detect them. You can add a new read side processor at any time, and it will get all events from all of history, not just the new ones that are added, this is one of the great things about event sourcing, you don't need to anticipate all your query needs from the start, you can add them as the query need comes.
To further explain why you don't want a connection between the two - what happens if the event persist succeeds, but the update on the graph db fails? Perhaps the graph db is crashed. Does the command have to retry? Does the event have to be deleted? What happens if the node doing the update itself crashes before it has an opportunity to fix the problem? Now your read side is in an inconsistent state from your entities. Connecting them leads to inconsistency in many failure scenarios - for example, like when you update your address with a utility company, and but your bills still go to the old address, and you contact them, and they say "yes, your new address is updated in our system", but they still go to the old address - that's the sort of terrible user experience that you are signing your users up for if you try to connect your read side and write side together. Disconnecting allows Lagom to ensure consistency between the events you have emitted on the write side, and the consumption of them on the read side.
So to address your specific concerns: ID generation should be done on the write side, or, if a subsequent ID is generated on the read side, it should also provide a way of mapping the IDs on the write side to the read side ID. And as for handling errors on the read side - all validation should be done on the write side - the write side should ensure that it never emits an event that is invalid.
Now if the read side processor encounters something that is invalid, then it has two options. One option is it could fail. In many cases, this is a good option, since if something is invalid or inconsistent, then it's likely that either you have a bug or some form of corruption. What you don't want to do is continue processing as if everything is happy, since that might make the data corruption or inconsistency even worse. Instead the read side processor stops, your monitoring should then detect the error, and you can go in and work out either what the bug is or fix the corruption. Of course, there are downsides to doing this, your read side will start lagging behind the write side while it's unable to process new events. But that's also an advantage of CQRS - the write side is able to continue working, continue enforcing consistency, etc, the failure is just isolated to the read side, and only in updating the read side. Instead of your whole system going down and refusing to accept new requests due to this bug, it's isolated to just where the problem is.
The other option that the read side has is it can store the error somewhere - eg, store the event in a dead letter table, or raise some sort of trouble ticket, and then continue processing. This way, you can go and fix the event after the fact. This ensures greater availability, but does come at the risk that if that event that it failed to process was important to the processing of subsequent events, you've potentially just got yourself into a bigger mess.
Now this does introduce specific constraints on what you can and can't do, but I can't really anticipate those without specific knowledge of your use case to know how to address them. A common constraint is set validation - for example, how do you ensure that email addresses are unique to a single user in your system? Greg Young (the CQRS guy) wrote this blog post about those types of problems:

CQRS - sending response by command with immediate consistency

I have the following architecture:
Ofc. there are ports and adapters, and everything else you can imagine...
What do you suggest, how to send a rest response by immediate consistency? Should I add another event bus and raise an event? (I guess the projection must send something about the success.)
How to handle errors in an event based system like this? (The event bus is not necessary, I can solve loose coupling with an IoC container, but I don't think sending a callback through so many objects would be a good solution.)
It's not hard, instead of sending a command, you can call directly the command handler from controller. Or have a service method which will handle the input and returns something. The important bit is that all these are done synchronously (i.e you need to wait until the handler finishes). The domain events handlers are unaffected, they can be async.
If you don't want to go 'hybrid' and want to always use the same workflow (as described in your pic) things are more complicated, you need the client to check often if the operation has completed. I think the better way is to be flexible so, for some tasks you can use the 'old' ways. The domain events will still be generated and handled, that part would not change. You're just changing the way a 'command' is executed.
Also, it's worth mentioning that you shouldn't expect responses from event handlers and if it makes you feel better, use the 'request-response' terminology instead of command-response.
Btw, you don't break CQRS this way, as long as your domain model isn't used to do queries i.e you have different model for writes and reads, it is CQRS.
Immediate consistency, at what cost? are you using DTC?
What if you later on want to have more than one subscriber for a given event in the read model, how many transactions will be involved in a DTC transaction scope? In order for you to have immediate consistency your events need to be handled sync, so what is the benefit in this architecture?
You can have immediate consistency and even immediate user notifications with client callback (signalR), but IMHO you should changes a few things in your architecture, starting with the drop of the immediate consistency bit.
Why do you think you need that btw?

What is the correct failure mode for Modbus (0x10) Write Multiple Registers (if any)?

How should a Modbus device fail if an error is encountered after a Write Multiple Register (0x10) request has been validated but before all writes have been completed? The specification (6.12) seems vague on this point and web searches have not proven fruitful. I see three possibilities:
Attempt to write each register in turn. If an error occurs immediately give up/send an exception.
Treat the request as an atomic transaction where either all data should be written or none of it.
Attempt to write all data sending an exception at the end if any failure was observed.
Is there a conventional or proper way to fail here or is the way a device fails implementation specific requiring only that it be documented in the manual?
According to Figure 22: Write Multiple Registers state diagram on page 31 of the specification exception code 4 should be returned but the protocol itself does not specify how the application layer should work.
The way your device fails must consider constraints and possible side effects. For example if you accept some control commands (set point value or just setting multiple outputs assigned to different registers) it is a good practice to never assign such values directly from registers but with some validation first before re-writing the value to internal program variables which are used to drive IOs or influence any control actions. Such approach complies with option 2 from your list.
You can implement whatever behavior works best provided it’s documented. If your slave is under control of a master capable of implementing part of your application layer you may also consider support for diagnostic or error information requests from slave in case of failure but such functionality is not specified for exception 0x4 to function code 0x10.
Since master can't know what is successfully written and what is not in case of such a partially failed write operation, most appropriate approach would be "all-or-nothing", just like you mentioned at #2. It's the hardest path to implement, but it's the only approach where master won't end up in an ambiguous state on such an error.

What coredata errors should I prepare for?

I have an app getting close to release date, but it occurred to me that wherever I have core data save and/or fetch requests I'm not really handling the errors other than to check if they exist and #throw them, which I'm sure will seem almost like nails on a chalkboard to more experienced programmers, and surely there's some kind of disaster waiting to happen.
So to be specific, what kinds of errors can I expect from A) Fetches, and B) Saves, and also C) in general terms, how should I deal with these?
You can see the Core Data Constants Reference to get an idea about what kind of errors you can expect to see in general.
For fetches, the most common issue is that the fetch returns an empty array. Make sure that your view controllers, datasources and delegates can handle an empty fetch. If you dynamically construct complex predicates, make sure catch exceptions from an invalid predicate.
Most save errors results from validation errors. You should have a error recovery for every validation you supply. One common and somewhat hidden validation error is not providing a required relationship.
One thing that trips people up with Objective-c is that errors and exceptions are slightly different critters than they are in other languages. In Objective-C an error is something that the programmer should anticipate and plan for in the normal operation of the application e.g. a missing file. By contrast an exception is something exceptional that the programmer wouldn't expect the app to have to routinely handle e.g. a corrupted file.
Therefore, in Core Data a validation failure would be an common expected and unexceptional error whereas as corrupted persistent store would be a rare, unexpected and highly exceptional exception.
See the Exceptions Programming Guide and the Error Handling Programming Guide for details.