Image Paging Like the iTunes App Store, in a UITableViewCell - iphone

The specific thing I am looking at doing can be found on the App Store Application when you view an App. The screenshots of an app can be swiped from left to right to view. From what I can tell they have a UITableView with different cells holding the content. And for that one UITableViewCell where the images are Swiped left and right they use a UIScrollView with paging enabled.
I know about ScrollingMadness and the TTScrollView Classes, but both are outdated. With 3.0 the SDK can handle the problem without much code. Also my app needs to be a universal binary for iPad and iPhone so Three20 is kinda out of the question.
So my question is: Is this architecture best to solve the problem? A UITableViewCell with a UIScrollView with paging as a subview? How did Apple do it in the App Store app?

I would guess that the screen you are talking about is not a TableView but in fact a ScrollView. The image preview is probably another scrollview in the main scrollview or a custom view implementation. I suggest you use a scrollview and for the preview section, have a look at Apple's PageControl sample code.


Size of UIView object in Interface Builder changes when using the app

I have an extra UIView object that I just dragged onto the storyboard. It covers the entire iPhone screen. So I clicked on it and dragged it until it only covered half of the iPhone screen.
This is what my storyboard looks like with my extra UIView object selected:
However, when I actually use the app on my iPhone, the UIView is much smaller and doesn't even take up half of the screen(It's the square with the stackoverflow site image inside of it):
How can I keep it from being smaller when I actually run the app? When running the app, I want the UIView object to be the same size as it is on the storyboard in xcode.
Thanks for the help.
You must have selected Autolayout. Uncheck it and problem is resolved.

How to use Multiple Subview as Cover flow For IPad?

I am working on Ipad application.In this application i want to add 15 subviews on my MainClass.Xib.
As my screen shot show that when i click on any subview its zoom out .my question is little bit related to coverflow,but problem for me is that how can i add all these subview at mainview.xib and then using all behave these like cover flow.all these subview get some data from can any one guide me how can i do this.Any help will be

Whats the approach to create a view similar to the one at apple app store

I wanted to know how can we design the view controller such that.., the upper half of the screen remains fixed and the below part of the screen can be navigated through.. !!
Should we use slipScreenController here ?
Your description sounds nothing like the Appstore app but the Appstore app simply has one vertical UIScrollView and another horizontal UIScrollView inside that for images.
If you are referring to browsing categories in AppStore then:
That is a tableView implemented in such way that it doesn't take the whole screen area. You need to create a UIViewController (not UITableViewController) and than add a tableView to the view (using Interface Builder or code). That way you can change the size and position of the tableView and use the remaining area of the view for something else, for example a UISegmentedControl above the tableView.
If you are reffering to reading description and images of single app then I think that UIScrollView is used for displaying images, not sure about the rest.

Lazy loading of subViews into a non-paging UIScrollView

I am trying to implement a filmstrip-like UIScrollView that will be populated with thumbnails of catalog pages. Selecting a thumbnail image will cause the main UIScrollView to move to the selected page. The Catalog may contain 100 - 200 pages, and I want to load them lazily only when required.
I have done this in a UIScrollView with paging enabled, but haven't seen anything on the best way to do this in a non-paging scenario. There will be 6 thumbnails visible in the UIScrollView (+ 1 when the view is being scrolled) at any one time. I want to dequeue and reuse the thumbnail's UIView when the view is scrolled, as I am doing in the main UIScrollView (which is a paging scroll view).
Thanks -
I am also going to suggest you take a look at some sample code of Apple, that is, Photo Scroller. If you are a registered iOS developer, you should also take a look at the WWDC10 session about scroll views in iPhone applications.
What you need to do is mimic the behavior of a table view (which is nothing more than a subclass of UIScrollView). What you should mimic is the reuse of the cells. It is pretty easy to implement and will dramatically reduce the memory foot print of your application since you only load the content that is currently visible in the scroll view.
I hope this helps.
Check out the scrollview suite sample code from apple. The tiled example can probably be repurposed very easily.
Check out this may proove helpful..

webOS style view switching on iPhone app

I have been working with a iPhone app that I would like to have switch views like the Palm Pre does for multitasking. I know the usual way of switching views by using the black bar at the bottom of the app but the app I am working on does not lend itself to having a big black bar in the way (see attached picture #1).
I guess my question is, how do I shrink the current view (Current Location window) and show other views on the sides? (see attached picture #2) Then be able to swipe left and right to view other views. I have no idea how to do this and would be eternally grateful if someone could help me out with this.
The architecture should be similar to that of NavigationController: you have a number of ViewControllers each responsible for one card in your app. Then you have a 'super-controller' which controls these ViewControllers, by adding and removing their controlled views from the superview when necessary.
You'll need to use CoreAnimation and write the animations yourself.
i would use a UIScrollView and each card can be a small view that is shown by setting the contentoff set.