Best practices for MATLAB message IDs? - matlab

When creation a MATLAB exception (MException object) or printing a warning or error message, MATLAB lets you supply a message ID that defines the except you're throwing.
The message ID is in the format:
For example, MATLAB's own undefined variable message ID is:
So when you use exceptions in your own code, what do you use for a message ID? Do you reuse MATLAB's default ones? Make up your own? What do you use for the component and mnemonic strings?

I generally follow this pattern for error (or warning) message identifiers, where things in parentheses may or may not be present:
The components are:
className: The name of the class, if the function where the error occurs is a method/constructor.
parentFunction: If the function where the error occurs is a subfunction in an m-file or a nested function, this would be the primary m-file function or the parent of the nested function, respectively. You could therefore have multiple parentFunction components.
functionWhereErrorOccurs: The name of this component is pretty self-explanatory. ;)
descriptiveMnemonic: I stress descriptive. For example inputError doesn't really tell me anything, but notEnoughInputs makes it clear that I didn't pass enough arguments. I always use lower camel case for the mnemonic, where the first letter of a word is capitalized except for the very first word.
The className and parentFunction components could be considered somewhat redundant, since the stack property of the MException class already identifies a complete path to the parent m-file and the line number of the error. However, one of the purposes of a message identifier is that it allows you to uniquely identify an error for purposes other than just hunting down the source of the error.
Let's say you have a function myFcn and a class myClass that overloads myFcn. If you make an error message identifier for the first one be myFcn:maxIterationsReached and an error message identifier for the second one be myClass:myFcn:maxIterationsReached, this would allow you to, for example, set a breakpoint with DBSTOP that halts execution only when this error is produced by myClass\myFcn and not myFcn. Likewise, unique warning message identifiers are useful in that you can specifically choose to ignore warnings from specific functions while letting others be displayed.
Additionally, you could also include components in the identifier indicating that the function where the error occurs is located in a package folder or a private folder (but this might make for a rather long identifier).

In my work I use YMA:(mainFunctionName):(descriptiveMnemonic), where YMA are simply my initials. For example, all the warnings and errors invoked in my UIInspect utility have IDs similar to YMA:uiinspect:XXX.


"Undefined function 'function_name' for input arguments of type 'double'."

A question that pops up quite frequently in different shapes and sizes is: Why do I get the following error message:
"Undefined function 'function_name' for input arguments of type 'double'."
This post attempts to address all the different scenarios where this error message can occur, and propose solutions for how it can be resolved.
If you stumble upon this error message and don't know what it means. Take comfort in this: 90% of us have googled the same phrase.
"Undefined function 'int' for input arguments of type 'double'."
The error message is pretty self-explanatory but may still cause confusion. (I chose 'int' at random, it could just as well be 'train', 'table', 'my_function' or anything else).
There are two main cases where this error occurs:
You are trying to use a function that doesn't exist (yet)
You are trying to access an element in a variable that doesn't exist (yet)
What do you do if you get this error?
First, you might want to try which. This will tell you whether or not the function or variable you're trying to use is defined.
which int
'int' not found.
It's quite obvious, that Matlab can't find any functions or variables named int. Trying to use it is therefore futile. Let's compare it to max:
which max
built-in (C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\matlab\datafun\#logical\max) % logical method
But, you might get the following, even if you get the "Undefined function 'x' ...". If so, see point 3 below.
which x
x is a variable.
1. But the function "int" exists! It is even documented here!?
Yes, int exists, but only if you have the Symbolic Toolbox. Since Toolboxes are additional packages that must be purchased separately (and can be quite expensive), chances are you don't have that package.
If you get the "Undefined function" error, but find the function in the documentation, have a look in the menu to the left, or simply check the address. Standard Matlab functions have addresses such as:
Notice the "matlab" part. If you see this, then you are using a function that is part of the core Matlab.
If however, you see an address such as the one below, then the function you are trying to use is part of the Symbolic Toolbox:
or maybe it's part of the Neural Network Toolbox:
Solution: Find another function that isn't part of a toolbox you don't have. Chances are you'll find what you are looking for if you are a skilled googler. If you can't find it, ask for help. Explain what you have tried, and show that you have done some effort!
2. But the function is documented here, and is part of core Matlab!?
Even though a function is part of the standard Matlab installation, and is well documented, you may still get this error. The most likely cause for this error is that you are using an older version of Matlab. If you check the documentation you'll see the following at the bottom of the page:
Introduced in R2013b
So, if you are using R2012b then you can't use for instance table.
Solution: Check if the function is defined in your version of Matlab. If it's not yet implemented then you either need to update Matlab or find another way to do it. An alternative to table can for instance be to use cells or structs.
3. But the variable "my_variable" exists! I created it in the line above!
No, you didn't. Chances are you created the variable myvariable, my_Variable, my_Variable or something similar in the line above. It's also possible that you have created it, but have accidentally cleared it.
Solution: Go through the code. Look for typos, places where you have accidentally cleared the variable etc. Inside the Matlab editor you will get the following line at the bottom if you mark a variable: "3 usages of "x" found" if you have defined and used the function. You will also get an orange line underneath unused variables.
4. But I get "y is a variable" when I type which y?
If you get the error above "Undefined function 'y', but which tells you y exists, your error message contains a few more lines:
Undefined function or variable 'y'.
Error in my_function (line 2)
t = x*y;
>> which y
y is a variable.
What this tells you is that you have a variable called y in your Matlab Workspace (also check this link).
The problem is that functions can't access this workspace:
Functions do not use the base workspace. Every function has its own function workspace.
If you want a function to see and use a variable, you must pass it as an argument. This way the variable will be part of the local workspace for that function. Similarly, if you want variables created inside the function to be accessible outside of the function you must have them as output from the function.
Solution: Pass the variables you want to use as input arguments to the function you use. Make sure the names inside the functions are internally consistent. I.e. it must have the same name throughout the function. Note that there is no connection between the variable names outside and inside the function.
5. But I pass the variable as an input to the function, but I still get the same error message!?
Yes, you probably use the variable as input. However, the variable names are not necessarily the same in different functions (most often they are not).
Suppose you have the function:
function output = my_function(x)
output = 2*y;
You'll get the same error as above if you call it from the workspace as in the code below, even though you are using y as input variable, and use y inside the function.
y = 3;
res = my_function(y)
This is because, inside the function my_function, the variable you use as input will be called x, regardless of what it was called outside the function.
Solution: Change the name of the input variable name in the function header, or change the name of the variable throughout the function.
6. But I have created x as a global variable!?
First off: Chances are, if you're reading this post, then you are better off passing variables as arguments rather than using global variables.
It's not enough to declare a variable as global in the Matlab workspace. It must be declared in every function you use it in. So, if you have a global variable x, you need to do global x in every function.
Solution: Rewrite your code and pass variables as arguments instead of using global variables. If this is not an option, add global x in all functions where you're using it.
In addition to this answer, you can refer to the official Matlab FAQ.
I also got
Undefined function '...' for input arguments of type 'double'.
error and I tried the recommendations mentioned above but they could not solve my problem. Then, I realized that there is a special character (*) in my current working directory so I solve the problem when I changed the name of the directory.
Lastly, do not forget to change the current directory after the change operation by using cd argument.
Another way of looking at the problem:
the input arguments should be in an order such that the explanation of the function can read it.

Java / Eclipse - macro to specify current method name?

I'm using eclipse and want to have a "macro" that the preprocessor will replace with the name of the current method before compiling it.
I have an error reporting function, that is called as: reportthis(String errormessage) - different functions throughout the application have try/catch blocks, that call reportthis(...) from the catch block upon errors.
I'd like to be able to specify something like reportthis(MACRO_CURRENT_METHOD_NAME + ":" + e.ToString()); - where MACRO_CURRENT_METHOD_NAME will be preprocessed by eclipse before compilation and result in the name of the method where the catch {} block calls reportthis().
So if the catch{} block happens in main(), the macro should return the string "main" (or "main()", etc.).
Is this possible? how do i go about achieving my goal?
Thank you!
I wish to get this done by preprocessors in Eclipse - are those impossible? isn't it possible to perhaps write a plugin for eclipse to replace all occurrences of "MACRO_CURRENT_METHOD_NAME" with the current function name?
I've not found an automated way of doing this, so have manually added a string literal that indicates the name of the caller at each invocation of the logging code.
Nokia's S40 platform is also based on Java-ME, and I know some Nokia S40 developers have made good use of Jarrut, which is available on Sourceforge, to produce stack traces by modifying the program to track the stack. You could leverage this functionality to get the calling function name in your logging code, but you may need to modify Jarrut a bit to make that work.
Java does not support Macros.
But what you can do to determine the current method is something like
final StackTraceElement aTop = Thread.currentThread ().getStackTrace ()[1];
System.out.println (aTop.getMethodName ());
By using the element at index [1] you get the calling method, because the element at [0] is Thread.getStackTrace().
If you wrap this code in an additional method, you must adopt the array index e.g. to 2, depending on the number of wrapping methods you are using.
There is no preprocessor in java, and no macro language either.
While there are situations where either could be useful, if I understand your problem its entirely pointless, since the stack trace of the exception will already contain class and method of the place where the excetion occured.
Instead of passing a String to your "reportthis()", make a signature that just takes the exception and prints it (or just write e.printStackTrace()).

Matlab function signature changes

Let us say that I have a Matlab function and I change its signature (i.e. add parameter). As Matlab does not 'compile' is there an easy way to determine which other functions do not use the right signature (i.e. submits the additional parameter). I do not want to determine this at runtime (i.e. get an error message) or have to do text searches. Hope this makes sense. Any feedback would be very much appreciated. Many thanks.
If I understand you correctly, you want to change a function's signature and find all functions/scripts/classes that call it in the "old" way, and change it to the "new" way.
You also indicated you don't want to do it at runtime, or do text searches, but there is no way to detect "incorrect" calls at "parse-time", so I'm afraid these demands leave no option at all to detect old function calls...
What I would do in that case is temporarily add a few lines to the new function:
function myFunc(param1, param2, newParam) % <-- the NEW signature
if nargin == 2
clc, error('old call detected.'); end
and then run the main script/function/whatever in which this function resides. You'll get one error for each time something calls the function incorrectly, along with the error stack in the Matlab command window.
It is then a matter of clicking on the link in the bottom of the error stack, correct the function call, and repeat from the top until no more errors occur.
Don't forget to remove these lines when you're done, or better, replace the word error with warning just to capture anything that was missed.
Better yet: if you're on linux, a text search would be a matter of
$ grep -l 'myFunc(.*,.*); *.m'
which will list all the files having the "incorrect" call. That's not too difficult I'd say...You can probably do a similar thing with the standard windows search, but I can't test that right now.
This is more or less what the dependency report was invented for. Using that tool, you can find what functions/scripts call your altered function. Then it is just a question of manually inspecting every occurrence.
However, I'd advise to make your changes to the function signature such that backwards compatibility is maintained. You can do so by specifying default values for new parameters and/or issuing a warning in those scenarios. That way, your code will run, and you will get run-time hints of deprecated code (which is more or less a necessary evil in interpreted/dynamic languages).
For many dynamic languages (and MATLAB specifically) it is generally impossible to fully inspect the code without the interpreter executing the code. Just imagine the following piece of code:
x = magic(10);
In general, you'd say that the magic function is called. However, magic could map to a totally different function. This could be done in ways that are invisible to a static analysis tool (such as the dependency report): e.g. eval('magic = 1:100;');.
The only way is to go through your whole code base, either inspecting every occurrence manually (which can be found easily with a text search) or by running a test that fully covers your code base.
There is however a way to access intermediate outputs of the MATLAB parser. This can be accessed using the undocumented and unsupported mtree function (which can be called like this: t = mtree(file, '-file'); for every file in your code base). Using the resulting structure you might be able to find calls with a certain amount of parameters.

How could a simple optional argument lead to data corruption?

I have a FORTRAN code with a routine:
integer ncid, recid
character*(*) varname
real*8 vardata
dimension vardata(15,45,75)
I want to add some flexibility to this code, and I thought I would do it by first adding an optional flag argument:
! everything the same and then ...
logical, optional :: how_to_calculate
Now, at this point, I am not even using "how_to_calculate". I am just putting it into the code for testing. So I compile the code without a hitch. Then I run it, and I get an error in the subroutine. Specifically, some of the values in the code later on are "magically" altered from what they were without that optional argument. The new values don't make sense to the logic of the code, so it exits politely with an error message. Let me stress again that at this point, I am not even using this optional argument. So then, on a lark, I go back to all the places in the source that call this routine and, even though my new argument in optional, I put in values for it in all the calls. When I do that, the code runs fine. So, what's up? How can the mere presence of an unused optional argument in a subroutine result in other data being corrupted? And how can adding input parameters for this optional argument fix things again? This is being compiled with PGI, by the way.
Any ideas? Thanks.
BTW, sorry for not providing more code. My boss might not be too happy with me if I did that. I don't make the rules; I just work here.
Optional arguments in Fortran are implemented by passing 0 (a null pointer) for each optional argument that has no value provided by the calling subroutine. Because of this subroutines that take optional arguments have to:
either have an explicit INTERFACE definition inside the calling subroutine
or be a module-level subroutine (for them interfaces are generated automatically)
If you add an optional argument to a subroutine but it neither has an interface in the caller or is not a module-level subroutine, then the compiler will not generate the right calling sequence - it will pass less arguments than expected. This could pose a problem on Unix systems, where PGI passes the length of all CHARACTER*(*) arguments at the end of the argument list (on Windows it passes the length as the next argument after the address of the string). One missing argument would shift the length arguments placement in the stack (or put them in the wrong registers on x64) leading to the incorrect length of the VARNAME string being received by READ_NC_VALS. This could lead to all sorts of ill behaviour, including overwritting memory and "magically" changing values that should not change according to the program logic.
Obviously, just adding a dummy argument to a subroutine, with or without the optional attribute, shouldn't cause any problems. What might happen, though, is that the change exposes some other problem with the code, which was already there, but didn't cause any visible bad effects.
Without any more code, all we can do is guess, which usually isn't really useful.
One thing that pops into mind is the necessity of an explicit interface, when using optional arguments. Is the code organized into modules?

Why can't my Perl object find its skip() method, even though I can call it as a subroutine?

I'm working on a Perl module and whenever I call the skip() method I wrote in the following way:
I get:
Undefined subroutine &MyModule::Cursor::skip called at t/ line 24.
(in cleanup) invalid object at t/ line 24.
When I call it like:
MyModule::Cursor::skip($cursor, 4);
Perl finds it!
Oddly, if I name "skip" anything else ("skipper", "hello"), this syntax works:
I thought maybe skip() was a "secret" reserved key word or something, but I've also got methods named sort() and next() (which I know are reserved), and those work fine.
I'd really like to name this method "skip." Does anyone know why Perl can't find it?
skip() is exported from Test::More, which you might have loaded since your executable is named t/
What does ref($cursor) yield you? It should be a blessed MyModule::Cursor object, but the "invalid object" error might be suggesting the object was not constructed properly.
EDIT: perldiag gives another clue: "in cleanup" signifies that a problem was encountered by the object's destructor. Assuming you don't already have a destructor in the object, create a MyModule::Cursor::DESTROY method that Data::Dumps the object to see what it looks like at this time.
A concise snippet of example code that exhibits this behaviour would be very helpful.
Without actual code, it's difficult to debug this.
Do you use MyModule::Cursor in your test code? When you replaced skip with skipper, were you calling it in exactly the same way from your test module? Are you able to use skip from a throw-away (one-liner or very short script)?
Where I'm going with this is looking for an error in your test code, rather than the module.
UPDATE: You're not doing something like declaring methods on MyModule::Cursor in two different files, are you? The error message you're getting tells me it has a blessed reference to an object of type MyModule::Cursor, so it knows about the class; but then it can't find the definition of skip. Do you happen to declare part of MyModule::Cursor in one file, and skip in another, and your test module isn't including the second file? Or do you have a syntax error somewhere around your definition of skip -- a missing semi-colon or unpaired curly brace? (But then again, why would MyModule::Cursor::skip work where $cursor->skip does not?)