Adding an extension to Eclipse without an internet connection - eclipse

I have a problem with eclipse. I would like to install an extension (EGit) but the official site does only provide a classical update site.
The problem is that I am running eclipse on a distant machine that does not have internet access (only my local computer has a connection). The only link between my computer and my distant machine is a distant hard drive that is mounted on the two computers.
The distant machine is a classic linux but the local one is a Windows XP so I can't just use ssh -L (or at least I do not know the way to do it under windows).
Does anybody have an idea to help me ?
Thanks in advance.

If you have Eclipse (same version) installed on your local system, Then you can install plugin through update site. Just check what all it depends on and what additional plugins are downloaded.
Once done with this you can locate new plugins in /plugins folder. Just copy these to your remote machine. This should usually work. But it would sometimes depend upon OS for certain plugins. In your case Local and Target OS is different so there are some chances of this solution not working.

You could try mirroring the update site to a folder, and then use the folder as a local update site on the machine without internet connection.

Eclipse plugins usually depend on other plugins. It's kind of hard to trace the dependencies. It's better to download all dependencies using update site once, and you can distribute to other Eclipse dropins. Eclipse does not recommend overriding plugins directory since it may break existing functioning plugins. For Eclipse 3.4 or newer, you can use dropins which is an Eclipse feature for safe overriding. This way you don’t have to install plugin from update site every time you have to re-install your Eclipse. Read on How to install Eclipse plugins offline


How to offline install of Spring Boot Tools Plugin into Eclipse IDE?

I need to install Spring Tools 4 Plugin into my Eclipse IDE. The Problem is, that I dont have any Internet access on this machine. My other Plugins like SonarLint, MoreUnit I installed via zip archive available on official sites or github.
Install New Software -> add archive.
I cant find any zip archives for Spring Boot Tools 4. Is there a way to get it or another way to install that plugin offline?
I tried to download and install everything on another machine and copy it, but its forbidden to connect bigger usb drives to the machine. For the plugin itsef it will be ok.
Here is the archived update site for STS 4.4.2 for Eclipse 2019-09:
It contains all the STS4 pieces and a bunch of additional plugins from Eclipse, we haven't really tested a full offline installation using purely this update site. Usually the install procedure contains other update sites while installing a feature in order to find missing dependencies. So in case you don't have internet access and the STS4 install requires a dependency that usually comes from the main Eclipse p2 repo, you might run into this. In that case, please open a bug at and we will fix that.
Hope this helps!

Installing Sonar in eclipse without network

I am currently working on installing sonar into eclipse. The machienes I am installing them on, however, run on a private server. I cannot install from the eclipse marketplace. I was wondering how I can get the proper files needed to install the plug-in?
Same answer I gave on the Eclipse forums:
One option for installing on machines without Internet access would be if the Sonar plugin developers provide an Update Site Archive (which can be used from Eclipse's Install New Software wizard). Looking at their instructions it doesn't look like they do, but maybe you could reach out to them and ask for it. Producing an archive isn't much trouble if they're already publishing an update site (which it appears they are).
Another option exists, if you have at least one machine on that network that can install the plugin: share that machine's Eclipse installation folder on the network so other machines can see it, then use File > Import > Install > From Existing Installation to select the shared Eclipse folder where Sonar is installed.
Ticket created to provide a zipped update site for next version:

can't run ScalaIDE in a XP without networks

Recently I would like to move my dev env into my company's standard virtual XP without internet connection. But my Scala dev env is broken. I test ScalaIDE from typesafe by unzip and copy into virtual XP. And, I tried install scala plugins on a pure Eclipse and copy it into that virtual XP. Both of these two approaches were broken.
Anyone know why?
My notebook with internet run ScalaIDE very well. I have test in a virtual XP with internet , thru virtualbox. The ScalaIDE works well. But in that virtual XP without internet, it seems that all scala plugins are disappear from Eclipse but files in plugins/features. I can't open Scala perspective, can't fint scala in preferences.
What happens?
[update] the TypeSafe's ScalaIDE can't run in an environment without any networks, intranet or internet.
From what I gather of your question, you have an installation problem rather than a build problem. Building may be problematic if you have dependencies that are unavailable offline, but installing Scala IDE should work.
The Scala-IDE website offers a zipped update site for download for every release. The direct URL for the latest version is here.
You need to make this file available to the offline OS you're using. If you unzip it, you should be able to point to the decompressed result as a local update-site and choose the plugins you may want to install. More simply, you can also try to drag and drop that zip into the installation dialog of Eclipse.

Custom Eclipse packages

I would like to make an offline Eclipse installation with JDT, CDT and a few other plugins. This is what I would like to do, in decreasing preference:
Create an installation package similar to the ones available for download on the Eclipse website. Question: How can this be done? How are they created? Is there some kind of automated tool that gets the packages from p2 repositories and builds them? Is there a detailed explanation somewhere of how they are created? (I am aware of Yoxos, but that is a few versions old)
Do the installation on an internet-connected computer, and then copy the folder to another computer. Question: Can this be done? Will a simple Copy/Paste work correctly? Is there anything I can delete from the installation that will be automatically recreated?
Use an Eclipse package, say JDT, and a downloaded copy (zip file?) of the CDT and other plugins, and install them on the target machine using the standard Eclipse plugin installation from a local archive method. Question Where can I get these downloads?
The simplest approach you could use is to start from the eclipse "classic" package downloaded directly from the site, and then manually install the other components you need via update manager. You can then zip the eclipse directory and distribute it without any problem.
Otherwise you could try to use Yoxos to create your package, download and distribute it

Prevent Eclipse plugin installation on Windows XP/7

I am in the process of upgrading our development environment at work. One of the features is to get our developers using Eclipse as their IDE. However for security reasons we do not want our developers to be able to install plugins in Eclipse.
Is there a way to install Eclipse such that a regular user will need to obtain admin privileges to install a plugin?
Regrettably I am only familiar with *nix type permissions, and I would have thought windows would be somewhat similar. I believe I have installed Eclipse under C:\Program Files\eclipse with just read/execute permissions, but when a regular user comes along and tries to install a plugin it appears that Eclipse installs it under the user's directory. Is there a way to prevent that?
Basically after the initial installation of Eclipse the developer should NOT be able to install plugins. What's the best way to do this?
Ultimately this will need to work on a WinXP system. But for my home computer I test on a Win7 machine. Hopefully the procedure for the two platforms are the same, but when it comes to MS who knows.
There is no obvious way to prevent plug-in installation on eclipse. Even the eclipse installed under C:\Program Files\ on windows 7, eclipse also allows installing the plug-ins into the user's home directory for each user. It's designed for share install that has same behavior on linux as well.
I'm not sure what's kind of security concerns to make such a decision, one possible way is removing the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.* plug-ins from your eclipse to disable the ui entry of eclipse's install menu.
FYI: the full description of the behaviour you are seeing is described in multi-user installs [1]. If you check out that and the Runtime options available as a link from that page, maybe you can set the osgi.configuration.area system property to something read-only as well.