Custom Eclipse packages - eclipse

I would like to make an offline Eclipse installation with JDT, CDT and a few other plugins. This is what I would like to do, in decreasing preference:
Create an installation package similar to the ones available for download on the Eclipse website. Question: How can this be done? How are they created? Is there some kind of automated tool that gets the packages from p2 repositories and builds them? Is there a detailed explanation somewhere of how they are created? (I am aware of Yoxos, but that is a few versions old)
Do the installation on an internet-connected computer, and then copy the folder to another computer. Question: Can this be done? Will a simple Copy/Paste work correctly? Is there anything I can delete from the installation that will be automatically recreated?
Use an Eclipse package, say JDT, and a downloaded copy (zip file?) of the CDT and other plugins, and install them on the target machine using the standard Eclipse plugin installation from a local archive method. Question Where can I get these downloads?

The simplest approach you could use is to start from the eclipse "classic" package downloaded directly from the site, and then manually install the other components you need via update manager. You can then zip the eclipse directory and distribute it without any problem.
Otherwise you could try to use Yoxos to create your package, download and distribute it


How to offline install of Spring Boot Tools Plugin into Eclipse IDE?

I need to install Spring Tools 4 Plugin into my Eclipse IDE. The Problem is, that I dont have any Internet access on this machine. My other Plugins like SonarLint, MoreUnit I installed via zip archive available on official sites or github.
Install New Software -> add archive.
I cant find any zip archives for Spring Boot Tools 4. Is there a way to get it or another way to install that plugin offline?
I tried to download and install everything on another machine and copy it, but its forbidden to connect bigger usb drives to the machine. For the plugin itsef it will be ok.
Here is the archived update site for STS 4.4.2 for Eclipse 2019-09:
It contains all the STS4 pieces and a bunch of additional plugins from Eclipse, we haven't really tested a full offline installation using purely this update site. Usually the install procedure contains other update sites while installing a feature in order to find missing dependencies. So in case you don't have internet access and the STS4 install requires a dependency that usually comes from the main Eclipse p2 repo, you might run into this. In that case, please open a bug at and we will fix that.
Hope this helps!

Installing Sonar in eclipse without network

I am currently working on installing sonar into eclipse. The machienes I am installing them on, however, run on a private server. I cannot install from the eclipse marketplace. I was wondering how I can get the proper files needed to install the plug-in?
Same answer I gave on the Eclipse forums:
One option for installing on machines without Internet access would be if the Sonar plugin developers provide an Update Site Archive (which can be used from Eclipse's Install New Software wizard). Looking at their instructions it doesn't look like they do, but maybe you could reach out to them and ask for it. Producing an archive isn't much trouble if they're already publishing an update site (which it appears they are).
Another option exists, if you have at least one machine on that network that can install the plugin: share that machine's Eclipse installation folder on the network so other machines can see it, then use File > Import > Install > From Existing Installation to select the shared Eclipse folder where Sonar is installed.
Ticket created to provide a zipped update site for next version:

Download GWT plugins for eclipse without using eclipse Instaqll new softeware

Is this possible to download GWT plugins for eclipse separately ( without downloading with eclipse directly ) ?
because i need to install it on multiple eclipse on multiple pc and I want to archive it for future needs.
I want to paste it in dropins folder in eclipse later.
Here you go:
Prepare one eclipse installation the way you like using the standard update sites.
Then you can archive this installation by just copying the eclipse folder and zipping it away somewhere.
To install a new eclipse just take the archive and unzip it on the target system.
With this you have the advantage of still having the automatic updates for the different installations.

How to install a custom plug-in in Eclipse Ganymede?

We have a custom plug-in. That is, the company where I'm working developed it in house.
I would like to install it as an available plug-in in Eclipse Ganymede. How do I do that?
From what I can figure out, the Eclipse software install only supports installation from Eclipse software update sites.
I went to Help -> Install New Software... -> Add -> Local...
to browse to a folder containing the plug-in. Although the dialog lets me add the directory as an update site, it doesn't work. It expects that directory to be a local Eclipse update site (I think). I get the error
No repository found at file:/G:/TOOLS/...
Next I just copied the plug-in into the plug-in directory under my Eclipse installation. That didn't work either. I also tried copying it into the dropins directory. No dice.
Can anyone enlighten me how to install a plug-in that's not on an "update" site?
Thanks in advance....
Usually an Eclipse plug-in packaged as zip file is install by extracting it into the Eclipse installation directory (or the plugins directory depending on how it is packaged, as it can also extract files in features directory).
Next restart Eclipse with the --clean option.
Did you check the Eclipse error log? Maybe the bundle is failing to deploy for some reason.
Otherwise, create a Feature and Update Site for your plugin as described here. An update site can either be a remote http server (SVN even), or a local directory. The nice thing is that you'll get versioning and the ability to upgrade and uninstall from inside Eclipse. It also makes things easier once your plugin grows into several plugins because they can be bundled together into a single, versioned feature.

How to find list of installed Eclipse features from external program?

I am preparing windows installer for my Eclipse plugin. I want install it into target eclipse product using P2 director. I am targetting only Eclipse 3.5 for now.
Installer should check that prerequisite features/plugins are already installed. I am not sure how to do this check. (Other reason for this check is to choose what other features to install, as I will bundle some prerequisites in the installer).
Easy solution is to look into eclipse/features/ and eclipse/plugins/ directories, but plugins may be installed elsewhere too: dropins directory and linked via links directory.
I would like to get list of installed fetures and plugins from P2 (profile?), if possible. Is there any way to do this? Any better solutions?
Have a look at the P2 agent, it does what you are after. Browse the source code to see how it interacts with the repository. You can use the p2 director to streamline the actual installation.
The Equinox Incubator also has a number of useful links
At, they talk about eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/ file:
The file contains a list of all the plug-ins installed in the current system. On startup, all the plug-ins listed in this file are given to OSGi as the exact set of plug-ins to run with. Any extra plug-ins in the plugins directory or elsewhere are ignored. ... However, it's useful to know about this file so you can see exactly what is installed in the system you are running.
Well, it's not list of features, but list of plugins is good too.