Re-write this Query to make it more scalable - tsql

I have a page on my site which has multiple drop down boxes as filters.
So the SQL procedure for that page would be something like this
IF #Filter1 = 0, #Filter2 = 0, #Filter3 = 0
ELSE IF #Filter1 = 1, #Filter2 = 0, #Filter3 = 0
At the beginning, there were only a few results per filter so there weren't that many permutations. However, more filters have been added such that there are over 20 IF ELSE checks now.
So if each filter has 5 options, I will need to do 5*5*5 = 125 IF ELSE checks to return data dependent on the the filters.
The first filter alters the WHERE condition, the second filter adds more tables to the result set, the third filter alters the ORDER BY condition
How can I make this query more scalable such that I don't have to write a new bunch of IF ELSE statements to check for every condition everytime a new filter is added to the list besides using dynamic SQL...

You must have to have a rule table with formulaes maybe bitwise and construct a query that might plug variable data from the table and appends to a string to form the sql and the use dynamic sql to run them.

As much as I dislike dynamic SQL, this may be the time for it. You can build the query a little at a time, then execute it at the end.
If you're unfamiliar, the syntax is something like:
Make sure you deal with SQL injection attacks, proper spacing, etc.
In this case, I'd do my best to put this logic in application code, but that's not always possible. If you're using LINQ-to-SQL or another LINQ framework, you should be able to do this safely, but it may take some creativity to get the LINQ query built properly.

You can set up a bunch of views, one for each "filter" and then select from the appropriate view based on which "filter" was selected.


Get the ResultSet of an SQL injection

Suppose the server side code is something like that:
String id = getIdFromHttpRequest();
String value = getValueFromHttpRequest();
ResultSet rs = new ResultSet();
String query = "INSERT INTO users VALUES ('" + id + "', '" + value + "');"
rs = SQL.doQuery(query); // i know it's not the syntax, but the point is clear
Well, the injection is easy, I can make it execute an SQL command, but the problem is I want to see the result set (I inject SELECT command).
Is there a way of doing so?
You probably cannot achieve this.
As you know, an INSERT statement has no result set, even if you use SQL injection. At best, you could make it execute a SELECT as a scalar subquery. It's not hard to spoof your example to execute the following:
INSERT INTO users VALUES ('8675309', '' || (SELECT ...blah blah...) || '');
But that still would not return a result set, because INSERT never has a result set.
You would need to execute a second query to do that. Some query interfaces do support multi-query in a single call to doQuery(), but this is not always true (depends on the brand of database you use, and possibly some configuration options).
INSERT INTO users VALUES (...whatever...);
SELECT * FROM secure_table WHERE (id = '8675309');
With SQL injection, you can manipulate the SQL, but you can't manipulate the rest of the code in the application that runs the SQL. In the example you show, the app is designed to run an INSERT query, not an INSERT followed by a SELECT. The app would have no reason to fetch a result set after executing an INSERT.
It's hard to imagine how you could use SQL injection alone to trick the code you show into fetching and displaying a result set.
I don't think it is possible to use SQL injection do read data by exploiting a non-reading query.

SQL Views - no variables?

Is it possible to declare a variable within a View? For example:
Declare #SomeVar varchar(8) = 'something'
gives me the syntax error:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Declare'.
You are correct. Local variables are not allowed in a VIEW.
You can set a local variable in a table valued function, which returns a result set (like a view does.)
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_foo()
SELECT #myvar = 1;
SELECT * FROM dbo.udf_foo();
You could use WITH to define your expressions. Then do a simple Sub-SELECT to access those definitions.
WITH MyVars (SomeVar, Var2)
AS (
'something' AS 'SomeVar',
123 AS 'Var2'
FROM MyTable
WHERE x = (SELECT SomeVar FROM MyVars)
EDIT: I tried using a CTE on my previous answer which was incorrect, as pointed out by #bummi. This option should work instead:
Here's one option using a CROSS APPLY, to kind of work around this problem:
SELECT st.Value, Constants.CONSTANT_ONE, Constants.CONSTANT_TWO
FROM SomeTable st
) Constants
#datenstation had the correct concept. Here is a working example that uses CTE to cache variable's names:
CREATE VIEW vwImportant_Users AS
WITH params AS (
SELECT status, name
FROM sys.sysusers, params
WHERE status > varMinStatus OR name LIKE varType
SELECT * FROM vwImportant_Users
also via JOIN
WITH params AS ( SELECT varType='%Admin%', varMinStatus=1)
SELECT status, name
FROM sys.sysusers INNER JOIN params ON 1=1
WHERE status > varMinStatus OR name LIKE varType
also via CROSS APPLY
WITH params AS ( SELECT varType='%Admin%', varMinStatus=1)
SELECT status, name
FROM sys.sysusers CROSS APPLY params
WHERE status > varMinStatus OR name LIKE varType
Yes this is correct, you can't have variables in views
(there are other restrictions too).
Views can be used for cases where the result can be replaced with a select statement.
Using functions as spencer7593 mentioned is a correct approach for dynamic data. For static data, a more performant approach which is consistent with SQL data design (versus the anti-pattern of writting massive procedural code in sprocs) is to create a separate table with the static values and join to it. This is extremely beneficial from a performace perspective since the SQL Engine can build effective execution plans around a JOIN, and you have the potential to add indexes as well if needed.
The disadvantage of using functions (or any inline calculated values) is the callout happens for every potential row returned, which is costly. Why? Because SQL has to first create a full dataset with the calculated values and then apply the WHERE clause to that dataset.
Nine times out of ten you should not need dynamically calculated cell values in your queries. Its much better to figure out what you will need, then design a data model that supports it, and populate that data model with semi-dynamic data (via batch jobs for instance) and use the SQL Engine to do the heavy lifting via standard SQL.
What I do is create a view that performs the same select as the table variable and link that view into the second view. So a view can select from another view. This achieves the same result
How often do you need to refresh the view? I have a similar case where the new data comes once a month; then I have to load it, and during the loading processes I have to create new tables. At that moment I alter my view to consider the changes.
I used as base the information in this other question:
Create View Dynamically & synonyms
In there, it is proposed to do it 2 ways:
using synonyms.
Using dynamic SQL to create view (this is what helped me achieve my result).

Conditional dynamic SQL with cursor

I have a query which uses a cursor to cycle through the results of a select statement.
The select statement in short selects all of the records from a mapping table I have. One of the columns is 'SourceTableName'.
I use this field to generate some dynamic SQL.
I am looking to add a parameter to my stored procedure wrapped around this, which will allow me to only create dynamic SQL for the 'SourceTableName' that I want - IF I pass in a 'SourceTableNameFilter'.
I am stuck with some logic which wraps my dynamic SQL.
IF #SourceTableNameFilter(SP parameter) = #SourceTableName(from mapping table)
Generate and execute some dynamic SQL based on the SourceTableName.
The problem is, I want this to either work on all tables that come back from a select against 'SourceTableName' BUT if a #SourceTableNameFilter parameter is present and not null - then only generate dynamic SQL for any rows in the cursor which match my filter parameter.
Is there a way for me to accomplish this with an IF statement without copying the logic inside the IF/ELSE twice?
WHILE (##fetch_status <> -1)
IF (##fetch_status <> -2)
IF (#SourceTableName = #SourceTableNameFilter)
The generate dynamic SQL string is the same in both the if and the else, any way to change the conditions so that I'm not duplicating the dynamic SQL generation and to not generate dynamic SQL when the #SourceTableName != #SourceTableNameFilter?
Thank you
Consider adding this logic to the cursor definition, rather than having that logic within the processing of each cursor record.
So if the cursor is normally:
SELECT SourceTableName, SourceInColumn, SourceOutColumn
,TargetTableName, TargetLookupColumn
,TargetLookupResultColumn, MappingTableID
FROM MappingTable
--get source tables when filter is specified; otherwise get all
WHERE (SourceTableName = #SourceTableNameFilter) OR (LEN(ISNULL(SourceTableNameFilter,'')=0)
Now you can execute your business logic within the cursor without having to detect the filtered table or not. The cursor is loaded with the records you need to care about. It sounds, from the question, that the business logic is the same, no matter if the filter was passed in or not. If this is incorrect, or if it doesn't satisfy your requirement, please comment.
Knowing nothing about the dynamic sql you're building, I'd recommend doing something along the lines of:
SET #DynamicCommand = '<whatever, first part>'
+ isnull(#SourceTableNameFilter
,'<no special action, perhaps just empty string>'
,'<add conditional text dependent upon contents of #SourceTableNameFilter>')
+ '<whatever, second part>'

Is it possible to use CASE with IN?

I'm trying to construct a T-SQL statement with a WHERE clause determined by an input parameter. Something like:
I've tried all combination of moving the IN, CASE etc around that I can think of. Is this (or something like it) possible?
try this:
WHERE (#param='??' AND id IN (1,2,4,5,8))
OR (#param!='??' AND id in (9,7,3))
this will have a problem using an index.
The key with a dynamic search conditions is to make sure an index is used, instead of how can I easily reuse code, eliminate duplications in a query, or try to do everything with the same query. Here is a very comprehensive article on how to handle this topic:
Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL by Erland Sommarskog
It covers all the issues and methods of trying to write queries with multiple optional search conditions. This main thing you need to be concerned with is not the duplication of code, but the use of an index. If your query fails to use an index, it will preform poorly. There are several techniques that can be used, which may or may not allow an index to be used.
here is the table of contents:
The Case Study: Searching Orders
The Northgale Database
Dynamic SQL
Using sp_executesql
Using the CLR
Using EXEC()
When Caching Is Not Really What You Want
Static SQL
x = #x OR #x IS NULL
Using IF statements
Umachandar's Bag of Tricks
Using Temp Tables
x = #x AND #x IS NOT NULL
Handling Complex Conditions
Hybrid Solutions – Using both Static and Dynamic SQL
Using Views
Using Inline Table Functions
Feedback and Acknowledgements
Revision History
if you are on the proper version of SQL Server 2008, there is an additional technique that can be used, see: Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL Version for SQL 2008 (SP1 CU5 and later)
If you are on that proper release of SQL Server 2008, you can just add OPTION (RECOMPILE) to the query and the local variable's value at run time is used for the optimizations.
Consider this, OPTION (RECOMPILE) will take this code (where no index can be used with this mess of ORs):
(#search1 IS NULL or Column1=#Search1)
AND (#search2 IS NULL or Column2=#Search2)
AND (#search3 IS NULL or Column3=#Search3)
and optimize it at run time to be (provided that only #Search2 was passed in with a value):
and an index can be used (if you have one defined on Column2)
if #param = 'whatever'
select * from tbl where id in (1,2,4,5,8)
select * from tbl where id in (9,7,3)

How do I avoid using cursors in Sybase (T-SQL)?

Imagine the scene, you're updating some legacy Sybase code and come across a cursor. The stored procedure builds up a result set in a #temporary table which is all ready to be returned except that one of columns isn't terribly human readable, it's an alphanumeric code.
What we need to do, is figure out the possible distinct values of this code, call another stored procedure to cross reference these discrete values and then update the result set with the newly deciphered values:
declare c_lookup_codes for
select distinct lookup_code
from #workinprogress
fetch c_lookup_codes into #lookup_code
if ##sqlstatus<>0
exec proc_code_xref #lookup_code #xref_code OUTPUT
update #workinprogress
set xref = #xref_code
where lookup_code = #lookup_code
Now then, whilst this may give some folks palpitations, it does work. My question is, how best would one avoid this kind of thing?
_NB: for the purposes of this example you can also imagine that the result set is in the region of 500k rows and that there are 100 distinct values of look_up_code and finally, that it is not possible to have a table with the xref values in as the logic in proc_code_xref is too arcane._
You have to have a XRef table if you want to take out the cursor. Assuming you know the 100 distinct lookup values (and that they're static) it's simple to generate one by calling proc_code_xref 100 times and inserting the results into a table
Unless you are willing to duplicate the code in the xref proc, there is no way to avoid using a cursor.
They say, that if you must use cursor, then, you must have done something wrong ;-) here's solution without cursor:
declare #lookup_code char(8)
select distinct lookup_code
into #lookup_codes
from #workinprogress
while 1=1
select #lookup_code = lookup_code from #lookup_codes
if ##rowcount = 0 break
exec proc_code_xref #lookup_code #xref_code OUTPUT
delete #lookup_codes
where lookup_code = #lookup_code