How do I avoid using cursors in Sybase (T-SQL)? - tsql

Imagine the scene, you're updating some legacy Sybase code and come across a cursor. The stored procedure builds up a result set in a #temporary table which is all ready to be returned except that one of columns isn't terribly human readable, it's an alphanumeric code.
What we need to do, is figure out the possible distinct values of this code, call another stored procedure to cross reference these discrete values and then update the result set with the newly deciphered values:
declare c_lookup_codes for
select distinct lookup_code
from #workinprogress
fetch c_lookup_codes into #lookup_code
if ##sqlstatus<>0
exec proc_code_xref #lookup_code #xref_code OUTPUT
update #workinprogress
set xref = #xref_code
where lookup_code = #lookup_code
Now then, whilst this may give some folks palpitations, it does work. My question is, how best would one avoid this kind of thing?
_NB: for the purposes of this example you can also imagine that the result set is in the region of 500k rows and that there are 100 distinct values of look_up_code and finally, that it is not possible to have a table with the xref values in as the logic in proc_code_xref is too arcane._

You have to have a XRef table if you want to take out the cursor. Assuming you know the 100 distinct lookup values (and that they're static) it's simple to generate one by calling proc_code_xref 100 times and inserting the results into a table

Unless you are willing to duplicate the code in the xref proc, there is no way to avoid using a cursor.

They say, that if you must use cursor, then, you must have done something wrong ;-) here's solution without cursor:
declare #lookup_code char(8)
select distinct lookup_code
into #lookup_codes
from #workinprogress
while 1=1
select #lookup_code = lookup_code from #lookup_codes
if ##rowcount = 0 break
exec proc_code_xref #lookup_code #xref_code OUTPUT
delete #lookup_codes
where lookup_code = #lookup_code


Process a row with unknown structure in a cursor

I am new to using cursors for looping through a set of rows. But so far I had prior knowledge of which columns I am about to read.
DECLARE db_cursor FOR
SELECT Column1, Column2
FROM MyTable
DECLARE #ColumnOne VARCHAR(50), #ColumnTwo VARCHAR(50)
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO #ColumnOne, #ColumnTwo
But the tables I am about to read into my key/value table have no specific structure and I should be able to process them one row at a time. How, using a nested cursor, can I loop through all the columns of the fetched row and process them according to their type and name?
TSQL cursors are not really designed to read data from tables of unknown structure. The two possibilities I can think of to achieve something in that direction are:
First read the column names of an unknown table from the Information Schema Views (see System Information Schema Views (Transact-SQL)). Then use dynamic SQL to create the cursor.
If you simply want to get any columns as a large string value, you might also try a simple SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME FOR XML AUTO and further process the retrieved data for your purposes (see FOR XML (SQL Server)).
SQL is not very good in dealing with sets generically. In most cases you must know column names, data types and much more in advance. But there is XQuery. You can transform any SELECT into XML rather easily and use the mighty abilities to deal with generic structures there. I would not recommend this, but it might be worth a try:
DECLARE #tmptbl TABLE(TheContent XML);
INSERT INTO #tmptbl EXEC(#cmd);
SELECT r.value('*[1]/text()[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS RowID
,c.value('local-name(.)','nvarchar(max)') AS ColumnKey
,c.value('text()[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS ColumnValue
FROM #tmptbl t
CROSS APPLY t.TheContent.nodes('/row') A(r)
CROSS APPLY A.r.nodes('*[position()>1]') B(c)
EXEC Get_EAV_FROM_SELECT #SELECT='SELECT TOP 10 o.object_id,o.* FROM sys.objects o';
--Clean-Up for test purpose
The idea in short
The select is passed into the procedure as string. With the SP we create a statement dynamically and create XML from it.
The very first column is considered to be the Row's ID, if not (like in sys.objects) we can write the SELECT and force it that way.
The inner SELECT will read each row and return a classical EAV-list.

Is it safe to use temporary tables when an application may try to create them for independent, but simultaneous processes?

I am hoping that I can articulate this effectively, so here it goes:
I am creating a model which will be run on a platform by users, possibly simultaneously, but each model run is marked by a unique integer identifier. This model will execute a series of PostgreSQL queries and eventually write a result elswehere.
Now because of the required parallelization of model runs, I have to make sure that the processes will not collide, despite running in the same database. I am at a point now where I have to store a list of records, sorted by a score variable and then operate on them. This is the beginning of the query:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ranked_clusters;
CREATE TEMP TABLE ranked_clusters AS (
pl.cluster_id AS c_id,
SUM(pl.total_area) AS cluster_score
emob.parking_lots AS pl
pl.cluster_id IS NOT NULL
run_id = 2005149
cluster_score DESC
FOR row IN SELECT c_id FROM ranked_clusters LOOP
RAISE NOTICE 'Cluster %', row.c_id;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
So I create a temporary table called ranked_clusters and then iterate through it, at the moment just logging the identifiers of each record.
I have been careful to only build this list from records which have a run_id value equal to a certain number, so data from the same source, but with a different number will be ignored.
What I am worried about however is that a simultaneous process will also create its own ranked_clusters temporary table, which will collide with the first one, invalidating the results.
So my question is essentially this: Are temporary tables only visible to the session which creates them (or to the cursor object from say, Python)? And is it therefore safe to use a temporary table in this way?
The main reason I ask is because I see that these so-called "temporary" tables seem to persist after I execute the query in PgAdmin III, and the query fails on the next execution because the table already exists. This troubles me because it seems as though the tables are actually globally accessible during their lifetime and would therefore introduce the possibility of a collision when a simultaneous run occurs.
Thanks #a_horse_with_no_name for the explanation but I am not yet convinced that it is safe, because I have been able to execute the following code:
import psycopg2 as pg2
conn = pg2.connect(dbname=CONFIG["GEODB_NAME"],
conn.autocommit = True
cur = conn.cursor()
conn2 = pg2.connect(dbname=CONFIG["GEODB_NAME"],
conn2.autocommit = True
cur2 = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temptable (tempcol INTEGER); INSERT INTO temptable VALUES (0);")
cur2.execute("SELECT tempcol FROM temptable;")
And I receive the value in temptable despite it being created as a temporary table in a completely different connection as the one which queries it afterwards. Am I missing something here? Because it seems like the temporary table is indeed accessible between connections.
The above had a typo, Both cursors were actually being spawned from conn, rather than one from conn and another from conn2. Individual connections in psycopg2 are not able to access each other's temporary tables, but cursors spawned from the same connection are.
Temporary tables are only visible to the session (=connection) that created them. Even if two sessions create the same table, they won't interfere with each other.
Temporary tables are removed automatically when the session is disconnected.
If you want to automatically remove them when your transaction ends, use the ON COMMIT DROP option when creating the table.
So the answer is: yes, this is safe.
Unrelated, but: you can't store rows "in a sorted way". Rows in a table have no implicit sort order. The only way you can get a guaranteed sort order is to use an ORDER BY when selecting the rows. The order by that is part of your CREATE TABLE AS statement is pretty much useless.
If you have to rely on the sort order of the rows, the only safe way to do that is in the SELECT statement:
FOR row IN SELECT c_id FROM ranked_clusters ORDER BY cluster_score
RAISE NOTICE 'Cluster %', row.c_id;

Postgres using functions inside queries

I have a table with common word values to match against brands - so when someone types in "coke" I want to match any possible brand names associated with it as well as the original term.
CREATE TABLE word_association ( commonterm TEXT, assocterm TEXT);
INSERT INTO word_association ('coke', 'coca-cola'), ('coke', 'cocacola'), ('coke', 'coca-cola');
I have a function to create a list of these values in a pipe-delim string for pattern matching:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION usp_get_search_terms(userterm text)
returnstr TEXT DEFAULT '';
returnstr := userterm;
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM word_association WHERE LOWER(commonterm) = LOWER(userterm)) THEN
SELECT returnstr || '|' || string_agg(assocterm, '|') INTO returnstr
FROM word_association
WHERE commonterm = userterm;
RETURN returnstr;
COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION usp_get_search_terms(text)
OWNER TO customer_role;
If you call SELECT * FROM usp_get_search_terms('coke') you end up with
coke|coca-cola|cocacola|coca cola
EDIT: this function runs <100ms so it works fine.
I want to run a query with this text inserted e.g.
SELECT X.article_number, X.online_description
FROM articles X
WHERE LOWER(X.online_description) % usp_get_search_terms ('coke');
This takes approx 56s to run against my table of ~500K records.
If I get the raw text and use it in the query it takes ~300ms e.g.
SELECT X.article_number, X.online_description
FROM articles X
WHERE X.online_description % '(coke|coca-cola|cocacola|coca cola)';
The result sets are identical.
I've tried modifying what the output string from the function to e.g. enclose it in quotes and parentheses but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
Can someone please advise why there is a difference here? Is it the data type or something about calling functions inside queries? Thanks.
Your function might take 100ms, but it's not calling your function once; it's calling it 500,000 times.
It's because your function is declared VOLATILE. This tells Postgres that either the function returns different values when called multiple times within a query (like clock_timestamp() or random()), or that it alters the state of the database in some way (for example, by inserting records).
If your function contains only SELECTs, with no INSERTs, calls to other VOLATILE functions, or other side-effects, then you can declare it STABLE instead. This tells the planner that it can call the function just once and reuse the result without affecting the outcome of the query.
But your function does have side-effects, due to the SET DATESTYLE statement, which takes effect for the rest of the session. I doubt this was the intention, however. You may be able to remove it, as it doesn't look like date formatting is relevant to anything in there. But if it is necessary, the correct approach is to use the SET clause of the CREATE FUNCTION statement to change it only for the duration of the function call:
COST 100;
The other issue with the slow version of the query is the call to LOWER(X.online_description), which will prevent the query from utilising the index (since online_description is indexed, but LOWER(online_description) is not).
With these changes, the performance of both queries is the same; see this SQLFiddle.
So the answer came to me about dawn this morning - CTEs to the rescue!
Particularly as this is the "simple" version of a very large query, it helps to get this defined once in isolation, then do the matching against it. The alternative (given I'm calling this from a NodeJS platform) is to have one request retrieve the string of terms, then make another request to pass the string back. Not elegant.
WITH matches AS
( SELECT * FROM usp_get_search_terms('coke') )
, main AS
( SELECT X.article_number, X.online_description
FROM articles X
JOIN matches M ON X.online_description % M.usp_get_search_terms )
Execution time is somewhere around 300-500ms depending on term searched and articles returned.
Thanks for all your input guys - I've learned a few things about PostGres that my MS-SQL background didn't necessarily prepare me for :)
Have you tried removing the IF EXISTS() and simply using:
SELECT returnstr || '|' || string_agg(assocterm, '|') INTO returnstr
FROM word_association
WHERE LOWER(commonterm) = LOWER(userterm)
In instead of calling the function for each row call it once:
select x.article_number, x.online_description
woolworths.articles x
cross join
woolworths.usp_get_search_terms ('coke') c (s)
where lower(x.online_description) % s

Writing Recursive StoredProcedures

Basically what i want in my stored procedure is to return a list of tables, store this list in a variable; i need to go through every item in my list to recursively call this storedprocedure. In the end i need an overall listOfTables built up of this recursion.
Any help would be most appreciated
You should take a look at Common Table Expressions in case you're on SQL2005 or higher (not sure if they can help in your specific situation but an important alternative to most recursive queries) . Recursive procedures cannot nest more than 32 levels deep and are not very elegant.
You can use CTE's:
WITH q (column1, column2) (
FROM table
FROM table
ON …
However, there are different limitations: you cannot use aggregates, analytics functions, TOP clause etc.
Are you after recursion or just a loop through all tables? If you are using Sql Server 2005 and want to loop through all tables you can use a table variable in your SP, try something along thse lines:
declare #TableList as table (
ID int identity (1,1),
TableName varchar(500)
insert into #TableList (TableName)
select name
from sys.tables
declare #count int
declare #limit int
declare #TableName varchar(500)
set #count = 1
select #limit = max(ID) from #TableList
while #count <= #limit
select #TableName = TableName from #TableList where ID = #count
print #TableName --replace with call to SP
set #count = #count + 1
Replace the print #TableName with the call to the SP, and if you don't want this to run on every table in the DB then change the query select name from sys.tables to only return the tables you are after
Most likely a CTE would answer your requirement.
If you really must use a stored procedure not a query then all you have to do is iterate through the table list then you can use your code of choice to iterate through the table list and call the procedure. And Macros already posted how to do that as I was typing lol. And as Mehrdad already told you, there is limit on the number of nested levels of call SQL Server allows and is rather shallow. I'm not convinced from your explanation that you need a recursive call, it looks more like a simple iteration over a list, but if you do indeed need recursivity then remember CS 101 class: any recursive algorithm can be transformed into a non-recursive one by using a loop iteration and a stack.
Stored procedures are very useful. BUT.
I recently had to work on a system that was heavily dependent on stored procedures. It was a nightmare. Half the business logic was in one language (Java, in this case), and the other half was in the database in stored procedures. Worse yet, half the application was under source code control and the other half was one database crash from being lost forever (bad backup processes). Plus, all those lovely little tools I have for scanning, analyzing and maintaining source code can't work with sources inside the database.
I'm not inherently anti-stored-procedure, but oh, how they can be abused. Stored procedures are excellent for when you need to enforce rules against data coming from a multiplicity of sources, and there's no better way to offload heavy-duty record access off the webservers (and onto the DBMS server). But for the most part, I'd rather use a View than a Stored Procedure and an application programming language for the business logic. I know it makes some things a little more complex. But it can make life a whole lot easier.

Sequence Generators in T-SQL

We have an Oracle application that uses a standard pattern to populate surrogate keys. We have a series of extrinsic rows (that have specific values for the surrogate keys) and other rows that have intrinsic values.
We use the following Oracle trigger snippet to determine what to do with the Surrogate key on insert:
If the supplied surrogate key is null then get a value from the nominated sequence, else pass the supplied surrogate key through to the row.
I can't seem to find an easy way to do this is T-SQL. There are all sorts of approaches, but none of which use the notion of a sequence generator like Oracle and other SQL-92 compliant DBs do.
Anybody know of a really efficient way to do this in SQL Server T-SQL? By the way, we're using SQL Server 2008 if that's any help.
You may want to look at IDENTITY. This gives you a column for which the value will be determined when you insert the row.
This may mean that you have to insert the row, and determine the value afterwards, using SCOPE_IDENTITY().
There is also an article on simulating Oracle Sequences in SQL Server here:
Identity is one approach, although it will generate unique identifiers at a per table level.
Another approach is to use unique identifiers, in particualr using NewSequantialID() that ensues the generated id is always bigger than the last. The problem with this approach is you are no longer dealing with integers.
The closest way to emulate the oracle method is to have a separate table with a counter field, and then write a user defined function that queries this field, increments it, and returns the value.
Here is a way to do it using a table to store your last sequence number. The stored proc is very simple, most of the stuff in there is because I'm lazy and don't like surprises should I forget something it is:
----- Create the sequence value table.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SequenceTbl]
[CurrentValue] [bigint]
-----------------Create the stored procedure
CREATE procedure [dbo].[sp_NextInSequence](#SkipCount BigInt = 1)
DECLARE #NextInSequence BigInt;
INSERT INTO SequenceTbl (CurrentValue) VALUES (0);
#NextInSequence = ISNULL(CurrentValue, 0) + 1
SequenceTbl WITH (HoldLock);
SET CurrentValue = #NextInSequence + (#SkipCount - 1);
RETURN #NextInSequence
--------Use the stored procedure in Sql Manager to retrive a test value.
declare #NextInSequence BigInt
exec #NextInSequence = sp_NextInSequence;
--exec #NextInSequence = sp_NextInSequence <skipcount>;
select NextInSequence = #NextInSequence;
-----Show the current table value.
select * from SequenceTbl;
The astute will notice that there is a parameter (optional) for the stored proc. This is to allow the caller to reserve a block of ID's in the instance that the caller has more than one record that needs a unique id - using the SkipCount, the caller need make only a single call for however many IDs are needed.
The entire "IF EXISTS...INSERT INTO..." block can be removed if you remember to insert a record when the table is created. If you also remember to insert that record with a value (your seed value - a number which will never be used as an ID), you can also remove the ISNULL(...) portion of the select and just use CurrentValue + 1.
Now, before anyone makes a comment, please note that I am a software engineer, not a dba! So, any constructive criticism concerning the use of "Top 1", "With (HoldLock)" and "With (UPDLock)" is welcome. I don't know how well this will scale but this works OK for me so far...