applicationIconBadgeNumber - How to display with empty value? - iphone

How to I make a red number indicators without any number inside it ? Or anyone have any ideas that help user know if the App is running on background or not ?
Thanks for helping me
Tung Do

The basic badge turns off when set to zero. Generally on iOS, apps are suspended as opposed to killed (though they can be configured to the latter, most aren't). I don't think the badge is what you want here.


Bug restore brightness iOS

I'm waiting for a way to be able to restore the brightness of the iphone when my app enter background. I know that bug existed, but does anyone know if was corrected?
I don't think it has any solution without usage of private methods.
iOS 7.0.3, no changes till this time.

iphone How to make custom UISwitch with three states (options)

I want to make Switch, which have three states.Basically I need to store value 0 or 1 or 2.
By checking the state of Switch.
Please Help to make this switch.If it can be made Using IB that will be very nice because it will be easy to place in the right place.
(I have image but not able to show bec am new, dont have 10 reputation yet)
Thanks in advance for your creative thinking
You should use a UISegmentedControl for this. It's part of the standard set of controls, Apple has taken care of accessibility support, and users will know what to do with it.
Making a custom control that looks like UISwitch but behaves differently is a bad idea.

how to change UIPickview height

I have seen so many posts but none of them gives answer for this question. How to change this? Can anyone please help with it?
Thank you,
You can't change the height of the pickerView as it is kept fixed by Apple.
Hence it does not allow you to change its height.
If you want more flexibility you may go for some custom created controls available on internet that would enable you to have more freedom over setting the size and all.
Please keep in mind that the more custom controls you use, the more are the chances of your app getting rejected by Apple.
Hope this helps you.

iPhone SDK multitasking with CoreLocation

I am developing an iPhone app which uses CoreLocation.
I'm having trouble finding out if the CoreLocation location continues to get updated when the app enters the background. I would like to have it stop updating, but I am not sure if I need to explicitly tell it to stop or not.
Could anyone shed some light on this?
You need to explicitly set whether your application will run in background mode. As documentation says Background Execution
Also you notice an icon in status bar will disappear when core location stops updating location data when your app. go to background mode
Kindly check the following url .. hope it is useful to you
As with most things, programming related; if you want an action to occur, you almost always need to tell it to do that thing, or an ancillary thing which side effects that.
If you want it to stop updating, tell it to do so. (And yes, there are two different modes that will collect location info in the background. One is only on the iPhone 4 though.)

Is there a way to adjust the time displayed by the iPhone?

I'm just curious...on the status bar on the home screen and the lock screen, is there a way to change the time that is displayed??? I've been trying to find things on this both in SDK 3.2 and 4 but with no luck.
Thanks for any responses! I really appreciate them :)
No. You generally can't affect phone-wide features like that, nor does Apple allow you to confuse the user in such a manner.