Bug restore brightness iOS - iphone

I'm waiting for a way to be able to restore the brightness of the iphone when my app enter background. I know that bug existed, but does anyone know if was corrected?

I don't think it has any solution without usage of private methods.

iOS 7.0.3, no changes till this time.


iOS: Crash when keyboard is used...?

Pretty simple bug:
Pressing any key on my Mac's keyboard causes an "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" error to occur when running an app on the simulator. Unless I'm entering data into a text field that is, where it works fine.
Not sure if this is a bug in my app, or somewhere else. If by some chance, someone was using a bluetooth keyboard with my app, then I don't exactly want it crashing willy nilly... small chance I know, but I'd still rather fix it if it's a bug. I've enabled zombies - doesn't tell me anything about where the crash is occurring, and the app still crashes.
Any thoughts or answers are much appreciated, thanks :)
Turning off "Auto-Correction" in the simulator keyboard settings fixed this issue for me.
Screenshot of Keyboard Settings in Simulator:
Seems there are still bugs with the simulator.
This bug is usually attributed to trying to access an instance that has already been released. Check your instances, anything that you allocated, released, and then you are trying to access. It may not even be connected to the keyboard, but maybe a delegate method. Post some code so we can have a better idea of it. For example, the code for the view controller that is running at the time of the crash.
Try to run your app with "Guard Malloc" on. You find this setting when you go to
Manage Scheme -> Run app (on the left side) -> diagnostic (on the top
lashes) -> under Memeory management.
This will show you the crash point where it happens and you should be able to find the reason much more easily

iphone - The purple location triangle does not go after calling stopUpdatingLocation

I am calling the following code when my app moves to the background -
[m_coreLocationMan stopUpdatingLocation];
However, the purple triangle still stays there. Do I need to do something else as well to make it go?
This is, quite simply, a very regularly occurring OS bug. We noticed this during testing of a large location-aware app. I've personally seen it happen quite often during normal everyday use with different apps.
No. Do you see that on the simulator? Device? What Xcode are you using? Try different simulators and on the device. In some combinations it may not work properly (betas, and some other things that can't be discussed here...)
As I asked there, did you try to also stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges ? It worked for me.

applicationIconBadgeNumber - How to display with empty value?

How to I make a red number indicators without any number inside it ? Or anyone have any ideas that help user know if the App is running on background or not ?
Thanks for helping me
Tung Do
The basic badge turns off when set to zero. Generally on iOS, apps are suspended as opposed to killed (though they can be configured to the latter, most aren't). I don't think the badge is what you want here.

Is there a way to adjust the time displayed by the iPhone?

I'm just curious...on the status bar on the home screen and the lock screen, is there a way to change the time that is displayed??? I've been trying to find things on this both in SDK 3.2 and 4 but with no luck.
Thanks for any responses! I really appreciate them :)
No. You generally can't affect phone-wide features like that, nor does Apple allow you to confuse the user in such a manner.

Programmatically lock and unlock iPhone screen

How do I programmatically lock and unlock the main screen (i.e. the device itself) of an iPhone?
It's not possible. However, you can "prevent" your phone from locking when your app is running. [UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES should do it.
It can be done by caling GSEventLockDevice (); from your app. This function can be found in GraphicsServices.framework.
This has already been resolved . You can find it on Github: https://github.com/neuroo/LockMeNow (work below IOS 7)
void *handle= dlopen(framework, RTLD_NOW);
if (handle)
void (*GSEventLockDevice)() = dlsym(handle, "GSEventLockDevice");
if (GSEventLockDevice)
NSLog(#"Phone is Locked");
It is probably possible with undocumented Apple functions (maybe GSEventLockDevice() ?) but it certainly leads to automatic App Store REJECTION.
Apple simply don't want anyone to fiddle with core functionalities like this.
If you want to do this so, Apple never approve this, your app must be jailbreak. you can do this by calling Private framework on your project. you can use GraphicsServices.framework.
This GraphicsServices.framework is a private framework. Apple will never accept your app. By calling GSEventLockDevice() method you can lock or unlock your Device easily. This GSEventLockDevice() resides in the GSEvent.h.
I hope this one helps you.
Please let me know if you still facing any problem
I don't believe that there is a way to achieve this.
One thing that i believe is possible is to stop the IPhone from locking. you could then build a view that copied the lock unlock function and you would still have control over the phone.
it basically isn't possible because this probably is part of the private frameworks which can be used by Apple only. There are apps such as the fake caller apps that utilize a "fake" lockscreen but as you've pointed out, pressing the home button quits the app, rendering your lock screen useless.
Describe lock and unlock. I would try a switch that enabled = YES and enabled = NO for the view property. So basically you can disable all the UIGestureRecognizers and 'lock' the screen, if this is what you mean. I do it with UIbuttons once I add them as an IBOutlet as well as IBAction, so they are an object and can be modified at the property level. I am working on this very thing right now. I will post my findings.