How to handle mnesia schemas the standard way? - deployment

Suppose i have an application A which depends on mnesia with disk-enabled schema being present.
What i'd like to do is ensure that mnesia is running and allowing disc_copiestables
from within A. I'm also considering the case where multiple applications need to access mnesia.
What would be the most portable (and standard) way to achieve this kind of thing, without hard coding mnesia startup and schema creation into the application callback module of A?
When developing interactively i simply do a
within the Erlang shell to initialize an on-disk schema, then
start the mnesia application with
and finally start the other ones that depend on a database being present.

You can list dependendent applications in your .app file, see the {applications, Apps} field. That way you can make sure the app is not started without mnesia running, and when creating a release, it can generate a script that starts mnesia before your app.
Since the mnesia schema can be made persistent, creating the schema is not something your application should need to do in ordinary application startup. You can write an escript that sets up the schema as you need it.
When your application starts, it can then use mnesia:wait_for_tables/2 to make sure the tables are ready to use.

I've found a solution myself. This is by no means the standard method, but it works.
mnesia:change_table_copy_type(schema, node(), disc_copies).
on application startup will ensure that the schema is disk-based while
allowing mnesia to be started by a boot script. This blog entry was very helpful.


How to connect Postgres ReadRepica for Reads without affecting the application source code

I have an application which has read and write inline queries in the code, I am facing a challenge while pointing the read and write queries to respective Databases. Is there any best of doing it for Go application?
My thought is to have two ORMs up with Read and Write databases and select appropriate based on the operation. e.g: ReadDbMap.Select("query"); WriteDbMap.Update("query");
But this change effects entire application, that is the concern I have
I am afraid that there is no simpler way.
Streaming replication is not primarily a load balancing feature. For one, you'll have to be aware that a change you made on the primary server is not immediately visible on the standby, so your application will have to deal with these temporary inconsistencies.

How to make sessions persistent in Scalatra?

I have a webapp using the Scala-based Scalatra web framework. The problem is, anytime the application is re-deployed, or anytime the app-server is rebooted, all session data is lost. This means (to name one downside) users must re-login every time we make an update to the site.
Some research reveals there are, apparently, "container-specific" ways to make sessions persist across app and server reboots (e.g., in the case of Tomcat), but this has two shortcomings:
If the app is not always deployed in the same container (and in the case of Scalatra, an embedded Jetty is used for dev purposes) then I'll need separate configuration for each container.
Using a server-local configuration file is much more fickle -- it's likely to get lost in server migrations, and it won't be automatically available to each instance (e.g., to each developer) of the app, whereas something stored with the core application code is much easier to test, retain, and generally keep track of.
So, to sum up...
Is there a generic, container-neutral way to make sessions persistent? Even if only by overriding appropriate methods in the Java/Servlet stack and storing the session data manually?
Barring that, is there a way to store relevant configuration for multiple containers (e.g., for both Jetty and Tomcat) in my application code (web.xml or similar)?
Thanks -- any insights appreciated!

Ejabberd: How to decouple Mnesia from the application server and use Mongodb plugin instead .. and how to handle big file transfers

We are building a chatting application that should be able to handle millions of users, and capable of handling huge file transfers with ease; and we decided to use Ejabberd.
So my question comes in 2 parts:
Part One:
I did some research about replacing Mnesia db (which is RDMS db type) with Mongodb (NoSQL, where comes speed and scalability), which turns out to be not so efficient, as we will have to wrap the NoSQL interface as an RDBMS database.
I'm thinking of this approach: to disable the Mnesia database (the built-in db) of the Ejabberd server, and use mongodb-erlang plugin to store everything on, is that possible? And if possible is it efficient?
Part Two:
Is it the right way to handle the file transfers through Ejabberd's mod_proxy65 plugin for such intended big files (users can pass videos) for millions of users, or there is a better approach, for example, to decouple the file transfer on a different application/proxy, I need some clarification on that part as well.

Continuation of a process after a system crash/restart - Drools Flow

I've been playing with examples I downloaded with the book Drools JBoss Rules 5.0. To my relief they work :) Drools Flow has been my point of interest as a possible workflow engine replacement.
As I'm trying to wrap my head around things, I've been wondering how a premature death of a rulesflow process gets restarted? What I'm mean is say a process is bouncing from one node to another like expected, then the containing process dies due to a crash, restart or whatever. Is the current node/place of the ruleflow process retained, and can it just continue from that point on system restart? If so how?
The group I work for is very Java EE centric with JBoss being our favorite application server. I see examples of Drools leveraging Spring's persistence and bean lookup support.
Are there examples of doing the same with JBoss?
If you persist the state of the process instances and tasks in the database. Even if the VM was down and restart again, you can retrieve the process instances.
Use the
To create the session
ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(kbase,null,env)
To load the session with the session id.
ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession( sessionId, kbase,
You only need to know the session id. Session information will be store in SessionInfo table. Download the example project below.
The example is using Btm with H2 database, it also work well with mysql-connector-java-5.1.13 with Btm. Note that the process that are complete will be automatically deleted from the database.
You are looking at the basic concept of Process Migration. During what is known as strong migration, a process can be stopped on one machine and the entire state of the process migrated to another machine (including the program counter and all existing stacks). Before you go thinking that this is completely insane, think about this from a JVM perspective. Since you're application is already being run in virtual hardware; it isn't hard to stop the application and pick it back up where it left off since it is completely virtualized.
If you would like another example, look at VMWare; an entire machine can be paused and migrated to another machine and started again. It's very interesting stuff and usually relates mainly to Distributed Computing where you might have hundreds of agents that need to migrate from machine to machine as some go down for maintenance.
I realize that I didn't give an example of this through JBoss; but giving a background on what exactly you're looking for can give you a much better insight into what to look for going forward.

pgpool-II for Postgres - Is it what I need?

I just stumbled upon pgpool-II in my search for clustering my Postgres DB (just getting ready to deploy a web app in a couple months). I still have the shakes from excitement, but I'm nervous, as each time I find something this excellent I am soon let down. Have you any experience with pgpool-II, and will it help me run my database in multiple VMs, and later in multiple physical servers altogether? Is it all I need for backing up, load balancing, and providing a higher availability for my DB server!?
Also, is it easy to use the parallel query function (for instance, in Django or through Pythons psycopg2)? This would be most excellent for providing reporting and aggregation!
One last thing: It seems to work between Postgres and psycopg2. Is this a correct understanding of it, so I can use psycopg2 the same as normal, without regard for pgpool-II?
pgpool-II works fine for what it claims to do. And it fits between your application and the database the way you expect it to; just point psycopg2 toward it instead of directly at the database and off you go.
The main thing you have to note is that while it supports many different types of features--replication, load balancing, parallel query--you can't use them all at once. It sounds like you may be under the impression you can do that, and it doesn't work that way. The documentation is not all that clear on this subject (the English version at least, I can't speak to the original Japanese one).
For example, if you run pgpool-II in its "Master/Slave" mode, so that it supports load-balancing for scaling reads, you have to use another program to actually do the replication between those nodes. Slony was the supported replication solution to put underneath of there in earlier PostgreSQL versions, as of pgpool-II 3.0 and PostgreSQL 9.0 you can also use the soon to be released Streaming Replication/Hot Standby features of that new version as well.
pgpool-II is a useful component and you can use it in a lot of interesting ways, but I doubt it will be "all you need" for every requirement you hope to achieve with it.