Continuation of a process after a system crash/restart - Drools Flow - drools

I've been playing with examples I downloaded with the book Drools JBoss Rules 5.0. To my relief they work :) Drools Flow has been my point of interest as a possible workflow engine replacement.
As I'm trying to wrap my head around things, I've been wondering how a premature death of a rulesflow process gets restarted? What I'm mean is say a process is bouncing from one node to another like expected, then the containing process dies due to a crash, restart or whatever. Is the current node/place of the ruleflow process retained, and can it just continue from that point on system restart? If so how?
The group I work for is very Java EE centric with JBoss being our favorite application server. I see examples of Drools leveraging Spring's persistence and bean lookup support.
Are there examples of doing the same with JBoss?

If you persist the state of the process instances and tasks in the database. Even if the VM was down and restart again, you can retrieve the process instances.
Use the
To create the session
ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(kbase,null,env)
To load the session with the session id.
ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession( sessionId, kbase,
You only need to know the session id. Session information will be store in SessionInfo table. Download the example project below.
The example is using Btm with H2 database, it also work well with mysql-connector-java-5.1.13 with Btm. Note that the process that are complete will be automatically deleted from the database.

You are looking at the basic concept of Process Migration. During what is known as strong migration, a process can be stopped on one machine and the entire state of the process migrated to another machine (including the program counter and all existing stacks). Before you go thinking that this is completely insane, think about this from a JVM perspective. Since you're application is already being run in virtual hardware; it isn't hard to stop the application and pick it back up where it left off since it is completely virtualized.
If you would like another example, look at VMWare; an entire machine can be paused and migrated to another machine and started again. It's very interesting stuff and usually relates mainly to Distributed Computing where you might have hundreds of agents that need to migrate from machine to machine as some go down for maintenance.
I realize that I didn't give an example of this through JBoss; but giving a background on what exactly you're looking for can give you a much better insight into what to look for going forward.


Howto develop a SaaS application with limited resources each tenant

I'd like to develop a bunch of SaaS-Applications in Java and I'm not sure wat is the best way to go.
Each Application will have a WAR containing the Webservice and will have at least one Worker-WAR, which is a Thread waiting for new Tasks in the DB to come up and then working off this task. This worker contains the intelligence of the application and uses a lot of cpu. The Webservice gives Users the possibility to add new tasks and other stuff ...
Resource Limitations
The infrastructure must ensure the following:
The Webservice must always get a certain amount of cpu time to be able to respond to the user. So the hungry Worker must not get all cpu time for its working.
Each Tenant has its own worker and they must not interfere with each other as it must be not possible to block the whole system (and all tenants) with a single task.
Resource Sharing
It would be nice to be able to share the resources but always ensure that in extreme situations every worker and webservice gets the required minimum.
As new Versions of a application are released each tenant must have the possibility to initiate a update on its own when he adapted to the API-Changes. Furthermore a tenant must be able to keep more than one application-endpoint (lets call them channels) to have a production channel and a beta-channel. In the Beta-Channel the tenant can test againts new versions and when he feels comfortable with the new version he can update his production channel.
All applications of a tenant must share a user-Database and have the same way to authenticate.
I want to use Java EE 7. I would enjoy using Wildfly.
What is the best infrastructure to approach these aims? I want to host this on my own servers.
What I already found
I understand that you cannot limit CPU-usage in a jvm. So the Workers must have their own jvms.
I looked at PaaS-Providers like OpenShift Origin, but it seems that they encourage you to run a application-server per tenant, per application which sounds to me as a resource-eater.
Is there no way to have one Wildfly running and limit the amount cpu-usage per tenant and app?
Thank You

How to make sessions persistent in Scalatra?

I have a webapp using the Scala-based Scalatra web framework. The problem is, anytime the application is re-deployed, or anytime the app-server is rebooted, all session data is lost. This means (to name one downside) users must re-login every time we make an update to the site.
Some research reveals there are, apparently, "container-specific" ways to make sessions persist across app and server reboots (e.g., in the case of Tomcat), but this has two shortcomings:
If the app is not always deployed in the same container (and in the case of Scalatra, an embedded Jetty is used for dev purposes) then I'll need separate configuration for each container.
Using a server-local configuration file is much more fickle -- it's likely to get lost in server migrations, and it won't be automatically available to each instance (e.g., to each developer) of the app, whereas something stored with the core application code is much easier to test, retain, and generally keep track of.
So, to sum up...
Is there a generic, container-neutral way to make sessions persistent? Even if only by overriding appropriate methods in the Java/Servlet stack and storing the session data manually?
Barring that, is there a way to store relevant configuration for multiple containers (e.g., for both Jetty and Tomcat) in my application code (web.xml or similar)?
Thanks -- any insights appreciated!

Insert message into a process running in gwt-console-server from external application?

I'm a jBPM noob running jBPM5.4 in AS7. I have tried posting this question on the jBPM duscussion board, but no luck, so I thought I'd try here on stack.
My Goal: Create the process in guvnor, run it in gwt-console-server, have my java application feed information to the process, and follow the current state in the jbpm Console.
So far, I have installed the jbpm console and console server as well as Guvnor and designer on jBOSS AS7. I am able to create a process in Guvnor and run and monitor that process from the jbpm Console. The missing piece is that I do not understand how to externally insert messages to the process that is running.
Using eclipse and the jBPM example, I can run a process and insert messages, but my goal is to use the jbpm console to monitor the processes.
I assume I need to access the knowledgesession running in the gwt-console-server, but I'm not sure how to do that. Is it safe to access/modify a session that is persisted out to a database (ie, both gwt-console-server and my custom app would be able to modify it) and then the jbpm console would read from it?
I see in the BPM Console reference ( that there is an Integration Layer, but there is nothing about how to leverage that - and the like in the doc is broken :(
Can someone point me to an example of an external application feeding messages to a jbpm process that is being monitored by jbpm-console or suggest ways to accomplish this?
Thanks very much for any insight.
PS. I have the new jBPM Developer's Guide, but can't find anything in it to help me with this (so if I am missing something, I can handle a reference back to that guide).
The jBPM console has a REST api that exposes a subset of the functionality. For example, if you model this feeding of information as the start of a process, or the sending of a signal, you could use the signal REST method to send this information to the console for processing.
It's also fine to use an external ksession to update a process instance. As long as they are using the same database to store the information, everything should be fine.
It turns out that the console is just using the logs, so as long as you log to the same DB the console is using (with JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger) everything pretty much automagically works. You can use either JBPMHelper.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(kbase) or JBPMHelper.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession(kbase, sessionId) depending on if you want to use the knowledge session started from the Console. Also, if you borrow the Console's session, don't dispose it of course.
I read somewhere that you can give the session a business id (and soon do the same from your own code so that they automatically use the same session), but currently when I want to borrow the Console's session I use a kludge that just assumes the highest session is the one I want (it will be as long as the console is already running).

Upgrading an app running on Lift Framework?

I've recently discovered the lift framework and have read that it's stateful.
Therefore, if I had a high-traffic site running on Lift - say something that was running a chat application that required users to be logged in - and I wanted to upgrade my app, would doing so kick everyone out of chat and make them have to log in again?
None of the previous answers are correct. Many of the artefacts held within the LiftSession are non-serilizable, so cant be stuffed into a database. You have two options for doing rollig upgrades of stateful applications:
1) Session bleeding. Basically you ween one of the deployments sessions away until their sessions have ended or X duration passes and then you remove the app from production whilst automatically rerouting traffic to another instance of Lift. Google around for rolling upgrades using HAProxy as this should help you from the cluster perspective.
2) If your state is fairly trivial (mostly primitive-style types: ints, strings etc) then you could think about using ContainerVar/MigratableSession and clustering the state using terracotta or similar. This comes with a range of limits though because it then uses the HTTPSession rather than LiftSession.
You might want to checkout chapter 15 of Lift in Action which details that latter solution in a fair amount of detail.
If you keep your state in memory and redeploy the web application, that state will be lost. You could save it to a database or a file before redeploying though and read it back from there.

How to apply database updates after deployment?

i know this is an often asked question on these boards. And usually the question has been about how to manage the changes being made to the database before you even get around to deploy them.Mostly the answer has been to script the database and save it under sourcecontrol and then any additional updates are saved as scripts under version control too.(ex. Tool to upgrade SQL Express database after deployment)
my question is when is it best to apply the database updates , in the installer or when the new version first runs and connects to the database? note this is a WinApp that is deployed to customers each have their own databases.
One thing to add to the script: Back up the database (or at least the tables you're changing!) before applying the changes.
As a user I think I'd prefer it happens during the install, and going a little further that the installer can roll itself back in the event of a failure. My thinking here is that if I am installing an update, I'd like to know when the update is done that it actually is done and has succeeded. I don't want a message coming up the next time I run it informing me that something failed and I've potentially lost all my data. I would assume that a system admin would probably also appreciate install time feedback (of course, that doesn't matter if your web app isn't something that will be installed on a network). Also, as ראובן said, backing up the database would be a nice convenience.
You haven't said much about the architecture of the application, but since an installer is involved I assume it's a client/server application.
If you have a server installer, that's where you want to put it, since the database structure is only going to change once. Since the client installers are going to need to know about the change, it would be nice to have a way to detect the database version change, and for the old client to be able to download the client update from the server automatically and apply it.
If you only have a client installer, I still think it's better to put it there (maybe as a custom action that fires off the executable for updating the database). But it really isn't going to matter, because conceptually one installer or first-time user of the new version is going to have to fire off the changes to the database anyway. The database changes are going to put structural locks on the database so, in practical terms, everyone is going to have to be kicked off the system at that time for the database update to be applied.
Of course, this is all BS if it's not client-server.