Does a in-house iphone app have to go through the app store approval process each time it's updated? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Given that:
my app is distributed only in-house with an enterprise-level membership
my app is not sold publicly on the app store
my app, after the initial distribution, will be updated frequently
Will it be required that someone from apple's app store reviews and approves the app each time I update? Or can i just go ahead and release updates, without worrying about app review delays?

You only need to have your apps review and approved by Apple if they are distributed through the App Store.
For enterprise-level distribution you are in charge.


Changing Developer Name in App Store [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Let's assume that somehow my company manages to get the Developer name changed in the Developer Account at the App Store. In this case, what would happen to the existing apps:
Will the existing apps remain happily at the App Store without any effect?
Will I need to get new certificates from the Developer portal?
If yes, will I need to submit a new build of my Apps to the App Store?
If yes, will the bundle identifier of my subsequent releases would be different?
If yes, then how would the users be able to get updates to the apps?
Any help would be great!
I asked about it here, and we made renaming.
Non of our apps were forced to be resubmitted. We used all certificates with old names and it worked fine. I can't provide info about legal information that we send to Apple (not a coders did that), but one day we just saw another company name in the App Store and we did nothing to our apps.

Can In-App-Purchase allow users to purchase an audio file? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to making a Music App Integrated with In-App Purchase where User can buy audio File?
Is In-App-Purchase Allow user to buy Audio File ????
It is allowed, yes. However, there's no specific API for the selling of audio files, just an API that can be used to sell whatever content you like (with usual apple caveats). You'll need to have an apple developer account set up to sell paid apps to be able to build and test apps with in-app purchase. Read through the docs at
.. it's something that'll take some time to get right, and much too complicated to explain in full here.

Can iPhone apps sell other apps within them? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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There are a lot of useful apps already available in the app store and I don't want to reinvent them just because i think they'd be useful to be part of my app. So I'm wondering whether it is possible to sell them from within my app, whereby the user can purchase them without leaving the comfy confines of my app. Any idea about this? Or will the user always have to head over to the App Store to get their hands on them?
On a side note, it would be nice if i could get some commission for selling them within my app (can't imagine Apple would allow that though).
No this is not possible. Best you can do is redirect the user to the app store app from within your app to the app the user wants more info on.
That's a question for Apple. You might check out Apple's In App Purchase Programming Guide.

Once an application is available in the App Store, is it possible to change the developer/seller account? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We are developing an app for a client who is currently in the process of creating their own Apple account.
The problem is they got started with the process late, and we need to submit the app ASAP for review.
Has anyone had any experience with changing the seller account after an app has been approved and is available in the App Store?
According to most reports, the only way to do this is to remove the app from the old account, and submit it under the new account as a new and different app. Ratings, reviews, saved settings/etc. and update-ability will not transfer, since they are tied to the app ID, and the app ID has to be a new and unique in the destination account.
Yes is possible, but you must contact people at Apple and start a quite long and procedure with papers and stuffs. Best way to start is to ask a "general app/appstore question" in the "contact us" section of iTunesConnect site.

How to prepare for the iPhone development? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am going to develop on iPhone platform. Can some one make an explanation about how to do this? Here is some of my question?
If I want to publish my iPhone software (totally free, and will be free forever), do I have to register apple developer with $99?
If I don't pay for apple, where else can I get detail development information (such as API documentation, library references, etc)?
What are the steps to develop and publish my software by the official way if I want to spend as little money as I can?
If you want to publish in the app store, you have to pay the $99.
There are tons of tutorials, and several good books available.
See #1. You've got to pay the $99 to publish the official way (through the app store.)
All that said, there is the concept of ad-hoc deployment which lets you share a limited number of apps with other people. The limit is 100 phones, and the users will have to go through a much more complicated process to get the app installed. The real purpose for ad-hoc distribution is getting your app to people who can test it before you send it to the app store.
In my opinion, after you've bought the iPhone and the Mac you have to have to run XCode, $99 is a pretty small price to pay. You're probably paying that much every month to keep the phone.