iphone google maps and waypoints - iphone

I have a number of waypoints stored in my app database, how would I pass these to the MapView in my app ?
If anyone can point me in the direction of a tutorial or some sample code would be great.

See MKAnnotation and MKAnnotationView


How to pin point location in google map in XCode

Hey guys,
I'm building an iPhone app for my company and in one of the sections I want to create a tab bar item where it pin point the location of my company. So far I built a basic map view, but I haven't figured what would the code be for pin pointing the location of my company. hope someone can help, thanks
Did you try investigating MapCallouts from Apple Sample Code?

iOS MapKit label building on park map

What I'm trying to achieve is that there is an event being held at Exhibition Park in Canberra (that's in Australia) which makes use of the building on the property. What I'm not sure about is how to show these buildings and label them in MapKit when they don't appear in the maps application.
Does anyone have any solutions about this? Should I just use pin points and annotations or is there a better way of accomplishing things?
Please note that I'm unfamiliar with MapKit so as much detail in the answer would be appreciated.
I would recommend you use MKPinAnnotation to add pins to the map, configured to show callouts when you tap on them.
The easiest way to pickup MapKit is to watch the WWDC video on the subject, which you can download from the iOS developer portal.

how to find restaurant list near current location using mapkit in iphone

I want to know how to find nearest restaurant using mapkit in iphone sdk?
I want to display current location of user and then want to display restaurant near tht location...
if neone have idea please help me in this
This should help
Should help you get started. There is a series of map tutorials.

Get Place Location

I need put information about place, where is iPhone now, to UILable in my screen. [Country][City][Street] and maybe coordinates [lat][lng]. For example in my UILable should be:
Your location is German, Berlin, Tiergarten
Can someone show me really simple code how can i get such information that put in my UILable?
The MapKit framework (part of iPhone OS 3.0) provides this for you. Specifically the MKPlacemark object, which you can obtain for a set of co-ordinates using an MKReverseGeocoder.
You need access to a reverse geocoding service, which will take your lat/lon coordinates as input and return some kind of structured address of that location.
Google's is available here: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/index.html#ReverseGeocoding

Showing Driving Directions in MapKit

is there any way to show the driving directions in iphones MapKit?
is there any way to get the coordinates and names of a route as an XML or in other formates from google MAPs API ?
eg , http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=39.23232,-103.343433&daddr=41.23232,-104.344343&ie=UTF8&z=12
No, you cannot use MapKit for driving directions. It does not support this.
However, you could improvise a transparent view on top of MapKit and draw something, but nothing native to MapKit.
EDIT: Here is a sample of drawing routes yourself:
You should try Kishikawa Katsumi's project MapKit-Route-Directions is really well made and useful. You can find the sample project at github https://github.com/kishikawakatsumi/MapKit-Route-Directions.git
You can add to your view UIWebView. Than load to UIWebView something like this