Running nunit-console.exe fails while GUI is also running - nunit

I'm trying to run nunit-console.exe from a script and I get an 'Unable to locate fixture' error, but only when I have NUnit GUI also running. Once I close the NUnit GUI the script runs the tests just fine.
Here is nunit command being executed by the script;
"C:\Dev\Test1\Build\NUnit\nunit-console.exe" "C:\Dev\Test1\Tests\bin\Release\Test1.Tests.dll" /framework=v4.0.30319
It can even be a different version of the NUnit GUI that is running and it still interferes (ver 2.5.1 vs 2.5.5). It think it has something to do with the nunit-agent.exe as it runs (spawned by the nunit-console.exe process) when the GUI is not running, but it doesn't run when the nunit colsole runs while the GUI is also running.

I found this same problem too, which appeared unexpectedly.
The only information that I had found online about it, was a question that someone had posted in a forum and that Charlie Poole (one of the NUnit authors) had responded to it.
Basically, the bug was found in 2.5.5 and was fixed in the next release, available from the download page of the website.
For me, this meant upgrading to NUnit 2.6.1 and the problem disappeared.
I hope this helps to clear your tumbleweed away! :-)

Try using nunit-console-x86.exe instead of nunit-console.exe.
Also, try using /framework=4.0 instead of /framework=v4.0.30319.
Lastly, I've had similar issues when I try to run nunit-console-x86.exe using a different user account than the logged in user, and so I resolved this by running the exe using the same user account.
Maybe this question will also help: nunit-console can not loacte fixture
Also see this bug:
Good luck! :)


How to fix "Either assembly contains no tests or proper test driver has not been found."

I am getting error as mentioned Either assembly contains no tests or proper test driver has not been found.
When i enter "nunit3-console.exe project.dll".
I tried few solutions but it doesn't help me.
Assumming you have not found a new bug in the NUnit engine, then one of the two things in the message is probably true...
You are running an assembly that has no tests
You are running an assembly with tests for which there is no driver installed, IOW tests that the engine does not know how to run.
These two things are combined in one message because it's really all one thing to the engine, which is basically telling you "I can't find anything that looks like a test to me."
Most likely, you do not have any NUnit3 tests, because knowledge of those is built into the engine itself. So, I would guess you are either running NUnit V2 tests or tests from some foreign framework, like xunit or microsoft test.
For more of an answer, please tell us what kind of tests you are running. What testing framework (and version) do your tests reference? If you are running NUnit V2 tests, do you have the V2 Framework Driver extension installed?
So... maybe there is a bug in the NUnit engine.
I had this exact same error message on my build server. At the same time the tests were running fine in Visual Studio (2015 with Resharper).
This happened when I started converting existing xunit to nunit tests in an assembly. As soon as I removed the last xunit test, the error went away.
Try to comment out everything except NUnit tests to see if this fixes the problem for you.

How to run scheduled Coded UI Tests on Virtual Machine without having a RDP connection

Situation in short:
Virtual Machine with Visual Studio 2013 installed. PowerShell script
runs on the VM to execute Get Latest, Build and Execute Coded UI
Tests. Windows Scheduled Task to execute PowerShell nightly.
auto-logon is enabled (or I'm doing something wrong?)
yes, I've read post Is it possible to run Coded UI tests without having to connect via remote desktop?
I've seen posts about TCM. Does this help and how can I use it in my
I made some tests in Microsoft Test Manager and I also executed and recorded them.
I've loaded these tests in a test project (and changed the script providing categories and custom checks).
I then categorized these (as Development or Acceptance).
I executed out using a PowerShell script on a VM (with Visual Studio 2013 installed) with following actions:
Get Latest
Run latest build with a selected set aka category using mstest.exe
So far everything is going perfectly. All the tests pass.
However, when I create a Scheduled Task on my VM run the PowerShell script everything fails because of a missing session.
Do I have the VM (I have no knowledge of Virtual Machines) then unlock or something?
I also tried to fix this with a Test Agent and Controller, but once I had installed these, all other users of TFS lost their rights, so I prefer not to do this again.
I would be very grateful if you know something that can solve this.
I spent hours on Google finding a solution for this issue, but no solution helped me.
Do I need to provide more information?
The problem you're seeming to have is that the testagent is not setup correctly. You need an active desktop session for Coded UI to be able to run (it needs it to perform all the actions such as clicks).
Microsoft has some nice info about setting up your test agent here.
But to tackle your exact problem of the test failing because of a missing session I'd suggest the following:
Run AutoLogOn.exe from the sysinternals suite (can be found at It will automatically log in with specified user when the machine starts, and keeps the desktop session active.
Alright...I'm making progress.
I've installed test agent and controller. It's all running fine.
Next I've opened Lab Center on my own MTM to create a new environment.
Test Controller is found, but I receive the message in this post "Microsoft Test Manager cannot install test agent on these machines" when creating new Lab Center environment
File and Printer sharing exception is enabled. I don't get the other message.
I don't understand what is wrong.
Maybe I'm completely on the wrong track and it's not necessary to use the Lab Center.
Then the only remaining issue is the non-active desktop issue.

Coypu/SpecFlow acceptance tests hang when run via Jenkins job

I'm running acceptance tests on a project via SpecFlow, NUnit and Coypu (for browser automation, using the WatiN driver). The running of the tests are invoked via a powershell/psake script.
If I run these tests on my local box, they run fine. However, we have a build server on which a Jenkins job will automatically run these tests, and when run via this Jenkins job they don't execute -- they just hang.
Looking in task manager I can see there's two instances of iexplore.exe that are created when the Jenkins job runs. However after a certain point they just hang - no changes in memory usage or CPU.
nunit-agent-x86.exe and nunit-console-x86.exe are also running but mostly hung, just nunit-agent-x86.exe going up very slowly in memory.
If I kill one of the iexplore.exe processes things continue, but the SpecFlow specs all subsequently fail.
At the point of killing iexplore.exe, the following exception is in the log:
Unhandled Exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)
If I invoke the psake script manually when logged in to the server, the specs run OK.
This issue began to occur when I tried to use basic DI for the BrowserSession as in the gist here:
Before that I was sharing the BrowserSession via a static property of an NUnit [SetupFixture] class. Things were working mostly OK that way, except a small issue with a test involving a modal dialog not working correctly, but I wasn't sure I was doing it right so wanted to do the technique in the gist
I'm a bit lost as to what's causing the hang. Any ideas what it is or tips to track it down?
UPDATE: After switching to Firefox as the browser, and Selenium as the driver, the problem has gone away...
I got a couple of responses on the Coypu list. I've yet to test them out as everything is fine with Firefox at the moment, but in case they are of assistance to anyone else...
On Thursday, 2 August 2012 16:38:30 UTC+1, Adiel wrote:
[...]i believe that watin needs nunit to run in STA (single-threaded) which could possibly be related to your problem.
In other words, perhaps you made your tests thread safe with the static singleton browser session, but now via specflow's IOC you are
getting multiple instances due to the way nunit is running.
On Thursday, 2 August 2012 16:41:11 UTC+1, Matt Ellis wrote:
This sounds like it's Internet Explorer's protected mode getting in the way. IE runs different zones, such as Internet and Intranet
(and about:blank) in different processes, and IIRC WatiN doesn't
handle that very well. If you can disable protected mode on your
server, you should be fine.

Makegood in Eclipse says "The main script is not found"

I googled this unexpected error message and there not a single result.
I am using Eclipse Helios (3.6) with Makegood plugin to run PHPUnit test.
PHPUnit is working just fine.
I can also use Makegood to one test class.
But when I run all test, Makegood refuse to do it and display
'Launching <currentfilename>' has encountered a problem.
The main script is not found.
Looks like there are some internal issue with Makegood. I just don t know how to get started debugging this. Is this a eclipse or makegood error message? What does it mean ? Is there any log or debug mode I could use to understand what s happen ?
Recently, I've encountered this problem when executing the Run All Test command. Then the project has no PHP script under the specified test folders. Since the Xdebug implementation of PDT requires a PHP file, test cannot be run in such state.
To prevent this, MakeGood checks whether the project has at least a PHP file under the specified test folders, and skips a test run if the project has no PHP scripts. But even so this error is raised by any reason...
I created a issue to fix this problem.
Thank you for using MakeGood.

Runtime Error in Visual Simulation Environment - Microsoft Robotics Studio

I am using Microsoft Robotics Studio for a school project and I am getting a strange error when I try to run the Visual Simulation Environment. It was working fine until yesterday and then suddenly it gave me a runtime error saying "Illegal command line arguments... do not use VPLHost directly, use dsshost instead to run a manifest" But I am only clicking on Run in VPL/DSS Manifest editor.
I am running MRDS as administrator and I even tried re-installing MRDS but it is still showing the same MS VPL Runtime error. I tried to search online, but cannot find any suitable solution.
I already tried running the existing samples, I.e. Urban Environment, Multiple Simulated Robots etc. but it still gives me the same error. The strange thing is that it was working perfectly one minute, and then started giving me this error message the next minute, when I had not changed anything in between. In fact, I had wanted to change something in my manifest, so I closed the running VPL application, closed VPL and opened DSS manifest editor, and ran my manifest and that is when I got this error.
What is going wrong? Is some MRDS script using vplhost32.exe instead of dsshost? If so, then where and how do I change it?
I tried running the urban envrionment manifest from the command prompt and Using DSSHost32 directly. This time, it didn't give me a runtime error but an intiialization error. I tried changing port numbers but it still doesn't work. I have deleted many files from my computer to free space (JIC) and it still doesn't work. The window just doesn't open even when I hover over it in Windows 7.
The error message looks like this: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted."
This was even after I checked netstat for free ports and tried but I get this error message. Its either this one or the "Don't use VPLHost directly" if I run it through VPL or DSS Manifest Editor.
Could it be that some external services are interfering with DSSHost/VPLHost? Are there any such services which I could try killing? ANY help/suggestion would help right now as my project is due Thursday and this is a really unfortunate time for it to be acting up like this.
Does the problem reproduce after logging off & logging back on? It's likely that you had a process hanging around that you weren't aware of. Logging off should shut down any processes you personally started.
I don't know the solution of your problem, but it would be better that you post your question on the link below:
[official forum for the book : Professional Microsoft Robotics Studio], i hope you will shortly get reply there,
The other option is to post your question on the msdn forum,
hope this would help....