Is there a good Netbeans plugin for R? - netbeans

I am looking for a good Netbeans plugin for R. Any suggestions?

There isn't any way to make it work seemlessly. As a Netbeans user, I understand how convenient such a plugin would be. The closest that you can get is probably R-Java, but that isn't right for most applications.


Java Netbeans System Using Biometric

Our group we're asked to develop a system that used a biometric. Please, if anyone knows any site already do the system we aim to do that using NetBeans as our platform.
Did you have a look at the NetBeans Platform showcases? Maybe there is some application that might look interesting to you.
Otherwise Geertjan seems to did some work with a fingerprint reader as a NetBeans Plugin, maybe this might help.
Otherwise you should get a bit more specific what you mean by "biometric" and what kind of stuff you would like to plugin in the NetBeans Platform. Generally as soon as you have a Java lib for whatever you want to do, you can use the NetBeans Platform.

NetBeans documentation TeX

I wondered if there was a way to integrate TeX with NetBeans?
I've tried google it and couldn't find a clear answer, but found an Eclipse project doing it but need it for NetBeans.
Have you tried ? I know this plugin is old but perhaps it fits to your needs?

How do I identify which plugin an Eclipse editor comes from?

Two cases I run into a lot:
This editor is great, I should add this plugin to my other Eclipse environments
This looks like a bug, where do I go for more information?
I don't even need the plugin explicitly identified -- just the full classname of the editor would generally be enough. It sounds like I could do this with PDE, but I feel like there must be an easier way.
PDE's Plug-in Spy (Alt+Shift+F1) is how you do it. If you think that's too hard, I'm not sure what to tell you.

Eclipse RCP - good Eclipse Forms tutorial/resource

I'm looking for resources to learn how to use effectively Eclipse forms within an Eclipse RCP application. I was trying to use the newest SWT Window Builder plugin on Indigo but building forms this way doesn't really work for me eg. cannot put anything inside expandable composite etc. (I have Swing background with Netbeans designer) and I'm new to SWT.
All I can find so far is this quite old tutorial from 2005.
Any help, point to good tutorial/book/source code sample will be highly appreciated.
I've found to be invaluable.
Not much changed actually since the old 2005 tutorial so it's still very usable.
Check these out in addition too:
Eclipse Forms: New in 3.3
DeveloperWorks article on making forms Web-like
I've also got the hint to start with vogella but after the first 2 topics I realized It's to hard to start with.
What helped me much more was to create each example/sample project and look for the source. Once you understood how all works you can lookup at vogella what you exactly need.

Eclipse interface used in other Application

I'm looking for some stuff that learn how use Eclipse IDE interface in my own application.
Someone know how? I couldn't find something abou it. Tips
You are probably looking for the Eclipse Richt Client Platform. You might want to start here: