Java Netbeans System Using Biometric - netbeans

Our group we're asked to develop a system that used a biometric. Please, if anyone knows any site already do the system we aim to do that using NetBeans as our platform.

Did you have a look at the NetBeans Platform showcases? Maybe there is some application that might look interesting to you.
Otherwise Geertjan seems to did some work with a fingerprint reader as a NetBeans Plugin, maybe this might help.
Otherwise you should get a bit more specific what you mean by "biometric" and what kind of stuff you would like to plugin in the NetBeans Platform. Generally as soon as you have a Java lib for whatever you want to do, you can use the NetBeans Platform.


How to develop something as a group in Eclipse

My friend and I were searching for already built-in features in Eclipse or plugins that allow you to develop code in a group, or to be more specific, in a pair.
I found only a single plugin that provides such features, however it is quite hard to install.
Are there any simple solutions for Eclipse, or should I use a different editor?
You could use Git/GitHub or a similar form of version control. I am pretty sure Eclipse has built in support for Git.

Haxe/OpenFL in FlashBuilder/Eclipse?

I am looking for a possible solution of developing Haxe/OpenFL applications on a Mac.
While Windows has a very good IDE, the Macs are left much weaker support.
I tried every IDE I could find for mac that has a Haxe plug-in, but they often lack basic features and are pretty outdated and buggy.
Is there a way to install Haxe SDK and have an ability to use OpenFL API on Flash Builder (4.7 would be best)? Flash Builder is based on Eclipse, maybe I can find plug-in for Eclipse?
If not, how does one write their own plug-in?
NOTE: I know of Win emulators that helps to run FD on a Mac, but I cannot have that option right now.
there is a Haxe bundle for SublimeText 2 and i think it's quite complete for Haxe development
Lots of developer also say that IntelliJ is a way to go
But i have never try it yet.
There is a list of IDEs over here:
I'm not sure how up-to-date the list is. If you want to build an editor, consider joining this project

XLET - how to create a simple xlet MHP javax.TV

I'm trying to create my first xlet project.
Can you help me?
I don't know which library I need to download.
What kind of project I have to create? (I'm using netbeans)
This site has a lot of useful info:
You can use XletView to view your Xlet.
You will need to get a hold on the various API's, which is somewhat troublesome (I've heard).
But there are also other ways of getting them. For example, if you own PowerDVD, you'll be able to find BDJ.jar somewhere in that package. Add that to your classpath, and you'll be able to compile your Xlet.
If you're running Windows, you can probably develop Xlets with JavaME SDK 3.0 too (sadly not available for Linux though).

How to develop a Netbeans Platform Application in Eclipse?

For me, Eclipse is the IDE to work with when I like to develop a Java application. But I like Swing more than SWT, so I'd like to use the Netbeans Platform for my Application.
Is it possible to develop a Netbeans Platform application in Eclipse? Where can I find information about this?
You are setting out on a great endeavour, and I want to congratulate you on your decision.
With me it is just the same. I love working with MyEclipse and Pulse. To me the Eclispe JDT are still superior to what the NetBeans IDE Editor offers - though I really have to say that the NetBeans Development Team is doing well on catching up ...
Ok, I was just reminded that this is only about questions and answers, so here is the answer:
!!! YES !!! you can develop with Eclipse for NetBeans Platform !!! BUT !!! it will be painful. Using Maven can help - but you will still forfeit all the wirzards available from within NetBeans IDE eventually finding yourself writing a lot of code which could have been generated for you.
In order to stop messing up the Q&A paradigm of this site I would love to refer you the following link on Geertjan's Blog:
I frequently revisit this entry to see if there are any new thoughts. Feel free to post there. As far as I can tell this is the best information around at the moment.
Best regards,
Thomas G.

Is there a Netbeans plugin or issue tracker that provides connectivity to Fogbugz?

I would like to be able to create FogBugz cases directly straight from the editor in NetBeans. Specifically, I would like to be able to look at a JUnit run in the IDE, examine the failures and create cases directly using the information that is right in front of me (rather than cutting and pasting into a web browser, etc).
I see that NetBeans 6.5.1 ships with Bugzilla available by default and JIRA connectivity in some sort of beta form. Is there an equivalent FogBugz issue tracker?
PS: I am aware of the new plugin architecture of FogBugz 7. However, I have a realistic appreciation of the time that I would be able to commit to creating my own plugin for either NetBeans and / or FogBugz and I suspect that I would be able to make just enough of a partial solution to make my life worse rather than better.
It appears you may need to write one yourself, as they have plugins for Eclipse and Visual Studio, but not Netbeans.
I am not aware of such plugin. You're right that it is not trivial effort to write full-featured connector, but getting basic one is not that hard ... especially if you're already familiar with NetBeans plugin architecture. If you decide to go for it, take a look at FogBugz API instead of new FogBugz plugins. FogBugz API is used to talk to remote FogBugz repositories.