Rounding Off Decimal Value to Pevious and Next Hundreds - c#-3.0

I am working in C#. I have decimal variable startFilter that contains value say 66.76. Now I want this decimal value to appear in the seach filter $0 to $100. But what I also want is, that the search filter starts from the first decimal value that comes in startFilter variable. So for instance in this case the search filter will start from $0 to $100 because the value in startFilter variable is 66.76, but in another case it can be $100 to $200 if the first value that comes in searchFilter is say $105.
Having said that, how should I round off the value in seachFilter to previous hundreds and the next hundreds. Like if the value is 66.76 it rounds off to 0 as floor and 100 as ceiling, so on and so forth.
Any idea how to do that in C#?

double value = ...
int rounded = ((int) Math.Round(value / 100.0)) * 100;

divide your original number by 100. get floor and celing values. Multiply each of them by 100.


How do I round millions in Flutter? Example '29,971,800' to '30,00,000'

Given a value example: 29971800.0 & I format it using NumberFormat.decimalPattern() so I got '29,971,800'. The problem is I want to round it to get the value of '30,000,000' instead of '29,971,800' or other example I want to round '356,740,000' to '357,000,000'.
Before you format round it using num.round() for example if you want to round to millions
double n = 29971800;
double roundTo = 1000000; //million
print((n/roundTo).round()); //prints 30
you can either multiply it by million and format it or just convert to String and add ',000,000'

How I can get the other part after a division with a modulo operator

When I divide 13 with 3 and use integer numbers the result will be 4.
With mod(13,3) I receive the remainder 1. But how can I get the 4 in Matlab? I think it is not possible to switch to integer numbers for this calculation, isn't it?
You can use the floor function:
result = floor(13/3)
This function always rounds down to the lower integer
You can explicitly use integers:
result = uint32(13)/unit32(3);
You can also use hex numbers:
result = 0xDu32 / 0x3u32;
Note that result will be of type uint32.
Use idivide:
result = idivide(13, 3);
You can specify the rounding method with a third argument, with the default being 'fix', or rounding towards zero. For example, this would round towards negative infinity:
result = idivide(13, 3, 'floor');

truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: ) returning nonZero remainder even if number is completely divisible

I am trying to get remainder using swift's truncatingRemainder(dividingBy:) method.
But I am getting a non zero remainder even if value I am using is completely divisible by deviser. I have tried number of solutions available here but none worked.
P.S. values I am using are Double (Tried Float also).
Here is my code.
let price = 0.5
let tick = 0.05
let remainder = price.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: tick)
if remainder != 0 {
return "Price should be in multiple of tick"
I am getting 0.049999999999999975 as remainder which is clearly not the expected result.
As usual (see, this is caused by the way numbers are stored in a computer.
According to the docs, this is what we expect
let price = //
let tick = //
let r = price.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: tick)
let q = (price/tick).rounded(.towardZero)
tick*q+r == price // should be true
In the case where it looks to your eye as if tick evenly divides price, everything depends on the inner storage system. For example, if price is 0.4 and tick is 0.04, then r is vanishingly close to zero (as you expect) and the last statement is true.
But when price is 0.5 and tick is 0.05, there is a tiny discrepancy due to the way the numbers are stored, and we end up with this odd situation where r, instead of being vanishingly close to zero, is vanishing close to tick! And of course the last statement is then false.
You'll just have to compensate in your code. Clearly the remainder cannot be the divisor, so if the remainder is vanishingly close to the divisor (within some epsilon), you'll just have to disregard it and call it zero.
You could file a bug on this but I doubt that much can be done about it.
Okay, I put in a query about this and got back that it behaves as intended, as I suspected. The reply (from Stephen Canon) was:
That's the correct behavior. 0.05 is a Double with the value 0.05000000000000000277555756156289135105907917022705078125. Dividing 0.5 by that value in exact arithmetic gives 9 with a remainder of 0.04999999999999997501998194593397784046828746795654296875, which is exactly the result you're seeing.
The only rounding error that occurs in your example is in the division price/tick, which rounds up to 10 before your .rounded(.towardZero) has a chance to take effect. We'll add an API to let you do something like price.divided(by: tick, rounding: .towardZero) at some point, which will eliminate this rounding, but the behavior of truncatingRemainder is precisely as intended.
You really want to have either a decimal type (also on the list of things to do) or to scale the problem by a power of ten so that your divisor become exact:
1> let price = 50.0
price: Double = 50
2> let tick = 5.0
tick: Double = 5
3> let r = price.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: tick)
r: Double = 0

Rounding to two decimal places is not working

I am trying to reduce the decimal places of my number to two. Unfortunately is not possible. For this reason I added some of my code, maybe you will see the mistake...
Update [dbo].[company$Line] SET
Amount = ROUND((SELECT RAND(1) * Amount),2),
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[company$Line]
Amount in db which I want to change:
Result I get after executing the code:
Result I want to get (or something like this):
0.00000000000000000000 or 0.00
1366.30000000000000000000 or 1366.30
268.99000000000000000000 or 268.99
206.49000000000000000000 or 206.49
RAND() returns float.
According to data type precedence the result of multiplying decimal and float is float, try:
ROUND(CAST(RAND(1) as decimal(28,12)) * Amount, 2)
this should do the trick.

Swift: Double conversion inconsistency. How to correctly compare Doubles?

I have a very simple function to convert temperature from ˚C TO ˚K.
func convertKelvinToCelsius(temp:Double) ->Double {
return temp - 273.15
And I have a unit test to drive this function. This is where the problem is:
func testKelvinToCelsius(){
var check1 = conv.convertKelvinToCelsius(200.00) // -73.149999999999977
var check2 = 200.00 - 273.15 // -73.149999999999977
var check3 = Double(-73.15) // -73.150000000000006
XCTAssert(conv.convertKelvinToCelsius(200.00).description == Double(-73.15).description, "Shoud convert from celsius kelvin")
XCTAssert(conv.convertKelvinToCelsius(200.00) == Double(-73.15), "Shoud convert from celsius kelvin")
When you add a breakpoint and check the values of check1, check2 and check3, they are very interesting:
check1 Double -73.149999999999977
check2 Double -73.149999999999977
check3 Double -73.150000000000006
Why does Swift return different values for check1/check2 and check3
How can I get the second test to pass, because writing it like I did the test1 smells. Why should I have to convert Doubles to Strings to be able to compare them?
Finally, when I println check1, check2 and check3, they all print to be '-73.15'. Why? Why not print accurately, and not confuse the programmers!?
To Reproduce:
Just type 200 - 273.15 == -73.15 in you playground and watch it go false!!
This is expected behavior for floating point values. They cannot be 100% accurately represented.
You can use the XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy function to assert floating point values are within a given range of each other.
The reason println prints the same value for all is because it internally rounds them to two decimals (I assume).
This is not a Swift specific issue, this is related to the fact how decimal numbers are created in computers and what is their precision. You will need to work with DBL_EPSILON.
Swift, like most languages, uses binary floating point numbers.
With binary floating point numbers, some numbers can be represented exactly, but most can't. What can be represented exactly are integers unless they are very large (for example, 100000000000000.0 is fine), and such integers multiplied or divided by powers of two (7.375 is fine, it is 59.0 / 8, but 7.3 isn't).
Every floating point operation gives you the exact result, rounded to the nearest floating-point number. So you get
200.0 -> Exactly 200
273.15 -> A number very close to 273.15
200 - 273.15 -> A number very close to -73.15
-73.15 -> A number very close to -73.15
If you compare two numbers that are both very very close to -73.15 they are not necessarily equal. That's not a problem of the == operator; that one will determine correctly whether they are equal or not. The problem is that the two numbers can actually be different.