iPhone 2D Game programming - iphone

I would like to start a project about creating a 2D game for iPhone. I have already created some iPhone apps but none concerning game. The idea is simple : the user must drive a ball into a simple route composed of some obstacles before he gets cached by a wall that always go done. (I don't know if it make sense to you but the game environment will be simple).
I posted here because I have some questions :
What should I use ? Opengl ES or only UIView objects ?
Is there some framework that could help me ?
All ideas, advices, suggestions, links for good tutorials are welcome !
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ps: forgive my english, it's not my first language.

If you are focusing on 2D only, something like Cocos 2D would save you a lot of steps and let to focus on your game development.
It handles scene management, particle effects, sprite animation, physics, etc.

My personal favorite for 2D development is Corona.


Intro to 3d animating with Unity?

I'm not looking to make a game, I only want to make animated 3d videos. I'm a complete beginner with Unity and have completed some tutorial for the very basics, and have some experience 3d modelling in blender.
Any suggestions for a tutorial playlist/videos/blog? A lot of the Youtube tutorials I've found kind of assume you have the basics down (which i don't) and it leaves me lost at times. Thanks
Unity is a game enginge, after all so you should probably use a 3D animation program - such as blender - to create (non-interactive) animations. If you already have modelling skills in blender perhaps you should try working with blender animation?
Here are some ressources that might help:

Simple Cocos2d Iphone Game. Just some basic questions

I'm making an app, where the sprite has to run across the screen pressing buttons and jumping and ducking. Kind of like line runner. Anyways, I'm using cocos2d. Is this what i should be using. If it is, how would i make it. Im not asking for all the code, just the basic objectives and what i should do! thanks so much!
Cocos2d is one of the best platform to make game i think what you want to do can be done by cocos2d and you need to know how to move object(sprite) across the scene and how to detect the collation.
there is lots of way to move the sprite across the screen you can also move then by the cocos2d built in methods.
search for move method which will help you.
I would definitely advise you to use Cocos2d for this purpose and also Box2d if you need real physics simulation in your game.
Regarding of writing your game have a look here : It contains very useful cocos2d tutorials and even have a tutorial of how to write a full functioning game (Look for the monkey game)
Note : It seems that the link does not work right now but I am sure it will be fixed soon..

Tool to construct 3D maze for the iPhone?

I want to construct a 3D Maze tha will appear on the iPhone screen but not in the typical above-the maze view but in a Wolfenstein walking inside-around the maze fashion.. Excuse my terminology but I'm quite new to this :)
My questions are the following:
What tools should I use to build my 3d maze? XCode's OpenGl or Quartz Composer?
Given that I want a fairly simple design is there some even simpler tool I can use to design the maze and then import it in my Objective-C project to integrate user/iphone interaction to this?
More importantly though: Regarding the user's movement around the maze, it will involve some elaborate motion event handling and not your typical click left/front/back/right arrow to move around.. Does that affect in any way the tool I will be using to construct my maze or is this irrelevant?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You could (and probably should) do it with Unity 3D. In fact, somebody already has.

how to move images in openGL ES?

I have developed some how 5 iphone application, but now there is one game, and still I haven't any idea except word open GL ES, I read it a bit but I need some explanation and guidance for developing it.
The theme of game is like "there are many objects are moving from down to upside and i have to pick them and drag in boxes according to their color"
can anyone help me for showing proper way how to achieve, the study sources and other material,,
Thanks in Advance,,,
Not a direct answer but why don't you use an objective-c wrapper like cocos2d. That would speed up the things.
Not a real answer either, but are you sure you need OpenGL ES for that?
If your game is simple enough, you can use only custom UIViews. That would be much easier, especially to handle touch interactions.

cocos2d and box2d .. creating map and worlds

So my question is really about creating different levels in my game. I am using cocos2d and box2d and right now I have a lot of code that actually constructs my world and I can't do pane or stuff like that coz honestly i don't know how..
So any tips and pointers for beginner to create world with static object and then I can add my own sprite to that world and move around with box2d?
Start running through the tutorials for Cocos2D. All of them. Modify them to see changes your interested in. I can think of a number of ways you might be able to construct your levels but it wouldn't necessarily make sense if you are not familiar with the Cocos2D classes and terminology. Try posting your question on the Cocos2D forums as well. Possibly someone in the Cocos2D community has already done this.