Intro to 3d animating with Unity? - unity3d

I'm not looking to make a game, I only want to make animated 3d videos. I'm a complete beginner with Unity and have completed some tutorial for the very basics, and have some experience 3d modelling in blender.
Any suggestions for a tutorial playlist/videos/blog? A lot of the Youtube tutorials I've found kind of assume you have the basics down (which i don't) and it leaves me lost at times. Thanks

Unity is a game enginge, after all so you should probably use a 3D animation program - such as blender - to create (non-interactive) animations. If you already have modelling skills in blender perhaps you should try working with blender animation?
Here are some ressources that might help:


How to outline (silhouette) 3D model in URP?

Good weekend everyone, I'm looking for some tutorial/script how to make 3D object outline with original image texture (eg. stick with wood texture). I would like to when the raycast hits the object (I'm able to detect with object is raycast hitted), the object will be outlined/glowed.
I tryed many tutorials on youtube, finding shaders script, etc, but I'm using URP Unity 2020 and some shaders is not working - only pink material, or works different. Emitter material is not good too, because there is no original texture. I'm stuck on this for few days. I'm a newbie in the Unity community.
Thank you very much for your help. :)
Outline shaders are difficult to make. I use this free asset I found in the Unity Asset store for all my games if you are looking for an easy fix.

Is there any way to build a house in Blender and export it to Unity?

Trying to make a game in Unity and I need a fairly complex house, i'm fairly experienced with Blender, and familiar with Unity, but mesh colliders don't work, convex or not, and making a bunch of differently-shaped colliders seems like a complex way to complete a simple task :/ .
I managed to make a video tutorial in regards of this.
Check this out Blender to Unity if you have the spare time.

Can Photoshop be Used as a 3D Modeling Program for Unity3D?

I was looking in to Photoshop cs6 extended recently, and I realized that 3D modeling can be done in there. Currently, I am trying to learn game design with unity3d and I was wondering if it is possible to import models from Photoshop into unity3d. Right now I do all of my 3D modeling work in blender. What are the capabilities of Photoshop and 3D modeling exactly? Would it be possible, or even smart, to import models made in Photoshop to Unity3d? If it is possible to make a 2d drawing into a 3d model using these tools would it be a smart thing to try to do? Or would it be better to just create a 3D model from scratch in blender. Sorry for all of these questions; I am new to Photoshop and would just like to know what is possible and if using it in this fashion would be a good idea. Would it be good to change my workflow to do modeling in Photoshop. If I am confused about anything, please correct me. I would also like to know if the meshes created in Photoshop are low-poly because I would like to use them in a mobile game. Would the model and all of it's parts created there import well into Unity3d?
I did a fast research on Photoshop's documentation and found that it support exporting to Collada(DAE) and Wavefront(OBJ) 3D formats so your answer could be YES, you can.
But, OBJ doesn't support animation (you can check the specification here if you want, it has a long time that I don't work with OBJ)
Despite Collada's .dae support animation it never worked properly when I tried to import on Unity.
You can also import your models and animate them into Unity itself but why don't choose for a professional 3D tool instead of a native 2D tool adapted to support 3D and still very limited on 3D features?

cocos2d game sample based on gameloop?

I want to develop 2d game through Cocos2d.but i could not find
any tutorial based on the following.I want one game loop and one draw screen.can I do Multiple sprite animations within one scene..(translating World etc).where can i find tutorial how to use those classes which are coccos2d?
It is quite simple, you do not have to know opengl essentials to use cocos2d. cocos2d is quite simple yet awesome!. Just download the cocos2d 0.99.5 and it comes with sample tests. You will be able to find almost all of the things you want to do in a game i.e. animations, touches, moving sprites, particle system etc etc
so just go to:
How to learn OpenGL by example, say, building a rotating globe?

iPhone 2D Game programming

I would like to start a project about creating a 2D game for iPhone. I have already created some iPhone apps but none concerning game. The idea is simple : the user must drive a ball into a simple route composed of some obstacles before he gets cached by a wall that always go done. (I don't know if it make sense to you but the game environment will be simple).
I posted here because I have some questions :
What should I use ? Opengl ES or only UIView objects ?
Is there some framework that could help me ?
All ideas, advices, suggestions, links for good tutorials are welcome !
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ps: forgive my english, it's not my first language.
If you are focusing on 2D only, something like Cocos 2D would save you a lot of steps and let to focus on your game development.
It handles scene management, particle effects, sprite animation, physics, etc.
My personal favorite for 2D development is Corona.