Multiple simultaneous updates with MongoDB/PyMongo? - mongodb

According to the PyMongo docs, update() can only update a single document at a time. Let's say I have 100 documents I want to update simultaneously. That's a lot of overhead. Is there a way to update multiple documents with a single MongoDB query through PyMongo?

Actually, you can update multiple docs with the multi option:
collection.update(spec, doc, multi=True)
This updates all matches.

you can update multiple documents with different _id at a time by using bulk write feature available in mongodb 2.6
try this
in precise you can use Ordered Bulk Write Operations which updates a bulk of records which are with different criteria.
view this for more details Best way to read and update mongodb documents using pymongo


How can I bulk update in mongodb?

I am trying to update many documents in a single query, how can I update many documents in a single query such that I don't have to loop over a list and update each individually?
You can create an array of operations that you want, and use a bulkWrite (view the docs here).
In that way you don't need to make a lot of request and get all the updates done. You can choose if you want the operations to be ordered or unordered and each type of operation has its own behavior. You can also choose which level of write concern you want.

mongodb - retrieve multiple documents efficiently

I want to download ~100K records from mongodb.
Using pymongo.
find() returns cursor, which, i guess, go to the db (cloud) for each single doc. This takes ~0.003 per document, not so good.
Is there some way to perform "fetch all" or something like that, to reduce run time?

How to delete multiple collection in Robomongo

I am using Robomongo for MongoDB.
In my Robomongo I have multiple duplicate collections.
Now I want to delete each collection at a time without any query and ForEach function.
With respect to the current available version of the S/w, i doubt if its possible.
But you might be interested in viewing:
How to delete lots of mongodb collections at once?

MongoDB bulk API: Finding out whch bulk updates matched

I'm doing multiple updates in a single bulk. Note: they are updates, not upserts. The problem doesn't allow it. Is there a way to find out which commands form the bulk matched (or didn't)?
From what I saw in the manual, you can only find the number of matches from BulkWriteResult, not which one matched, but I thought I'd ask anyway. Thanks for the help.
The BulkWriteResult doesn't contain this information and, as of MongoDB 2.6.3, there's no way to obtain it from the execution of the bulk operation. Of course, since you specify the criteria to determine which documents are updated, you can find out which documents are updated from the results of a find query with the same criteria. as long as the documents don't change in between. During a multistage bulk operation, you might change what documents match the update.

List of updated documents

Is there a way to update (or delete) many documents matching a certain criteria and get the list of IDs of actually updated/deleted documents (or some other fields of those documents)? I cannot simply query the documents matching my criteria beforehand because I need kinda atomicity for this operation. And I can't use findAndModify because it can only process one document at a time which is too slow because of round-trips. Suggestions?
MongoDB only supports atomic operations on a single document.
The only way to do this is to do what you said you didn't one to:
First query the collection to find id's for our query:
db.things.find({"name":"john"}, {_id:1});
Then, use the same query to remove:
db.things.remove({"name":"john"}, {_id:1});
Not ideal, and not atomic, but it's as good as you're going to get in this scenario.