mongodb - retrieve multiple documents efficiently - mongodb

I want to download ~100K records from mongodb.
Using pymongo.
find() returns cursor, which, i guess, go to the db (cloud) for each single doc. This takes ~0.003 per document, not so good.
Is there some way to perform "fetch all" or something like that, to reduce run time?


How to query through more than 2 million documents in mongodb?

I have more than 2 million documents in my mongodb atlas collection. I am using Mongoose to read/write data into the cloud collection but as the size is too huge, queries like Model.find() takes infinite time, unless I use .limit(x) with it.
Is there any way or concept I should look for this?
I just want to analyse the documents for some simple queries and then put the data to use in React frontend.

How to efficiently query MongoDB for documents when I know that 95% are not used

I have a collection of ~500M documents.
Every time when I execute a query, I receive one or more documents from this collection. Let's say I have a counter for each document, and I increase this counter by 1 whenever this document is returned from the query. After a few months of running the system in production, I discover that the counter of only 5% of the documents is greater than 0 (zero). Meaning, 95% of the documents are not used.
My question is: Is there an efficient way to arrange these documents to speedup the query execution time, based on the fact that 95% of the documents are not used?
What is the best practice in this case?
If - for example - I will add another boolean field for each document named "consumed" and index this field. Can I improve the query execution time somehow?
~500M documents That is quite a solid figure, good job if that's true. So here is how I see the solution of the problem:
If you want to re-write/re-factor and rebuild the DB of an app. You could use versioning pattern.
How does it looks like?
Imagine you have a two collections (or even two databases, if you are using micro service architecture)
Relevant docs / Irrelevant docs.
Basically you could use find only on relevant docs collection (which store 5% of your useful docs) and if there is nothing, then use Irrelevant.find(). This pattern will allows you to store old/historical data. And manage it via TTL index or capped collection.
You could also add some Redis magic to it. (Which uses precisely the same logic), take a look:
This article can also be helpful (as many others, like this SO question)
But don't try to replace Mongo with Redis, team them up instead.
Using Indexes and .explain()
If - for example - I will add another boolean field for each document named "consumed" and index this field. Can I improve the query execution time somehow?
Yes, it will deal with your problem. To take a look, download MongoDB Compass, create this boolean field in your schema, (don't forget to add default value), index the field and then use Explain module with some query. But don't forget about compound indexes! If you create field on one index, measure the performance by queering only this one field.
The result should been looks like this:
If your index have usage (and actually speed-up) Compass will shows you it.
To measure the performance of the queries (with and without indexing), use Explain tab.
Actually, all this part can be done without Compass itself, via .explain and .index queries. But Compass got better visuals of this process, so it's better to use it. Especially since he becomes absolutely free for all.

mongodb - keeping track of aggregated documents

I have a mongodb collection that stores raw information coming from an app. I wrote a multi-pipeline aggregation method to generate more meaningful data from the raw documents.
Using the $out operator in my aggregation function I store the aggregation results in another collection.
I would like to be able to either delete raw documents that were already aggregated, or somehow mark those documents so I know not to aggregate again.
I am worried that I cannot guaranty I won't miss out some documents that are created in between or create duplicate aggregated documents.
Is there a way to achieve this?

What is the typical usage of ElasticSearch in conjuncion with other storage?

It is not recommended to use ElasticSearch as the only storage from some obvious reasons like security, transactions etc. So how it is usually used together with other database?
Say, I want to store some documents in MongoDB and be able to effectively search by some of their properties. What I'd do would be to store full document in Mongo as usual and then trigger insertion to ElasticSearch but I'd insert only searchable properties plus MongoDB ObjectID there. Then I can search using ElasticSearch and having ObjectID found, go to Mongo and fetch whole documents.
Is this correct usage of ElasticSearch? I don't want to duplicate whole data as I have them already in Mongo.
The best practice is for now to duplicate documents in ES.
The cool thing here is that when you search, you don't have to return to your database to fetch content as ES provide it in only one single call.
You have everything with ES Search Response to display results to your user.
My 2 cents.
You may like to use mongodb river take a look at this post
There are more issue then the size of the data you store or index, you might like to have MongoDB as a backup with "near real time" query for inserted data. and as a queue for the data to indexed (you may like to use mongodb as cluster with the relevant write concern suited for you application

Multiple simultaneous updates with MongoDB/PyMongo?

According to the PyMongo docs, update() can only update a single document at a time. Let's say I have 100 documents I want to update simultaneously. That's a lot of overhead. Is there a way to update multiple documents with a single MongoDB query through PyMongo?
Actually, you can update multiple docs with the multi option:
collection.update(spec, doc, multi=True)
This updates all matches.
you can update multiple documents with different _id at a time by using bulk write feature available in mongodb 2.6
try this
in precise you can use Ordered Bulk Write Operations which updates a bulk of records which are with different criteria.
view this for more details Best way to read and update mongodb documents using pymongo