Image / Voice Recognition in Objective-C - iphone

I am developing an application with Image and Voice recognition.
Do you have any source or idea how to do this?

For speech recognition use pocketsphinx. Static libs were created for it at
to work on the iphone.

XCode comes with examples for speech recognition (in /Developer/Examples/Speech/Recognition), and the class you'd use is NSSpeechRecognizer.

I can suggest you using OpenCV, well written in C/C++, can be used in IPhone for computer vision and image processing.


Image Recognition in real time

I am searching for a way, to achieve real time image recognition in dynamically, I have to scan object (it can be a product) and show details about that object.
Is it possible by using native frameworks like ARKit? Or I have to go with third party libraries by using recent methodology?
Can someone suggest a way?
Yes, it's possible by using Apple's native CoreML and Vision frameworks.
But you need to know about all the products in your library in advance.
You can read about it in this Medium post: CoreML Machine Learning on iOS.
Also, watch this WWDC 2017 video about Vision/CoreML frameworks.

How can I integrate speech recognition on Unity 3d?

I am doing some research and I cannot find any examples where Unity integrates speech recognition as input layer.
Do anyone knows an example of it?
If you have some many use this from asset store. If you want to dig more deeper then there is several different ways for several different platrform. Probably this will help you.
Actually in Windows System from 8.1 to 10 exists a Lybrary to do the work for you.
class in UnityEngine.Windows.Speech
You have the official Unity Documentation here:
Unity Documentation PhraseRecognitionSystem
for me.. I use. Net 3.0 speech recognition to make it happen..i use visual studio c# to make the speech recognition system and then i integrate it with unity at runtime..u need a code in unity to invoke the speech recognition exe and the code need to be able to fetch data from the exe (.readline)..u need to use system.threading here in order to avoid unity to halt when speech recognition exe is invoke..
Hope this help..

Adding recorded voice recognition iPhone

In my program I have some recorded voice. After that I need to recognition it, for example: I launched program, saying something, and when program received word that have been recorded it shows UIAlertView. Anybody knows any sdk or example code? Thanks..
Hope the below link will helpful for you. They will also provide sample app for recognizing sounds. Download it and try it.
Ispeech SDK
Please note that ispeech does not perform natural voice recognition and the advertising materials are very misleading. The voice recognition piece of iSpeech requires a set vocabulary similar to the open source (and free) OpenEars SDK.
Nuance recently updated their developer program to give mobile developers limited free access to their speech recognition servers. Look at
If you don't want to use network to transfer audio, try OpenEars, the library for embedded speech recognition on IPhone

How can I reduce the speed of sound playing on Iphone using Objective C

I have an mp3 that I want to play slowly without altering the pitch. Is there a way to do it? I can convert into other forms, if I can do it in other forms. This is for a iPhone app that I am developing.
A time-pitch modification/stretching algorithm or library could be used for this. You could develop some DSP analysis/resynthesis code for a phase vocoder, a PSOLA pitch corrector, or use a commecial library such as Dirac.
See the stackoverflow question: iPhone voice changer for some other answers to a similar question.

Can I use iPhone face recognition in apps?

I want to develop an application for iPhone in xcode and integrate face recognition in the application to correspond to other application functions but I do not know how it is possible to use face recognition in my application. Any ideas?
Check out this Wikipedia page. It has a lot of references to algorithms, applications, etc.
Check out OpenCV. Here's a blog post that should help get you started:
See the Apple published iOS sample code that implements face detection called
SquareCam. --
Integrating with CoreImage's new CIFaceDetector to find faces in a real-time VideoDataOutput, as well as in a captured still image. Found faces are indicated with a red square.