Can I use iPhone face recognition in apps? - iphone

I want to develop an application for iPhone in xcode and integrate face recognition in the application to correspond to other application functions but I do not know how it is possible to use face recognition in my application. Any ideas?

Check out this Wikipedia page. It has a lot of references to algorithms, applications, etc.

Check out OpenCV. Here's a blog post that should help get you started:

See the Apple published iOS sample code that implements face detection called
SquareCam. --
Integrating with CoreImage's new CIFaceDetector to find faces in a real-time VideoDataOutput, as well as in a captured still image. Found faces are indicated with a red square.


Augmented Reality : Recognize hand written number?

I am trying to find a solution for this AR app as the topic tells.
I want my app to recognize a hand-written number by the user.
The app will tell the user to write down for example number 24 on a paper and move the camera over the written number to see the 3d object.
This might be used for saving a Birthday, a wedding date .. etc
For accuracy, the app instructions will show the user a preview to tell please write the number 24 similar to this..
Although each hand writing will differ, but at least we do not get curly "2"-s or "4" with an open edge ..etc
So here we need AR to recognize the number, or be able to read the number according to approximation.
And the first question is: Is such a behavior doable or anyone familiar with a similar concept?
After searching similar apps, I found "Ink Hunter" apps for tatoo preview-s, although these apps use symbols not number, but we can think of a number as a symbol as well.
Also as this video: shows, each user draws the symbol in a different way and still they get it working.
I am using Unity3d and Vuforia.
Vuforia offers free samples(unity3d packages) on the website, and there is one named "Text Recognition" , and here's the tutorial link:
But unfortunately couldn't make it work.
If someone has developed such a functionality using these sample projects from vuforia or have any ulternative method please I need you help :)
thanks in advance moghes
Here's a tutorial our team created on text recognition using the Hololens and Vuforia with Unity: In the first portion of the video, we show how to get text recognition working with just Vuforia and Unity - no Hololens required. For your application, just change the text to numbers.
I believe the biggest challenge you will have is the "hand-written" component. From our research, Vuforia prefers computer-generated, predefined font types.

Which library should i use for face Tracking for captured image?

I am creating one application with face processing. How may i create face animation?
Is there any library which i can use?
How to face track once capturing image of face?
Please help me
As far as I am aware there is no completely free library to track facial expressions - which i think is what you need to produce aniamtion.
However, there is a commerical library for iOS (and other platforms) here:
This is available under a trial license and also a free educational licence. I believe it will do what you want.
Your other option is to develop you own facial feature tracking system using something like OpenCV:
Thats going to be a challenge though.
Face detection is already included in CoreImage (CI), see
If you want face recognition, you have to do something on your own, but there are some tutorials available - most of them using OpenCV.

iOS 5 'Facial Recognition' for objects

I'm trying to figure out a way to use the facial recognition software within iOS 5 to detect objects. Currently, I'm using Xcode 4.2 and have a sample of code from here:
I would like to redefine what "eyes" and "mouth" is to allow the app to distinguish objects.
Can anyone help me out with this problem?
Thank You!
Face detection algorithms typically work by searching for image features (e.g, certain patterns of gradients) that are specific to the human face. They cannot be used to detect other arbitrary objects.
There are no public APIs for modifying the face detector. You will have to find other image processing software to detect your non-face objects.
Check out Open CV. It should be able to do object recognition. Here is a post about building it for iPhone.

Adding recorded voice recognition iPhone

In my program I have some recorded voice. After that I need to recognition it, for example: I launched program, saying something, and when program received word that have been recorded it shows UIAlertView. Anybody knows any sdk or example code? Thanks..
Hope the below link will helpful for you. They will also provide sample app for recognizing sounds. Download it and try it.
Ispeech SDK
Please note that ispeech does not perform natural voice recognition and the advertising materials are very misleading. The voice recognition piece of iSpeech requires a set vocabulary similar to the open source (and free) OpenEars SDK.
Nuance recently updated their developer program to give mobile developers limited free access to their speech recognition servers. Look at
If you don't want to use network to transfer audio, try OpenEars, the library for embedded speech recognition on IPhone

how to do image morphing as in FatBooth app - iPhone

I want to build a similar app as fatbooth and want some ideas on how to do this. I googled for Image morphing in iPhone but didn't find anything. Should I use some server side language to morph Image?
Any help would be much appreciated!
The only language you can really use is C# or c++. the maths is very complicated although I am sure you can get a book or two that cover image manipulation.
I don't know if there is an open source morphing framework, but that is your best option - it doesn't have to be specific to the iPhone, but the integration will be hard.
I don't know what you mean about server side, unless there is a server you know of that does it and you want a wrapper around it
For starters, take a look at displacement mapping:
Basically, you use grayscale images to bloat/shrink/squeeze/etc parts of a person's face. I made an app called FaceCraze which had to implement a poor man's FatBooth as part of the face transformation, and I used grayscale images very similar to the examples in
edit: You can use the ImageMagick library in your iOS apps too: Link