NetBeans Platform 6.7 does not run on Java 1.5 - netbeans

I have also posted this question on the netbeans forums - hoping for maximum exposure.
I am developing an application using NetBeans RELEASE67 and maven-nbm plugin.
I use Java WebStart to deploy.
My users have a mixture of java 1.6 and java 1.5
My java 1.5 users are unable to use the software;
on startup the software calls TopComponent.findInstance()
and this results in
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/swing/GroupLayout$Group
I can see that javax.swing.GroupLayout is new to java 1.6+, and am stumped that the basic TopComponent code is so tied to java 1.6.
How can I get a NetBeans platform app to run under Java 1.5?
I will try to rewind to RELEASE65 in the hope this will solve the problem.
Any suggestions?
Thanks alot.

Are you including swing-layout.jar in your deployment? You'll need that for running on pre-Java 6 platforms.

Apologies for the slow response.
My problem was that I was running the IDE under Java 6, and Matisse had created all the layouts using the java6 only class javax.swing.GroupLayout.
I didn't notice the problem until I had to run the software on the minoritiy of my clients who are stuck on Java 1.5
This is easily fixed using the following procedure
Open the TopComponent in the 'Inspector' window
Right-click on the root node (Form TopComponent). Select the 'Properties Windo
In the properties window there is a line about 'Layout Generation Style'. The choice is between
Standard Java 6 Code
Swing Layout Extensions Library
Select the latter option.


Unable to add JSP files into Project

Here is a picture of my environment and I am unable to create JSP files, I am not sure what I am missing let me know what I can answer to get a resolution. Thanks.
If anyone is having this issue with Sring Starter Project in Spring Tool Suite 4:
Help -> Install New Software -> WorkWith Spring Tool Suite 4
Scroll to bottom and select :
Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development
You are probably using the standard version of eclipse. (As you are using the default "Java" perspective, not "Java EE".)
The solution would be to download the version of eclipse that has Java EE support. This version will enable you to create Servlets, JSPs and many more through wizards (that's what you seem to be looking for).
Get the current version (Juno SR2) of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers here: (choose the version according to your system in a box called Download Links at the right-side of the page).
The wizard will be available then. Also, don't forget to change the perspective to Java EE (in a button at the top of the right-hand side of you eclipse), as it will show your web projects in a better organized way.

Failed to create javafx flatform in netbeans

I got this error when I'm trying to create a Java Swing Application, by using Netbeans.
I really don't know how to fix this error. Internet did't give me a really good answer.
I Unistalled Netbeans & then reInstalled. but It doesn't work.
How can I fix this error. Thank you.
I don't have a NetBeans installation at hand, but have a look at your Java installations configured in NetBeans ("Java Platform Manager" in Tools menu?). Select the Java version you are using. There should be a JavaFX tab. I think you can disable it there, if you don't need it.
Note: If you're using the latest Java version from Oracle, then JavaFX should automatically be configured correctly, since JavaFX is now shipped with the JDK.

Plugin can not be seen by rcp application

i habe a plugin written in Eclipse which used to work on a given rcp application just by adding the .jar file to the "plugin"-folder of my rcp application. Now i have a new machine (win7 64bits, JRE 1.6) and tried to export a new .jar after making minor changes to the project. Now my rcp application can not "see" my plugin any more. The old machine used to have JRE 1.5 amd was 32bits. I would appreciate it if somebody could give me a hint. I have been trying to solve this issue for 5 days without much success. Thank you very much!
Probobly the problem is with the lunch configuration or with the JRE!
May be you need to update your eclipse with deltapack to support 64bit/32bit Platform related jars.

Setup GWT and eclipse on windows

I am looking to build a website in GWT top replace a couple of desktop apps we have here at work, I programmed in java 12 years ago so the code should not be a problem.
I am having problems with installation GET and Eclipse.
I seem that when you use the latest version of Eclipse (Juno 4.2) and try to use the GWt Plug in the installer process fail looking for very specific versions of libaries.
My question is "Is there a recommended version of eclipse and GWT that is not on the cutting edge and I can get to work with relative ease"
I hope this will help you for using GWT in Eclipse
Use this. Get the newest Eclipse "Juno" and choose the standard java version.
Now you need to use the proper link for the plug in. For Juno it is 4.2. If the guide in the link doesn't work, check your firewall.
Found the problem I used the standard and java versions of eclipse.. if you using the J2EE version everything runs as normal

Cannot select framework to use in new web application using Netbeans on Ubuntu

Using Netbeans 6.9.1 on Ubuntu 10.10 Beta, when I try to create a new web application, none of checkboxes on the frameworks page are selectable. Here are my exact steps:
File > New Project
Choose Java Web from Categories and Web Application from Projects, and click Next
Accept the defaults on the Name and Location page, and click Next
Accept the defaults on the Server and Settings page (Server: GlassFish Server 3; Java EE Version: Java EE 6 Web, and click Next
On the Frameworks page, 6 options appear with checkboxes (Google Web Toolkit, Spring Web MVC, Echo2...), but I can't figure out how to check one. I can do it on my Windows machine running the same version of Netbeans. I have all available plugins installed in Netbeans.
What am I missing?
after a lot of searching, I found a solution.
In my case it seemed to be open-jdk that was causing the issue...
I wrote the solutions down here:
hope it helps...
I had the same problem... after many attempts to fix this i removed netbeans from the software center, installed it manually.. and now it all works smooth :D
I do believe that netbeans from the repo is 6.9 though and i installed 6.9.1 (on ubuntu 10.10)
Also I installed the sun java sdk: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
Try this : first, create your project without selecting a framework, then choose the framework you want to use in its properties.
Here you go, I ran into the same problem and finally figured out how to resolve it
Go to Tools > Plugins > Installed Plugins (Tab)
You will find the following plugins there
Java SE
Java ME
Base IDE
Java Web and EE
Ensure that Java SE, Base IDE, Java Web and EE plugins are active, if not activate them. You should all set from there.