Plugin can not be seen by rcp application - eclipse

i habe a plugin written in Eclipse which used to work on a given rcp application just by adding the .jar file to the "plugin"-folder of my rcp application. Now i have a new machine (win7 64bits, JRE 1.6) and tried to export a new .jar after making minor changes to the project. Now my rcp application can not "see" my plugin any more. The old machine used to have JRE 1.5 amd was 32bits. I would appreciate it if somebody could give me a hint. I have been trying to solve this issue for 5 days without much success. Thank you very much!
Probobly the problem is with the lunch configuration or with the JRE!

May be you need to update your eclipse with deltapack to support 64bit/32bit Platform related jars.


Can't find so many predefined file types in Eclipse Kepler

I have downloaded a new Eclipse Kepler IDE yesterday and I am unable to find the dynamic web project template and all other related files in there like jsp file, servlet etc. This means I am unable to create these files directly by choosing from wizard, like I was doing in Eclipse Helios. Also, it's not possible to run the previous projects that were built using Eclipse Helios? Does Kepler support web projects or not, or am I the only one who is struggling with this problem? I am using java since two weeks now, so I don't have much experience with other Eclipse versions too. Any help?
Sounds like you got the wrong distribution. You probably want the "Eclipse for Java EE developers" distribution, since that includes web development tools etc. by default.

Eclipse 4.3 Kepler missing JRE system library

I am extremely new to java (about one week of experience at the moment). I have made a fair amount of simple programs in an older version of eclipse Juno on a PC. I copied all of the files onto a flash drive and put them into the workspace of eclipse kepler on my mac laptop. Now every single line of code is unrecognized and the JRE system library folder is gone from all of the projects. I am not sure how to fix this and I would love if someone will help my noob self at this. Thanks!
You have to configure the jre from your mac in eclipse. You find it under window preferences and search for jre.
After that, in your eclipse project you can use the new configured jre (project properties - Java Build Path)
Hope this helps.

Failed to create javafx flatform in netbeans

I got this error when I'm trying to create a Java Swing Application, by using Netbeans.
I really don't know how to fix this error. Internet did't give me a really good answer.
I Unistalled Netbeans & then reInstalled. but It doesn't work.
How can I fix this error. Thank you.
I don't have a NetBeans installation at hand, but have a look at your Java installations configured in NetBeans ("Java Platform Manager" in Tools menu?). Select the Java version you are using. There should be a JavaFX tab. I think you can disable it there, if you don't need it.
Note: If you're using the latest Java version from Oracle, then JavaFX should automatically be configured correctly, since JavaFX is now shipped with the JDK.

jsuml is working with my eclipse IDE

I downloaded jsuml-eclipse-0.8.4 from
I put all the plugin jars in eclipse plugin folder and start eclipse in clean mode. Still i am unable to see the plugin in plugin installed in eclipse --> preferences --> plugin.
I am using eclipse helios on mac with snowlapord OS.
If any one know some good code to UML diagram in javascript please suggest.
At least you should ensure you use Eclipse 3.7.1 (Indigo). Newer versions wont work so far since some incompatibilites have brought in but the plugin was never adapted to that.
I managed it to get jsuml working, although I'm still not able to parse my .js files in.

How To Create Webstart From Existing Eclipse Installation

I want to create a java webstart product that includes all of the contents of my current eclipse installation - standard eclipse java edition with some extra plugins that I have developed/downloaded.
There are a number of tutorials showing how to do this for an eclipse RCP application, but I don't want to create an RCP specifically for this purpose (I also tried to do it and never really managed to configure the app to look just like my workbench).
So, is this even possible? Any pointers?
Update: I followed this article, but after deploying my application in the web server and running the jnlp, the jars were downloaded but nothing happened. I tried changing the eclipse.product property to other "possible" values, but didn't help.
Do you really need the web start software?
Since eclipse doesn't requires installation, and the plugins are installed in the same directory of eclipse why don't you zip your eclipse once you have it configured, and redistribute it as a zip. Even eclipse itself is distributed as zip.