field appears null or empty sting but I can not select it - postgresql

select *
from ss.mailer_data
id = 249122
and address_3 like'%%'
will not hit on address_3. I've tried changing the last line to
and address_3 is null
and address_3 = ''
and address_3 = ' '
I tried using char_length, ascii functions and they return nothing for that filed value. Anyone have any ideas?

could also be that id = 249122 is not true for that combination. What happens when you do
select *
from ss.mailer_data
where address_3 is null
select *
from ss.mailer_data
where address_3 = ''

NULL is a special case - It's undefined but if that were your problem, Is Null should've found it
Can I ask you what data IS actually stored in Address3?
If you just want all records where address3 is empty/null,
select *
from ss.mailer_data
RTRIM(COALESCE(address_3, '')) =''
NB: LIKE is computationally expensive so use it carefully. Also, like '%%' is identical to Like '%'
Are you sure you had the right Id?


Postgresql - How to make NOT LIKE + SELECT statement, comparing two columns between tables

Hit a bit of a brickwall here, I haven't found anything that seems to work.
FROM glsltransaction gls
INNER JOIN glhistory h ON gls.sltrxid = h.schedxrefid
INNER JOIN apvendor ap ON ap.vendorid = gls.acctid
INNER JOIN glchartofaccounts coa USING (acctdeptid)
WHERE h.description <> gls.description
AND h.description not like || || '%'
AND gls.description <> ''
This line here AND h.description not like || || '%' is what i'm having issues with.
I get the following error when trying to run that statement above:
'Error occurred in running query from editor : ERROR: operator does not exist: || text Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type. You might need to add an explicit type cast. Position: 563'
I'm effectively wanting it to function like a.column not like b.column%
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Postgres SQL - different results from LIKE query using OR vs ||

I have a table with an integer column. It has 12 records numbered 1000 to 1012. Remember, these are ints.
This query returns, as expected, 12 results:
select count(*) from proposals where qd_number::text like '%10%'
as does this:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "proposals" WHERE (lower(first_name) LIKE '%10%' OR qd_number::text LIKE '%10%' )
but this query returns 2 records:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "proposals" WHERE (lower(first_name) || ' ' || qd_number::text LIKE '%10%' )
which implies using || in concatenated where expressions is not equivalent to using OR. Is that correct or am I missing something else here?
You probably have nulls in first_name. For these records (lower(first_name) || ' ' || qd_number::text results in null, so you don't find the numbers any longer.
using || in concatenated where expressions is not equivalent to using ORIs that correct or am I missing something else here?
That is correct.
|| is the string concatenation operator in SQL, not the OR operator.

Why selectrow_array does not work with null values in where clause

I am trying to fetch the count from SQL server database and it gives 0 for fields with null values. Below is what I am using.
my $sql = q{SELECT count(*) from customer where first_name = ? and last_name = ?};
my #bind_values = ($first_name, $last_name);
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql, undef, #bind_values);
This returns 0 if either value is null in the database. I know prepare automatically makes it is null if the passed parameter is undef, but I don't know why it's not working.
So here is weird observation. When I type the SQL with values in Toda for SQL server, it works :
SELECT count(*) from customer where first_name = 'bob' and last_name is null
but when I try the same query and pass values in the parameter for the first_name = bob and the last_name {null} . it does not work.
SELECT count(*) from customer where first_name = ? and last_name = ?
For NULL in the WHERE clause you simply need a different query. I write them below each other, so you can spot the difference:
...("select * from test where col2 = ?", undef, 1);
...("select * from test where col2 is ?", undef, undef);
...("select * from test where col2 is ?", undef, 1);
...("select * from test where col2 = ?", undef, undef);
The first two commands work, stick to those. The third is a syntax error, the fourth is what you tried and which indeed does not return anything.
The DBI manpage has a section of NULL values that talks about this case a bit more.
So, here it is what I did. I added or field is null statement with each field if the value is undef.
my $sql = q{SELECT count(*) from customer where (first_name = ? or (first_name is null and ? = 1)) and (last_name = ? or (last_name is null and ? = 1))};
my #bind_values = ($first_name, defined($first_name)?0:1, $last_name, defined($last_name)?0:1);
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql, undef, #bind_values);
If anyone has better solution please post it.

How does sql evaluate ISNUMERIC(ISNULL(VALUE, 'blah'))

My assumption was that it would return a true if that value was numeric (within the isnumeric range) but FALSE if the ISNULL returns 'blah'. Seems like my assumption was off...
I'm using the it in the following way
case when ISNULL(ISNUMERIC(c.npinumber), 'blah') = 1
then c.NPiNUmber
else 'not valid: ' + c.NpiNumber
end as npi
Building on Dhruvesh's answer,
when ISNUMERIC(c.npinumber) = 1 then c.NPiNUmber
else 'not valid: ' + c.NpiNumber
end as npi
Will produce NULL anytime NpiNumber is NULL. The reason is that NULL + any string will still return NULL. The solution is to simply use the COALESCE function
when ISNUMERIC(c.npinumber) = 1 then c.NPiNUmber
else 'not valid: ' + COALESCE(c.NpiNumber, 'NULL VALUE')
end as npi
select ISNUMERIC(ISNULL(NULL, 'blah')),
ISNUMERIC(ISNULL(1234, 'blah')),
ISNUMERIC(ISNULL('ab', 'blah'))
Returns 0, 1, 0 - so your logic is correct.
When SQL's not behaving I like to simplify my query. Try running the query without your case statement first. If the results look right, then add additional logic.
What collation is your database? It's always a good idea to keep your column names properly cased (I'm looking at that all-lowercase column name over there...).
You don't require ISNULL. ISNUMERIC will return 1 if it's numberic or 0 if it's NULL or non-numeric.
when ISNUMERIC(c.NpiNumber) = 1 then c.NPiNUmber
else 'not valid: ' + c.NpiNumber
end as npi
Also as Euric Mentioned you may want to look at your all-lowercase column name.


I have had a look around and seem to have come across a strange issue with SQL Server 2008 R2.
I understand that with CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL = ON means that the following will always resolve to NULL
SELECT NULL + 'My String'
I'm happy with that, however when using this in conjunction with COALESCE() it doesn’t appear to be working on my database.
Consider the following query where MyString is VARCHAR(2000)
SELECT COALESCE(MyString + ', ', '') FROM MyTableOfValues
Now in my query, when MyString IS NULL it returns an empty (NOT NULL) string. I can see this in the query results window.
However unusually enough, when running this in conjunction with an INSERT it fails to recognise the CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL instead, inserting a blank ‘, ‘.
Query is as follows for insert.
INSERT INTO Mytable(StringValue)
SELECT COALESCE(MyString + ', ', '')
FROM MyTableOfValues
Further to this I have also checked the database and CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL = TRUE…
Use NULLIF(MyString, '') instead of just MyString:
SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(MyString, '') + ', ', '') FROM MyTableOfValues
Coalesce returns the first nonnull expression among its arguments.
You're getting a ', ' because it's the first nonnull expression in your coalesce call.
From some of the answers provided I was able to assertain a more in depth understanding of COALESCE().
The reason the above query did not fully work was because although I was checking for nulls, and empty string ('') is not considered null. Therefore although the above query worked, I should have checked for empty strings in my table first.
SELECT COALESCE(FirstName + ', ', '') + Surname
SELECT 'Joe' AS Firstname, 'Bloggs' AS Surname UNION ALL
SELECT 'Bob', 'Tielly'
) AS [MyTable]
Will return
Joe, Bloggs
, Jones
Bob, Tielly
Now row 3 has returned a "," character which I was not originally expecting due to a Blank but NOT NULL value.
The following code now works as expected as it checks for blank values. It works, but it looks like I took the long way around. There may be a better way.
-- Ammended Query
SELECT COALESCE(REPLACE(FirstName, Firstname , Firstname + ', '), '') + Surname AS FullName0
SELECT 'Joe' AS Firstname, 'Bloggs' AS Surname UNION ALL
SELECT 'Bob', 'Tielly'
) AS [MyTable]