Postgresql - How to make NOT LIKE + SELECT statement, comparing two columns between tables - postgresql

Hit a bit of a brickwall here, I haven't found anything that seems to work.
FROM glsltransaction gls
INNER JOIN glhistory h ON gls.sltrxid = h.schedxrefid
INNER JOIN apvendor ap ON ap.vendorid = gls.acctid
INNER JOIN glchartofaccounts coa USING (acctdeptid)
WHERE h.description <> gls.description
AND h.description not like || || '%'
AND gls.description <> ''
This line here AND h.description not like || || '%' is what i'm having issues with.
I get the following error when trying to run that statement above:
'Error occurred in running query from editor : ERROR: operator does not exist: || text Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type. You might need to add an explicit type cast. Position: 563'
I'm effectively wanting it to function like a.column not like b.column%
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!


postgreSQL There is an entry for table "xxx", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query

What is the proper way to write this query in postgreSQL?
I am trying to normalize (i.e. standardize) an address. I can use pagc with no problem if I feed it a hardcoded address. However, I need to feed it an address parsed from parts. I see there are several similar questions here on stack overflow referencing the same error. These queries are complex and are all pretty different from mine, so I couldn't get to the solution from reading the other posts.
I have tried:
with full_address as (home_address1 || ','|| home_city ||','|| home_state ||,','|| home_zip) update contacts set (home_house_num, home_predirection, home_street_name, home_street_type,home_postdirection, home_unit_num) = (addy.address_alphanumeric,addy.predirabbrev,addy.streetname, addy.streettypeabbrev,addy.postdirabbrev,addy.internal) FROM pagc_normalize_address(full_address) AS addy where contact_id = 833826;
This throws error:
syntax error at or near "home_address1"
LINE 26: with full_address as (home_address1 || ','|| home_city |.
I have also tried:
update contacts set (home_house_num, home_predirection, home_street_name, home_street_type,home_postdirection, home_unit_num) = (addy.address_alphanumeric,addy.predirabbrev,addy.streetname, addy.streettypeabbrev,addy.postdirabbrev,addy.internal) FROM pagc_normalize_address(home_address1 ||','||home_city||','||home_state||','||','||home_zip) AS addy where contact_id = 833826;
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "contacts"
LINE 24: ...abbrev,addy.internal) FROM pagc_normalize_address(home_addre...
HINT: There is an entry for table "contacts", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
SQL state: 42P10
Character: 2297
The first query is gibberish, the second makes sense but fails because you cannot use a lateral reference to the updated table's columns in the FROM clause.
Try a CTE like this:
WITH addy AS (
|| ',' || home_city || ',' || home_state || ',' || ',' || home_zip) AS addy
WHERE contacts.contact_id = 833826
UPDATE contacts
SET (home_house_num, home_predirection, home_street_name, home_street_type,home_postdirection, home_unit_num)
= (addy.address_alphanumeric,addy.predirabbrev,addy.streetname, addy.streettypeabbrev,addy.postdirabbrev,addy.internal)
FROM addy
WHERE contact_id = 833826;

Postgres invalid input syntax for type json Detail: Token "%" is invalid

I'm trying to check if some text contains the concatenation of a text and a value from an array in Postgres, something like:
SELECT true from jsonb_array_elements('["a", "b"]'::jsonb) as ids
WHERE 'bar/foo/item/b' LIKE '%item/' || ids->>'id' || '%'
I'm getting the following error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json Detail: Token "%" is invalid. Position: 95 Where: JSON data, line 1: %...
How can I make use of the values of the array, concatenate them with the text and check the LIKE expression?
I have tried several ideas of explicitly adding a cast like ::jsonb, but no luck so far.
The problem is that the || and ->> operators have the same precedence and are left associative, so the expression is interpreted as
(('%item/' || ids) ->>'id') || '%'
You'd have to add parentheses:
'%item/' || (ids->>'id') || '%'
Finally got this working, this is the result:
SELECT true from jsonb_array_elements_text('["a", "c"]'::jsonb) as ids
WHERE 'bar/foo/item/b' LIKE '%item/' || ids.value || '%'
The key changes were to use jsonb_array_elements_text instead of jsonb_array_elements and ids.value instead of ids->>'id'

Postgres SQL - different results from LIKE query using OR vs ||

I have a table with an integer column. It has 12 records numbered 1000 to 1012. Remember, these are ints.
This query returns, as expected, 12 results:
select count(*) from proposals where qd_number::text like '%10%'
as does this:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "proposals" WHERE (lower(first_name) LIKE '%10%' OR qd_number::text LIKE '%10%' )
but this query returns 2 records:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "proposals" WHERE (lower(first_name) || ' ' || qd_number::text LIKE '%10%' )
which implies using || in concatenated where expressions is not equivalent to using OR. Is that correct or am I missing something else here?
You probably have nulls in first_name. For these records (lower(first_name) || ' ' || qd_number::text results in null, so you don't find the numbers any longer.
using || in concatenated where expressions is not equivalent to using ORIs that correct or am I missing something else here?
That is correct.
|| is the string concatenation operator in SQL, not the OR operator.

Pgsql error: You might need to add explicit type casts

My website is just working fine til i deployed it to heroku and the problem is heroku uses pgsql and I'm using mysql and laravel framework.
my query is
$patient = Patient::where('patient_address', 'ILIKE' ,'%' . $request->input)->where('patient_sex', 'ILIKE' ,'%' . $request->gender)->whereHas('users', function($q) use($vaccine_id){
$q->where('vaccine_id','ILIKE','%' . $vaccine_id);
here's what I'm getting when I deploy it to heroku
SQLSTATE[42883]: Undefined function: 7 ERROR: operator does not exist: integer ~~* unknown
LINE 1: ...ient_id" = "patients"."PatientID" and "vaccine_id" ILIKE $3)
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. (SQL: select * from "patients" where "patient_address" ILIKE %San Francisco and "patient_sex" ILIKE % and exists (select * from "vaccines" inner join "immunizations" on "vaccines"."VaccineID" = "immunizations"."vaccine_id" where "immunizations"."patient_id" = "patients"."PatientID" and "vaccine_id" ILIKE %))
I have tried using cast like CAST(vaccine_id AS VARCHAR) and I' not getting the error but it doesnt return any result.
The problem is here:
$q->where('vaccine_id','ILIKE','%' . $vaccine_id)
looks like vaccine_id is integer, and you can not use operator ILIKE to integer. Try just '='
If you want to use LIKE, ILIKE or other text operator you must cast your data to text. In SQL it must looks like:
WHERE "vaccine_id"::text ILIKE val
WHERE "vaccine_id" ILIKE val
You could do this:
$q->where('cast(vaccine_id AS VARCHAR)','LIKE','%' . $vaccine_id)
$q->where('cast(vaccine_id AS TEXT)','LIKE','%' . $vaccine_id)

Why am I getting a syntax error in my PostgreSQL query?

I apologize I'm very new to PostgreSQL. When I try and run a migration that works for everyone else, I get errors on my computer. I took the script that's failing from the migration and ran it in pgAdmin3 to see what was going on.
Here is my query:
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vw_admin_question_export_text;
CREATE VIEW vw_admin_question_export_text AS
select name || '|' || q.question_key || '|' || qt.type_name || '|' || qo.options import from question q
full JOIN (SELECT question_id, COALESCE(string_agg(option_text || '|' || option_value, '|'),'') as options
FROM question_option
GROUP BY question_id) qo
on (q.question_id = qo.question_id)
JOIN question_type qt
on (q.questiontype_id = qt.questiontype_id);
This is the error I'm getting:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "import"
LINE 4: ...n_key || '|' || qt.type_name || '|' || qo.options import fro...
********** Error **********
ERROR: syntax error at or near "import"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 179
My coworker thinks it may be an issue with my PostgreSQL version which is 9.5.2
The problem here is that import is a reserved keyword in PostgreSQL, so you can't use it as an alias without double-quoting it or using AS keyword.
Simpler test:
postgres=# SELECT 'foo' import;
ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near "import"
LINE 1: SELECT 'foo' import;
LOCATION: scanner_yyerror, scan.l:1082
postgres=# SELECT 'foo' AS import;
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT 'foo' "import";
(1 row)
To solve your issue, you can simple add AS keyword to define the alias:
CREATE VIEW vw_admin_question_export_text AS
name || '|' || q.question_key || '|' || qt.type_name || '|' || qo.options AS import
from question q
full JOIN (
COALESCE(string_agg(option_text || '|' || option_value, '|'),'') as options
FROM question_option
GROUP BY question_id
) qo
on (q.question_id = qo.question_id)
JOIN question_type qt
on (q.questiontype_id = qt.questiontype_id);
Another option is to simple chose another name, that does not collide with one in reserved keyword list (I recommend that option). In any case, always use AS is a good idea to make things more explicit and avoid problems like this one.