iPhone Enterprise app push updates to users? - iphone

If my company is a member of the Enterprise program where we can distribute apps internally for any number of users is there a good way to handle app updates? Everything I see on installing such apps is saying I have to send the .app and a profile to the end users for them to add to iTunes and then sync their device to install. Is there any way to have the user's computer or device know when I have an update to the app available or do I just have to redistribute the app file manually again and hope for everyone to update manually?

Although you can update configuration profiles over-the-air, it doesn’t appear that you can do this. Your best bet would be to implement a notification in your app when it starts to tell the users to upgrade. See the Enterprise Deployment Guide [PDF].

It might be a little late to answer this, but I'm facing the exact same problem.
After spending some time looking for a solution we've come to the conclusion that this can be done in two ways:
You can achieve a lot of things with a Mobile Device Management (MDM) server. You can force installation of applications, and perhaps this can work if you want to update. You can collect information on what version the app is running, and then perhaps directly target users with outdated versions of the app: http://images.apple.com/iphone/business/docs/iOS_MDM.pdf I don't have access to an MDM, so I haven't tried this out.
Finally, build in some kind of deprecation functionality that tells the user to update. This is what apple recommends ( http://help.apple.com/iosdeployment-apps/#app43ad802c ) (and the solution we are going for).


Can't update iPhone apps

After making an update to an iPad app I released some time ago, I've been getting reports that people are unable to actually update the app without deleting and re-installing. However, as far as I know, nothing in the update should be causing this. (All the update deals with is letting people email PDF documents, nothing major.) When people attempt to update, they're asked for their iTunes password, but after entering it, it merely goes back to the update screen and nothing happens. Additionally, it would seem that this only happens with my app, the people in question aren't having any issues with the other various apps on the App Store. Does anyone know what might be causing this and how I could fix it?
Thanks in advance!
(Also, if it matters, the app is a custom B2B app, the general public can't purchase it.)
I'm removing the text of my answer because it's so inaccurate it's embarrassing. I mistook "B2B" for "Enterprise" and answered based off of that. To make up for it, I'll look into the problem a bit more and if I find anything I will edit this answer accordingly.
Okay, I can see why you put a bounty for this question on SO; there's not really any data on a problem like this anywhere. Frankly, there's not much available information on B2B in general. I'll post what I found anyway, in case it can be of any help to you.
I found the details reason behind Maggie's question, there. Per Editing and Updating App Information:
Updates keep the same Apple ID and bundle ID, which means they are
associated with your first version and free to your customers
Also, apparently, "You can't change the CFBundleIdentifier of a released app if you want to release updates for it, the App Store will automatically reject it when you upload." which is something I can vouch for, having experienced this with a normal app. I do know that for a B2B app you do have to submit it to Apple for review, but I can't tell from the documentation I found if you need to actually submit it to the App Store, so it may not go through the various checks that normal apps go through, so this could be your problem.
Aside from that, according to the VPP guide, if your customers are installing the apps on the devices with Apple Configurator (broken right now, per app store reviews) the updates also have to be done with the Configurator. You haven't said that Configurator was involved, but I did find this tidbit.
• Use Apple Configurator to install apps on new or supervised devices.
Apple Configurator on a Mac makes it easy to mass configure and deploy
devices that are centrally controlled. Redemption code spreadsheets
acquired through the Volume Purchase Program can be imported by Apple
Configurator, tracking the number of apps installed on each device. To
update deployed apps using Apple Configurator, you must reconnect to
the same Mac from which the apps were installed. Learn more at
Anyway, good luck. Wish I could be more help.
What you are describing (assuming that it is accurate) would certainly be a bug on Apple's side. If users are trying to update the app and the update is not being processed, then in one way or another that is a bug that Apple needs to address. Nothing that you do as a developer should be able to cause that situation to happen. I would suggest contacting Apple and possibly filing a bug report.
It seems that apple wants you to develop the Iphone apps in the latest build. Sometimes this cause issues between realeases (diferent versions of Itunes, OSX, IOS, etc) when you try to update your apps.
Try to publish the app in the latest version of xcode.
That happens a lot in iphone development testing.
Hope this help.
When updating an app, iOS looks for the bundleId and if there is another app with the same bundleId, it updates the app with the highest version number. Maybe the version number is not set correctly or maybe people have issues because an other app (from the AppStore or an other B2B app) have the same bundleID but a higher version number.
I'm by far not an iPhone expert, but it seems something related might have been fixed in iOS 6.0.1.
Fixes a bug that prevents iPhone 5 from installing software updates
wirelessly over the air

How can I distribute iOS apps that have been rejected from the App Store?

I have made multiple simple but fun apps for iPhone in the past few months and have had them rejected by Apple during the approval process.
I have put many weeks or months of effort in some cases. I just hate to have these apps go to waste without anyone downloading them.
Since those apps of mine are never going to see the light of the day on the App Store, is there a way I can let family and friends download those apps if I host those binaries on my website? Can anyone tell me the process or walk through instructions?
Are they simple enough that if I post them on Facebook most average users are going to get it? Is there already a website out there that lets users like me (with unapproved apps) to host those files for everyone in the world to download them?
Have a look to testflight.
You just need an email that can be accessed on the iPhone and add the specific user to test flight, once he is register you can get the iPhone id and add it to the provisioning profile.
When you create the build and upload it , the users are notified by email and the app is installed remotely by a few clicks.
You can authorize a limited number of users to test your app through ad hoc provisioning. The free service provided by http://www.testflightapp.com makes the over-the-air distribution and provisioning process fairly simple.
You might find these links useful
Good luck
Why not just open-source them? You’re probably not going to make a lot of money distributing them with TestFlight or even Cydia. Instead, clean the code up to remove any proprietary things you don’t want to include (API keys, etc.) and put it on GitHub. Not only will this help the community, but you can use your GitHub account as a kind of résumé for future employers or clients. What’s more, you might even get free help with your code if someone forks your game and makes changes!
Old thread but could Enterprise developer's license help here, as long as you are not selling them apps?
Just a thought.

Automatic updates of iPhone apps

Is it possible to automatically force an update of all installations of an iPhone app without requiring interaction from the users?
According to this thread it is impossible to do so for apps deployed on Apple's public app store, but another more recent thread describes a way to at least inform users of updates, but still forces them to take action manually. With the Enterprise Program becoming available to most companies now (the requirement of 500+ employees has been dropped) can we hope to achieve it with the Enterprise Program?
The reason I'm asking is that automated push-updates of applications are a common demand and indispensable requirement by many businesses that use mobile devices. Blackberries have always won over iPhones in the past, because they had this feature while iPhones did not. Has the situation changed now?
Update: Apparently, there is another problem. Apple has a limit on the size of app downloads of 20MB over GSM which to my understanding also applies to deployment within the Enterprise Program. Unless all users consistently have access to a WiFi connection, this is another limitation that needs to be taken into consideration.
Update 2: I have submitted a feature request to Apple. Maybe it helps to expedite the improvements.
I don't believe you can force an update, though you can:
Remotely disable an existing app, if urgent, and
Design your app such that when it is outdated it alerts the user and provides a one-tap link to download a new version (technically two taps, one to load the web page with the app and one to install the new version).
It's not the ideal system you note would be so helpful, but it's an improvement over the earlier system where users had to sync with iTunes at a desktop/laptop in order to perform the upgrade.

Alternative solutions for in-house iPhone enterprise app distribution

A client has asked us to develop a proprietary in-house app for managing their back-end systems. However, we are a small development company and I'm certain that their company does not have >500 employees.
Are there any alternative, yet similar, solutions to distributing this app to their company without going through the iPhone enterprise program?
(just to clarify: obviously, we would like to go through the official enterprise program but seeing how the company doesn't have >500 employees, this isn't possible).
UPDATE (27/09): It appears Apple have removed the 500 employee limit for the enterprise distribution See here. So this will probably be our route now (which is helpful because the app is approaching completion). I'll update this as we go through the process if anyone would like me to, so that others may get an idea of what the actual process is like.
You can submit the app as a completely free app on the AppStore but require that the user log in and authenticate to use it. That way anyone can download it but you control who can actually use it. Apple does all the distribution for you for and you don't have to worry about Ad-Hoc deployments or IT departments.
You then build a really simple configuration management system on a web host (or platform like Google AppEngine) that manages the authentication of apps.
When a user launches the free app they are asked for a username/password/whatever. That information is sent to the web-based configuration management system and confirmed. If the app receives an acceptable confirmation from the configuration management system it unlocks itself for use by that user.
The app can either re-authenticate every time it launches (useful if you want lots of control) or it can store a key file locally indicating that it has been authenticated. If it sees the local key file when the app launches it considers itself authenticated and never checks again.
Whether you use one user account per person or one for the whole company is up to you.
This style of distribution is very useful if you want to have control of who can use the app but want the ease of deployment that the AppStore provides.
Apple has accepted many apps onto the AppStore that use this method of authenticating against a remote server (Skype is a perfect example).
If you keep track of device UDID on the configuration server you can also pre-load it to allow a certain set of devices to work.
Further, nothing I have described is iPhone specific so you can use the same configuration management system and concepts on other platforms like Android (or even desktops) if you ever port the app or build other apps needing this in the future.
Also, since the action of authenticating devices is not processor or data intensive you will likely never incur a cost if you build this on Google AppEngine as you will never go over the free quotas and you will gain the stability and scalability of Google's backend architecture.
As this particular deployment is for managing an in-house back-end system deploying it through the AppStore can seem insecure because there is proprietary information embedded in the app, in particular the information that allows it to connect to and authenticate against the back-end systems.
The solution to that is to not include this information within the app and simply have that information be part of the response that the app receives from the configuration management server. Basically the app contains the logic necessary to perform its function but without the connection information it has no ability to manage any back-end system.
If you make the app authenticate every time it launches you can change the connection information on the configuration server and the app will update to the new information without any new deployment being necessary. The user just needs to restart the app. This gives your client the flexibility to change their internal network configuration without invalidating your application code. You could also make this information manually configurable within the application but then you incur an IT cost when setting up the application on each device and if you already are going to set up a configuration management system you might as well use it.
To further secure the above solution you may want to have the configuration management system be in-house and behind the company's firewall so that regardless of who gets a hold of the app they cannot connect to the config system unless they are within the company's network.
I was researching this yesterday and today, and it appears that Apple has just (within the past week) removed the >500 employee requirement for enterprise development. However, I believe you will need to develop/deploy for a particular client using a development toolkit registered by the client.
So if you do work for client A and client B, both client A and B will need to sign up with Apple as business developers, at which point you can develop apps for them (as a contractor) and use their tools to build and deploy within their enterprises. I would think it would be a good idea for your company to also be registered as a business developer.
Apple does still require you to have a Dun & Bradstreet DUNS number to sign up as a Business Developer.
About the only real choices you have are...
Up to 100 devices as ad-hoc distribution.
Enterprize distribution (requires > 500 employees)
Everyone has to march their device down to some IT-central and get built as a "developer" device. (yikes!)
Jail-broken may sound scary, but it's actually pretty advanced, now-a-days, and can be managed quite easily. Still, it voids your warrantee (unless you're willing to restore-to-factory and be not-honest about it ;)
Still, technically, it's an available option and can be made to work, if you're willing to plan it out.
Let us know what you decide, and the pros & cons of that method.
Another obvious although not neccesarily pleasant is to submit your app to the app store as an app but can only be accessed with a client password. Assuming you can get past the aapp store process this might work for you.
Olie said:
About the only real choices you have are...
Up to 100 devices as ad-hoc distribution.
Enterprize distribution (requires > 500 employees)
Everyone has to march their device down to some IT-central and get built as a "developer" device. (yikes!)
But to be clear (correct me if I'm wrong):
if you use the "Ad-hoc" distribution method, your costumers will see the app vanish after exactly 3 months.
only up to 100 devices can be used for testing (i.e. used in "developer mode") and moreover, the app will vanish after 3 months.
So, Apple doesn't give us any choice, are you really big (>500 employes)?? ok so you can do what you want etc otherwise... "byebye"
Moreover, forget about what "Bryce" said before, an app like the one he described would be rejected with the "limeted audience" motivation.
iOS is not for enterprise app....if you don't want to rely on some clever hackers (i.e. jailbreak)
Ad-hoc distribution is limited to 100 devices per app, that's true, but you can add the project n times to the apple developer center, so you can deploy it to n * 100 devices
How does apple ensure that your enterprise has greater than 500 people? I'd give it a go through the enterprise program anyway...
I would not jailbreak, I would not do ad-hoc because it is limited to 100, and I wouldn't make everyone put their phones in developer mode.
For future maintainability, enterprise mode is the way to go, so see if you can navigate your way through the process without mentioning that you might not be quite 500 users.
Also, I saw your comment about developing using MonoTouch. I would talk to Apple about this before you do anything else, because given their recent policy changes I am pretty sure this will get your app denied from the App Store and the Enterprise program.
Edit: I checked the Mono web page. It seems like Apple may still be letting mono apps in, and the Mono creators insist that it is kosher, but you might be running the risk of having your future app pulled from phones at any time.
A better edit: Straight from the mono website: Enterprise MonoTouch
It is important to point out that the new iPhone Developer Agreement terms are for AppStore deployment and not the Enterprise program that allows deployment of in-house application to users in the enterprise (using the Enterprise Deployment program).
So you might be good there as long as you can get into the enterprise program.
You can completely bypass the App-Store or Enterprise Developer Program approval process, if you develop your app as pure HTML5 solution.
This technology is called webapps. And they can be pretty advanced in functionality. You automatically have cross platform readiness and very easy deployment options (as webclip this can be distributed via .mobileconfig configuration files)
See http://www.apple.com/webapps/whatarewebapps.html
There is another solution: an own app store:
unfortunately only in combination with RhoHub.
More info:
In theory the proposed solution of publishing a free app meant for one company is not valid, since published apps in the app store should not be intended for a "limited audience" (whatever that means), according to:
Has anyone tried this with success? Any other ideas?

iPhone Ad Hoc distribution without expiration

The background story:
I work for a company that develops and manufactures a commercial product which can have up to 100+ dedicated PC's in a farm.
We only get a handful of new customers per year.
We developed an iPod/iPhone app that lets us send commands to the farm and pull data. Our parent company has major concerns about putting this app on the AppStore. (I really dont know the details of the paranoia, but I know its probably not a winnable battle).
We planned to distribute the App via Ad Hoc using ONE or TWO new iPods each time we sell a "farm". I have just learned that the Ad Hoc distribution expires after 90 days.
The Question:
Are there any alternatives for permanently loading our app onto an iPod Touch or iPhone without going through the App Store?
Our app has absolutely no use to anyone without our other product. We only plan to load this app on a handful of iPods a year. I doubt this matters, but maybe somebody has another solution?
Apple has an an enterprise distribution program, which might allow what you're trying to do. There's also jailbreaking the iPods. That would let you run unsigned code, so you could build your apps without ad-hoc certs.
I know this post has been marked as answered but i am in the same situation so i though i should share what i have experienced.
There is NO legal solution for this. You can't have an app distributed with out the annoying expiry dates.
I have been onto the ADC support and you can't get an extension on the certificates, you can renew for more than 1 year at a time and they have no interest in helping you.
I have clients who will not let the content of their apps hit the app store. There for they are stuck with sending all the devices back to renew certificates (i know you don't need to xcode etc.. to install the certs but try getting end users to do it...).
I am in the luck situation that i can try send the shell of an app to the appstore and then once verified (i.e. once off login - ssl to our server with the device id and a guid password) the app will download all the sensitive content to the phone.
I don't know if this will work for all apps - i.e. loading classes or libraries dynamically but for me it is only the content that is sensitive.
if anyone would like more info i am happy to talk it over, but i haven't tried getting the app through the store yet. I will try soon, so i can keep you posted if you are interested.
As of September 2010, Apple has removed the 500-employee requirement. Go nuts!
See my post about setting up an Enterprise Program account (which moderators keep trying to close!):
Issues with getting an Enterprise Program account:
-You need 500 employees.
-You can only provide the app to employees.
Make sure you check the detailed terms and conditions of using Ad Hoc distributions to be sure you are allowed to distribute them as you are doing. On the face of it you are probably okay (Apple link here), but worth checking the fine print. I know the Enterprise Program had a lot of fussy fine print, e.g. needing procedures to recover apps from employees when they leave the company, etc.
If you jailbreak the iTouch/iPhone then you can easily disable Apple's code signing checks. You can then build your app and load it onto the device as normal without worrying about expiry or anything else.
The only problem is that jailbreaking on newer batches of the 3GS is not particularly end-user friendly. For something to give to a client I think you would need to stick with the iTouch.