What is the largest known Neo4j cluster? - nosql

What is the largest known Neo4j cluster (in db size, graph stats, or # of machines)?

The # of nodes and relationships was recently (with the 1.3 release) expanded to 32 billion each and another 64 billion for properties. If you look at the mailing list, there have been recent inquiries for quite large datastores.

As an approach to an answer you might want to check out this interview with Emil Eifrem (neo's founder): http://www.infoq.com/interviews/eifrem-graphdbs. In particular check out the part on "From a data complexity perspective, how does Neo4j help remove some of the implementation complexity in storing your data?": "hundreds of millions is probably a large one. And billions that's definitly a large one."
I was in conversation with neo technologies recently, in which they shared that the largest installations they know of machine-wise do not have more than 3-5 machines.
Also, they said that the size of the graph neo4j can efficiently handle is dependent on the number of nodes and edges in the graph. If they can all be kept in memory, most queries will be fast. You find the sizes for nodes and edges in memory at http://wiki.neo4j.org/content/Configuration_Settings (it's 9 bytes per node and 33 bytes per relationship).


Why don't most NoSQL DBMSs have “pointers”?

What is the objective reason fo why don't most NoSQL storage solutions have some kind of "pointers" for ultra-efficient joins, like the pre-relational DBMSs had?
I mean, I partially understand the theoretical reasons for why classical RDBMSs have ditched pointers (need to update them and double sync them for memory and disk, no "disks" fast enough to be treatable like random-access for some use cases, like modern SSDs can, etc.).
But of the many NoSQL solutions out there, why do just so few of them realize that this model would be awesome (exception I know of would be OrientDB and Neo4j) for many practical cases, not only ones that need graph traversals. I mean, when you need things like multi-joins, you need to ping pong Mongo and do N queries instead of one.
Isn't the use case of a NoSQL document-db overlapping enough with the one of graph DBs that such a feature would make sense and would just provide all the practical features of SQL-joins to the NoSQL solutions with not much extra cost, and for most queries would make indexes useless, and take up much less space for huge datasets?
(...and as a bonus any NoSQL solution would be ready to use as a graph db, and doing a ~100 nodes path length traversal of a graph stored in Mongo would just automagically work fast enough)
I believe the key problem is data locality and horizontal scalability. A premise of NoSQL is that the read-heavy models of RBDMSs, i.e. those that require joins, lead to bottlenecks.
Think of Twitter: the original data model was read-heavy, but the joins you need to make are insanely large (billions of tweets x hundreds of millions of users x tens of billions of follower-followee relations that are wildly varying in size [1-10M, or whatever aplusk has these days]).
When even the ids you'll want to join don't fit in a reasonable machine's RAM, calculating the overlap of ids becomes terribly expensive. If you take the actual data into account, horizontal scalability becomes next to impossible because there's no a priori knowledge which shards / machines will need to be hit. Storing all follower pointers in every follower-list would require insane bookkeeping for trivial changes, while not exploiting creation-time locality (or at least, creation-time locality per feed).
In a multi-tenant application, you can always shard by the tenants, or by the sales region or by agents or maybe even by time: You can find some locality criterion that is good for like > 95% of the cases.
With graphs, that becomes a lot more complicated, especially those which have certain connection properties (scale-free networks with small diameter / small world phenomenon): A simple post, say by a celebrity, can quickly spread through a large portion of the entire network, meaning that practically every query must hit the one node that holds the post.
Sure, the post itself would be cached by the web servers, but add likes and comments, or favorites and retweets and the story becomes a nightmare (writes!) Add in notification emails, content ranking and filtering and you're in true horror.
doing a ~100 nodes path length traversal of a graph stored in Mongo would just automagically work fast enough
If that data happens to be on 100 different nodes, the sheer network overhead will be in the range of 50ms, even in a single datacenter with no congestion and idle machines. If this spreads across the world or individual queries take a little longer, you'll quickly end up at 5000ms. Also, the query would fail if only one machine is down.
This depends too much on the details of the network, which is why the problem should be solved by application code, not by the data store.
when you need things like multi-joins, you need to ping pong Mongo and do N queries instead of one
When you need multi-joins in MongoDB, you're using the wrong tool for your data model, or vice versa. Multi-Join means normalized means read-heavy which battles the key concept of MongoDB. However, you can store quite large association lists even in MongoDB. But the tool becomes almost irrelevant here: If you look at Facebook TAO, for instance, there's little technology dependence in that.

MongoDB High Avg. Flush Time - Write Heavy

I'm using MongoDB with approximately 4 million documents and around 5-6GB database size. The machine has 10GB of RAM, and free only reports around 3.7GB in use. The database is used for a video game related ladder (rankings) website, separated by region.
It's a fairly write heavy operation, but still gets a significant number of reads as well. We use an updater which queries an outside source every hour or two. This updater then processes the records and updates documents on the database. The updater only processes one region at a time (see previous paragraph), so approximately 33% of the database is updated.
When the updater runs, and for the duration that it runs, the average flush time spikes up to around 35-40 seconds, and we experience general slowdowns with other queries. The updater is RAN on a SEPARATE MACHINE and only queries MongoDB at the end, when all the data has been retrieved and processed from the third party.
Some people have suggested slowing down the number of updates, or only updating players who have changed, but the problem comes down to rankings. Since we support ties between players, we need to pre-calculate the ranks - so if only a few users have actually changed ranks, we still need to update the rest of the users ranks accordingly. At least, that was the case with MySQL - I'm not sure if there is a good solution with MongoDB for ranking ~800K->1.2 million documents while supporting ties.
My question is: how can we improve the flush and slowdown we're experiencing? Why is it spiking so high? Would disabling journaling (to take some load off the i/o) help, as data loss isn't something I'm worried about as the database is updated frequently regardless?
Server status: http://pastebin.com/w1ETfPWs
You are using the wrong tool for the job. MongoDB isn't designed for ranking large ladders in real time, at least not quickly.
Use something like Redis, Redis have something called a "Sorted List" designed just for this job, with it you can have 100 millions entries and still fetch the 5000000th to 5001000th at sub millisecond speed.
From the official site (Redis - Sorted sets):
Sorted sets
With sorted sets you can add, remove, or update elements in a very fast way (in a time proportional to the logarithm of the number of elements). Since elements are taken in order and not ordered afterwards, you can also get ranges by score or by rank (position) in a very fast way. Accessing the middle of a sorted set is also very fast, so you can use Sorted Sets as a smart list of non repeating elements where you can quickly access everything you need: elements in order, fast existence test, fast access to elements in the middle!
In short with sorted sets you can do a lot of tasks with great performance that are really hard to model in other kind of databases.
With Sorted Sets you can:
Take a leader board in a massive online game, where every time a new score is submitted you update it using ZADD. You can easily take the top users using ZRANGE, you can also, given an user name, return its rank in the listing using ZRANK. Using ZRANK and ZRANGE together you can show users with a score similar to a given user. All very quickly.
Sorted Sets are often used in order to index data that is stored inside Redis. For instance if you have many hashes representing users, you can use a sorted set with elements having the age of the user as the score and the ID of the user as the value. So using ZRANGEBYSCORE it will be trivial and fast to retrieve all the users with a given interval of ages.
Sorted Sets are probably the most advanced Redis data types, so take some time to check the full list of Sorted Set commands to discover what you can do with Redis!
Without seeing any disk statistics, I am of the opinion that you are saturating your disks.
This can be checked with iostat -xmt 2, and checking the %util column.
Please don't disable journalling - you will only cause more issues later down the line when your machine crashes.
Separating collections will have no effect. Separating databases may, but if you're IO bound, this will do nothing to help you.
If I am correct, and your disks are saturated, adding more disks in a RAID 10 configuration will vastly help performance and durability - more so if you separate the journal off to an SSD.
Assuming that this machine is a single server, you can setup a replicaset and send your read queries there. This should help you a fair bit, but not as much as the disks.

Can MongoDB handle TBs of data?

Will MongoDB handle several TB of data? I've read posts saying that Mongo does well with < 1TB of data, for larger sets I should go with HBase. Is that true?
I need to store and later process several TB of text data.
These may be of interest to you:
Wordnik: data set in the >3TB range
Craiglist: shard cluster designed to support 10TB of data.
You'll find some additional case studies on 10gen's website, although not all of them provide specific numbers on data set sizes. There are also some older discussions on Stack Overflow about this very question (see here for a blurb about a user with 12TB of data from March 2010), and you'll likely find more case studies scattered among presentations on Speaker Deck or Slideshare. In short, MongoDB can certainly handle that amount of data (people are using it to that effect today), but you'll want to heed best practices, which is where existing presentations can come in handy.
Tens of thousands of organizations use MongoDB to build high-performance systems at scale. Over a third of the Fortune 100 and many of the most successful and innovative web companies rely on MongoDB. They've grown from single server deployments to clusters with over 1,000 nodes, delivering millions of operations per second on over 100 billion documents and petabytes of data.
Scalability is not just about speed. It's about 3 different metrics, which often work together:
Cluster Scale. Distributing the database across 100+ nodes, often in multiple data centers
Performance Scale. Sustaining 100,000+ database read and writes per second while maintaining strict latency SLAs
Data Scale. Storing 1 billion+ documents in the database
There are many examples of MongoDB users who are pushing the limits to scalability. Here are a few, organized around each scaling dimension.
You can find reference about MongoDB: Bringing Online Big Data to
Business Intelligence & Analytics at this article

MongoDB Insert performance - Huge table with a couple of Indexes

I am testing Mongo DB to be used in a database with a huge table of about 30 billion records of about 200 bytes each. I understand that Sharding is needed for that kind of volume, so I am trying to get 1 to 2 billion records on one machine. I have reached 1 billion records on a machine with 2 CPU's / 6 cores each, and 64 GB of RAM. I mongoimport-ed without indexes, and speed was okay (average 14k records/s). I added indexes, which took a very long time, but that is okay as it is a one time thing. Now inserting new records into the database is taking a very long time. As far as I can tell, the machine is not loaded while inserting records (CPU, RAM, and I/O are in good shape). How is it possible to speed -up inserting new records?
I would recommend adding this host to MMS (http://mms.10gen.com/help/overview.html#installation) - make sure you install with munin-node support and that will give you the most information. This will allow you to track what might be slowing you down. Sorry I can't be more specific in the answer, but there are many, many possible explanations here. Some general points:
Adding indexes means that that the indexes as well as your working data set will be in RAM now, this may have strained your resources (look for page faults)
Now that you have indexes, they must be updated when you are inserting - if everything fits in RAM this should be OK, see first point
You should also check your Disk IO to see how that is performing - how does your background flush average look?
Are you running the correct filesystem (XFS, ext4) and a kernel version later than 2.6.25? (earlier versions have issues with fallocate())
Some good general information for follow up can be found here:

Cassandra random read speed

We're still evaluating Cassandra for our data store. As a very simple test, I inserted a value for 4 columns into the Keyspace1/Standard1 column family on my local machine amounting to about 100 bytes of data. Then I read it back as fast as I could by row key. I can read it back at 160,000/second. Great.
Then I put in a million similar records all with keys in the form of X.Y where X in (1..10) and Y in (1..100,000) and I queried for a random record. Performance fell to 26,000 queries per second. This is still well above the number of queries we need to support (about 1,500/sec)
Finally I put ten million records in from 1.1 up through 10.1000000 and randomly queried for one of the 10 million records. Performance is abysmal at 60 queries per second and my disk is thrashing around like crazy.
I also verified that if I ask for a subset of the data, say the 1,000 records between 3,000,000 and 3,001,000, it returns slowly at first and then as they cache, it speeds right up to 20,000 queries per second and my disk stops going crazy.
I've read all over that people are storing billions of records in Cassandra and fetching them at 5-6k per second, but I can't get anywhere near that with only 10mil records. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Is there some setting I need to change from the defaults? I'm on an overclocked Core i7 box with 6gigs of ram so I don't think it's the machine.
Here's my code to fetch records which I'm spawning into 8 threads to ask for one value from one column via row key:
ColumnPath cp = new ColumnPath();
cp.Column_family = "Standard1";
cp.Column = utf8Encoding.GetBytes("site");
string key = (1+sRand.Next(9)) + "." + (1+sRand.Next(1000000));
ColumnOrSuperColumn logline = client.get("Keyspace1", key, cp, ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
Thanks for any insights
purely random reads is about worst-case behavior for the caching that your OS (and Cassandra if you set up key or row cache) tries to do.
if you look at contrib/py_stress in the Cassandra source distribution, it has a configurable stdev to perform random reads but with some keys hotter than others. this will be more representative of most real-world workloads.
Add more Cassandra nodes and give them lots of memory (-Xms / -Xmx). The more Cassandra instances you have, the data will be partitioned across the nodes and much more likely to be in memory or more easily accessed from disk. You'll be very limited with trying to scale a single workstation class CPU. Also, check the default -Xms/-Xmx setting. I think the default is 1GB.
It looks like you haven't got enough RAM to store all the records in memory.
If you swap to disk then you are in trouble, and performance is expected to drop significantly, especially if you are random reading.
You could also try benchmarking some other popular alternatives, like Redis or VoltDB.
VoltDB can certainly handle this level of read performance as well as writes and operates using a cluster of servers. As an in-memory solution you need to build a large enough cluster to hold all of your data in RAM.