Why don't most NoSQL DBMSs have “pointers”? - mongodb

What is the objective reason fo why don't most NoSQL storage solutions have some kind of "pointers" for ultra-efficient joins, like the pre-relational DBMSs had?
I mean, I partially understand the theoretical reasons for why classical RDBMSs have ditched pointers (need to update them and double sync them for memory and disk, no "disks" fast enough to be treatable like random-access for some use cases, like modern SSDs can, etc.).
But of the many NoSQL solutions out there, why do just so few of them realize that this model would be awesome (exception I know of would be OrientDB and Neo4j) for many practical cases, not only ones that need graph traversals. I mean, when you need things like multi-joins, you need to ping pong Mongo and do N queries instead of one.
Isn't the use case of a NoSQL document-db overlapping enough with the one of graph DBs that such a feature would make sense and would just provide all the practical features of SQL-joins to the NoSQL solutions with not much extra cost, and for most queries would make indexes useless, and take up much less space for huge datasets?
(...and as a bonus any NoSQL solution would be ready to use as a graph db, and doing a ~100 nodes path length traversal of a graph stored in Mongo would just automagically work fast enough)

I believe the key problem is data locality and horizontal scalability. A premise of NoSQL is that the read-heavy models of RBDMSs, i.e. those that require joins, lead to bottlenecks.
Think of Twitter: the original data model was read-heavy, but the joins you need to make are insanely large (billions of tweets x hundreds of millions of users x tens of billions of follower-followee relations that are wildly varying in size [1-10M, or whatever aplusk has these days]).
When even the ids you'll want to join don't fit in a reasonable machine's RAM, calculating the overlap of ids becomes terribly expensive. If you take the actual data into account, horizontal scalability becomes next to impossible because there's no a priori knowledge which shards / machines will need to be hit. Storing all follower pointers in every follower-list would require insane bookkeeping for trivial changes, while not exploiting creation-time locality (or at least, creation-time locality per feed).
In a multi-tenant application, you can always shard by the tenants, or by the sales region or by agents or maybe even by time: You can find some locality criterion that is good for like > 95% of the cases.
With graphs, that becomes a lot more complicated, especially those which have certain connection properties (scale-free networks with small diameter / small world phenomenon): A simple post, say by a celebrity, can quickly spread through a large portion of the entire network, meaning that practically every query must hit the one node that holds the post.
Sure, the post itself would be cached by the web servers, but add likes and comments, or favorites and retweets and the story becomes a nightmare (writes!) Add in notification emails, content ranking and filtering and you're in true horror.
doing a ~100 nodes path length traversal of a graph stored in Mongo would just automagically work fast enough
If that data happens to be on 100 different nodes, the sheer network overhead will be in the range of 50ms, even in a single datacenter with no congestion and idle machines. If this spreads across the world or individual queries take a little longer, you'll quickly end up at 5000ms. Also, the query would fail if only one machine is down.
This depends too much on the details of the network, which is why the problem should be solved by application code, not by the data store.
when you need things like multi-joins, you need to ping pong Mongo and do N queries instead of one
When you need multi-joins in MongoDB, you're using the wrong tool for your data model, or vice versa. Multi-Join means normalized means read-heavy which battles the key concept of MongoDB. However, you can store quite large association lists even in MongoDB. But the tool becomes almost irrelevant here: If you look at Facebook TAO, for instance, there's little technology dependence in that.


Is it bad practice to keep everything in one table?

Looking for some feedback - I am building a social networking type software- one of the features allows users to post news stories and have friends comment. I have in the past kept different tables for things like news, comments, calendar events, etc. However a friend has turned me to the wordpress-type database structure of "POSTS" and "post_types" where everything is in one table and has a "post_type".
This would mean that news stories, comments, events, etc are all in the same table. I love the efficiency of creating functions that are updating one table. HOWEVER, a single table in my old software was 1.5MILLION rows, I'd expect this new table to grow to about 10Million in the first year.
Does mysql handle this size of data okay as long as indexes are properly set, or is it smarter to break everything into seperate tables for this reason?
There is no general answer. It depends.
MySQL has no problem dealing with large tables. However, it will not do miracles for you. In the end, it's all about efficiency. It means you need to optimize your design for multiple, mutually exclusive goals. What you want to find is a sweet spot between complexity, performance, extensibility and maintenance costs. This is different for every project and is kind of an art.
Generally don't want to mix things that are too different. This is why they teach about data normalization in just about every database book or CS course. If your data is small, this does not really matter. But if you have a lot of data and a lot of requests, you will almost certainly want to squeeze every last drop of performance from your database. So not only will you be separating tables, scrutinizing indexes, inspecting execution plans, updating statistics, defragmenting pages and measuring performance, but you will also be using partitioning, clustering, materialized views, read-only replicas, I/O and CPU parallelism, SSDs, Memcached and a variety of other tools. This will all be much more challenging if you have started with a bad data model. In my personal experience, locking is something that really bites you in the ass with large tables, unless you can somehow live without transactions.
To make any kinds of estimations, you need to have some performance baseline. Just knowing number of records is not enough. How many requests will there be? What will the queries be doing? Where do you expect the heaviest load? Can you prepare the most common queries that the system will be running most of the time? What about peak hours? What hardware will be available to run this load? What is the ratio of reads to writes? Etc.
To make optimizations, you need some kind of goal. As always, you will find out that in order to get there, you have to sacrifice something. Because you probably don't have all those answers yet, try following the principle of minimalism - start small, measure, analyze, improve, repeat.

Is it better to use multiple databases when you are managing independent sets of things in MongoDB?

If, as an example, you have a blogging website done with MongoDB to store data
Is it better to have a database per blogger? given that their blogs and comments are completely independent from other bloggers. Or just lump everything together? or it doesn't make too much difference?
I'm imagining the same web app (not independent webs/urls per blogger) is used by all bloggers. So when someone logs in / accesses the blog the code would find the right database to use and haul data out it.
Does this have any downsides? is this normal for handling these kinds of things?
I am making plenty of assumptions about your needs. But, generally, there are 3 paths to multi-tenant apps in MongoDB:
Single collection per customer; never, ever do this.
Single database per customer. Good. You will trade off free space if your product is on the freemium model. Either way, you will want to run with "smallfiles" option. As stated, you will build the routing system for your environment. Thus, you will want to connect to the proper database for the proper customer.
customer_id key per document + path slug. Good. The trade off here is recovery of free space. Traditionally, MongoDB does not recover space used by deleted documents. Thus customers creating and deleting blog posts would create unused space. By using 'usePowerOf2Sizes' collections, you will recover disk space of deleted documents. However, 'usePowerOf2Sizes' creates bloated padding space.
To get over the disk space padding, take a look at the compression used here: http://blog.appsignal.com/blog/2013/07/30/taming-mongodb-disk-usage.html
Recap, I would recommend using customer_id plus the compression. It gives you the best of both worlds.
As stated in the comments under the original question, there's really no performance benefit to splitting up your MongoDB store into separate databases per blogger, due to the overhead of having each database and minimum storage.
On the flipside: You are going to make some cross-user analysis more difficult for yourself. As a very simple example, based on your blogging example: Imagine you want to look at average post count per user. This is pretty simple if your users (and posts) are in the same database (typically in the same collections), and you can likely use the aggregation framework for this task. This task will not be so straightforward with an unbounded number of databases, where you'll need to first enumerate all databases, then perform your aggregations/averaging once per database. This could end up being a slower operation than within a single-database architecture.
Having said all that: You still might have some reason to split data across databases. Maybe you have to separate data due to legal reasons, or to ensure customers that their sensitive data won't be commingled with other companies' data. Maybe your customer needs full read/write access to their database, and so you use per-database configuration as a security boundary. I'm sure there are other reasons as well...
It is perfectly normal to allocate 100's of databases if that is all you will see.
Database separation can have many benefits. They can be sharded independantly, since sharding occurs on database level. Databases also have the upside of being completely isolated instances (including locks) of the data within them (good example: space allocation occurs on database level).
This means they can be moved around the network as users data is accessed more and since a single users data might not be that big it would be easier than moving all of your users data to a more powerful node.
However, you must consider the problematic sides in the application of managing the connections to each database. There will be over head on it and you will need to have far more complex coding than what is considered standard.
Considering space, you will not see a drastic usage of space. The most problematic part of using separate databases is the journal allocation. Every collection you use in separate databases will also, of course, pre-allocate itself but this is actually considered one of the upsides to using database separation (movement of databases between nodes, isolation).
So the space problem is really only a problem if your scenario makes it one.
is this normal for handling these kinds of things?
For a normal blogger site, no, and I do not know enough about the complexities of your scenario to say any different. Normal operation would be to lump everything together, since you could see into the region of 1,000's maybe 1,000,000's of users and database separation just won't scale over that very well.

mongoDB vs relational databases when data can't fit into memory?

First of all, I apologize for my potentially shallow understanding of NoSQL architecture (and databases in general) so try to bear with me.
I'm thinking of using mongoDB to store resources associated with an UUID. The resources can be things such as large image files (tens of megabytes) so it makes sense to store them as files and store just links in my database along with the associated metadata. There's also the added flexibility of decoupling the actual location of the resource files, so I can use a different third party to store the files if I need to.
Now, one document which describes resources would be about 1kB. At first I except a couple hundred thousands of resource documents which would equal some hundreds of megabytes in database size, easily fitting into server memory. But in the future I might have to scale this into the order of tens of MILLIONS of documents. This would be tens of gigabytes which I can't squeeze into server memory anymore.
Only the index could still fit in memory being around a gigabyte or two. But if I understand correctly, I'd have to read from disk every time I did a lookup on an UUID. Is there a substantial speed benefit from mongoDB over a traditional relational database in such a situation?
BONUS QUESTION: is there an existing, established way of doing what I'm trying to achieve? :)
MongoDB doesn't suddenly become slow the second the entire database no longer fits into physical memory. MongoDB currently uses a storage engine based on memory mapped files. This means data that is accessed often will usually be in memory (OS managed, but assume a LRU scheme or something similar).
As such it may not slow down at all at that point or only slightly, it really depends on your data access patterns. Similar story with indexes, if you (right) balance your index appropriately and if your use case allows it you can have a huge index with only a fraction of it in physical memory and still have very decent performance with the majority of index hits happening in physical memory.
Because you're talking about UUID's this might all be a bit hard to achieve since there's no guarantee that the same limited group of users are generating the vast majority of throughput. In those cases sharding really is the most appropriate way to maintain quality of service.
This would be tens of gigabytes which I can't squeeze into server
memory anymore.
That's why MongoDB gives you sharding to partition your data across multiple mongod instances (or replica sets).
In addition to considering sharding, or maybe even before, you should also try to use covered indexes as much as possible, especially if it fits your Use cases.
This way you do not HAVE to load entire documents into memory. Your indexes can help out.
If you have to display your entire document all the time based on the id, then the general rule of thumb is to attempt to keep e working set in memory.
This is one of the resources that talks about that. There is a video on mongodb's site too that speaks about this.
By attempting to size the ram so that the working set is in memory, and also looking at sharding, you will not have to do this right away, you can always add sharding later. This will improve scalability of your app over time.
Again, these are not absolute statements, these are general guidelines, that you should think through your usage patterns and make sure that they ar relevant to what you are doing.
Personally, I have not had the need to fit everything in ram.

NoSQL & AdHoc Queries - Millions of Rows

I currently run a MySQL-powered website where users promote advertisements and gain revenue every time someone completes one. We log every time someone views an ad ("impression"), every time a user clicks an add ("click"), and every time someone completes an ad ("lead").
Since we get so much traffic, we have millions of records in each of these respective tables. We then have to query these tables to let users see how much they have earned, so we end up performing multiple queries on tables with millions and millions of rows multiple times in one request, hundreds of times concurrently.
We're looking to move away from MySQL and to a key-value store or something along those lines. We need something that will let us store all these millions of rows, query them in milliseconds, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, use adhoc queries where we can query any single column, so we could do things like:
FROM leads WHERE country = 'US' AND user_id = 501 (the NoSQL equivalent, obviously)
FROM clicks WHERE ad_id = 1952 AND user_id = 200 AND country = 'GB'
Does anyone have any good suggestions? I was considering MongoDB or CouchDB but I'm not sure if they can handle querying millions of records multiple times a second and the type of adhoc queries we need.
With those requirements, you are probably better off sticking with SQL and setting up replication/clustering if you are running into load issues. You can set up indexing on a document database so that those queries are possible, but you don't really gain anything over your current system.
NoSQL systems generally improve performance by leaving out some of the more complex features of relational systems. This means that they will only help if your scenario doesn't require those features. Running ad hoc queries on tabular data is exactly what SQL was designed for.
CouchDB's map/reduce is incremental which means it only processes a document once and stores the results.
Let's assume, for a moment, that CouchDB is the slowest database in the world. Your first query with millions of rows takes, maybe, 20 hours. That sounds terrible. However, your second query, your third query, your fourth query, and your hundredth query will take 50 milliseconds, perhaps 100 including HTTP and network latency.
You could say CouchDB fails the benchmarks but gets honors in the school of hard knocks.
I would not worry about performance, but rather if CouchDB can satisfy your ad-hoc query requirements. CouchDB wants to know what queries will occur, so it can do the hard work up-front before the query arrives. When the query does arrive, the answer is already prepared and out it goes!
All of your examples are possible with CouchDB. A so-called merge-join (lots of equality conditions) is no problem. However CouchDB cannot support multiple inequality queries simultaneously. You cannot ask CouchDB, in a single query, for users between age 18-40 who also clicked fewer than 10 times.
The nice thing about CouchDB's HTTP and Javascript interface is, it's easy to do a quick feasibility study. I suggest you try it out!
Most people would probably recommend MongoDB for a tracking/analytic system like this, for good reasons. You should read the „MongoDB for Real-Time Analytics” chapter from the „MongoDB Definitive Guide” book. Depending on the size of your data and scaling needs, you could get all the performance, schema-free storage and ad-hoc querying features. You will need to decide for yourself if issues with durability and unpredictability of the system are risky for you or not.
For a simpler tracking system, Redis would be a very good choice, offering rich functionality, blazing speed and real durability. To get a feel how such a system would be implemented in Redis, see this gist. The downside is, that you'd need to define all the „indices” by yourself, not gain them for „free”, as is the case with MongoDB. Nevertheless, there's no free lunch, and MongoDB indices are definitely not a free lunch.
I think you should have a look into how ElasticSearch would enable you:
Blazing speed
Schema-free storage
Sharding and distributed architecture
Powerful analytic primitives in the form of facets
Easy implementation of „sliding window”-type of data storage with index aliases
It is in heart a „fulltext search engine”, but don't get yourself confused by that. Read the „Data Visualization with ElasticSearch and Protovis“ article for real world use case of ElasticSearch as a data mining engine.
Have a look on these slides for real world use case for „sliding window” scenario.
There are many client libraries for ElasticSearch available, such as Tire for Ruby, so it's easy to get off the ground with a prototype quickly.
For the record (with all due respect to #jhs :), based on my experience, I cannot imagine an implementation where Couchdb is a feasible and useful option. It would be an awesome backup storage for your data, though.
If your working set can fit in the memory, and you index the right fields in the document, you'd be all set. Your ask is not something very typical and I am sure with proper hardware, right collection design (denormalize!) and indexing you should be good to go. Read up on Mongo querying, and use explain() to test the queries. Stay away from IN and NOT IN clauses that'd be my suggestion.
It really depends on your data sets. The number one rule to NoSQL design is to define your query scenarios first. Once you really understand how you want to query the data then you can look into the various NoSQL solutions out there. The default unit of distribution is key. Therefore you need to remember that you need to be able to split your data between your node machines effectively otherwise you will end up with a horizontally scalable system with all the work still being done on one node (albeit better queries depending on the case).
You also need to think back to CAP theorem, most NoSQL databases are eventually consistent (CP or AP) while traditional Relational DBMS are CA. This will impact the way you handle data and creation of certain things, for example key generation can be come trickery.
Also remember than in some systems such as HBase there is no indexing concept. All your indexes will need to be built by your application logic and any updates and deletes will need to be managed as such. With Mongo you can actually create indexes on fields and query them relatively quickly, there is also the possibility to integrate Solr with Mongo. You don’t just need to query by ID in Mongo like you do in HBase which is a column family (aka Google BigTable style database) where you essentially have nested key-value pairs.
So once again it comes to your data, what you want to store, how you plan to store it, and most importantly how you want to access it. The Lily project looks very promising. The work I am involved with we take a large amount of data from the web and we store it, analyse it, strip it down, parse it, analyse it, stream it, update it etc etc. We dont just use one system but many which are best suited to the job at hand. For this process we use different systems at different stages as it gives us fast access where we need it, provides the ability to stream and analyse data in real-time and importantly, keep track of everything as we go (as data loss in a prod system is a big deal) . I am using Hadoop, HBase, Hive, MongoDB, Solr, MySQL and even good old text files. Remember that to productionize a system using these technogies is a bit harder than installing MySQL on a server, some releases are not as stable and you really need to do your testing first. At the end of the day it really depends on the level of business resistance and the mission-critical nature of your system.
Another path that no one thus far has mentioned is NewSQL - i.e. Horizontally scalable RDBMSs... There are a few out there like MySQL cluster (i think) and VoltDB which may suit your cause.
Again it comes to understanding your data and the access patterns, NoSQL systems are also Non-Rel i.e. non-relational and are there for better suit to non-relational data sets. If your data is inherently relational and you need some SQL query features that really need to do things like Cartesian products (aka joins) then you may well be better of sticking with Oracle and investing some time in indexing, sharding and performance tuning.
My advice would be to actually play around with a few different systems. However for your use case I think a Column Family database may be the best solution, I think there are a few places which have implemented similar solutions to very similar problems (I think the NYTimes is using HBase to monitor user page clicks). Another great example is Facebook and like, they are using HBase for this. There is a really good article here which may help you along your way and further explain some points above. http://highscalability.com/blog/2011/3/22/facebooks-new-realtime-analytics-system-hbase-to-process-20.html
Final point would be that NoSQL systems are not the be all and end all. Putting your data into a NoSQL database does not mean its going to perform any better than MySQL, Oracle or even text files... For example see this blog post: http://mysqldba.blogspot.com/2010/03/cassandra-is-my-nosql-solution-but.html
I'd have a look at;
MongoDB - Document - CP
CouchDB - Document - AP
Redis - In memory key-value (not column family) - CP
Cassandra - Column Family - Available & Partition Tolerant (AP)
HBase - Column Family - Consistent & Partition Tolerant (CP)
Hadoop/Hive - Also have a look at Hadoop streaming...
Hypertable - Another CF CP DB.
VoltDB - A really good looking product, a relation database that is distributed and might work for your case (may be an easier move). They also seem to provide enterprise support which may be more suited for a prod env (i.e. give business users a sense of security).
Any way thats my 2c. Playing around with the systems is really the only way your going to find out what really works for your case.

MongoDB vs. Redis vs. Cassandra for a fast-write, temporary row storage solution

I'm building a system that tracks and verifies ad impressions and clicks. This means that there are a lot of insert commands (about 90/second average, peaking at 250) and some read operations, but the focus is on performance and making it blazing-fast.
The system is currently on MongoDB, but I've been introduced to Cassandra and Redis since then. Would it be a good idea to go to one of these two solutions, rather than stay on MongoDB? Why or why not?
Thank you
For a harvesting solution like this, I would recommend a multi-stage approach. Redis is good at real time communication. Redis is designed as an in-memory key/value store and inherits some very nice benefits of being a memory database: O(1) list operations. For as long as there is RAM to use on a server, Redis will not slow down pushing to the end of your lists which is good when you need to insert items at such an extreme rate. Unfortunately, Redis can't operate with data sets larger than the amount of RAM you have (it only writes to disk, reading is for restarting the server or in case of a system crash) and scaling has to be done by you and your application. (A common way is to spread keys across numerous servers, which is implemented by some Redis drivers especially those for Ruby on Rails.) Redis also has support for simple publish/subscribe messenging, which can be useful at times as well.
In this scenario, Redis is "stage one." For each specific type of event you create a list in Redis with a unique name; for example we have "page viewed" and "link clicked." For simplicity we want to make sure the data in each list is the same structure; link clicked may have a user token, link name and URL, while the page viewed may only have the user token and URL. Your first concern is just getting the fact it happened and whatever absolutely neccesary data you need is pushed.
Next we have some simple processing workers that take this frantically inserted information off of Redis' hands, by asking it to take an item off the end of the list and hand it over. The worker can make any adjustments/deduplication/ID lookups needed to properly file the data and hand it off to a more permanent storage site. Fire up as many of these workers as you need to keep Redis' memory load bearable. You could write the workers in anything you wish (Node.js, C#, Java, ...) as long as it has a Redis driver (most web languages do now) and one for your desired storage (SQL, Mongo, etc.)
MongoDB is good at document storage. Unlike Redis it is able to deal with databases larger than RAM and it supports sharding/replication on it's own. An advantage of MongoDB over SQL-based options is that you don't have to have a predetermined schema, you're free to change the way data is stored however you want at any time.
I would, however, suggest Redis or Mongo for the "step one" phase of holding data for processing and use a traditional SQL setup (Postgres or MSSQL, perhaps) to store post-processed data. Tracking client behavior sounds like relational data to me, since you may want to go "Show me everyone who views this page" or "How many pages did this person view on this given day" or "What day had the most viewers in total?". There may be even more complex joins or queries for analytic purposes you come up with, and mature SQL solutions can do a lot of this filtering for you; NoSQL (Mongo or Redis specifically) can't do joins or complex queries across varied sets of data.
I currently work for a very large ad network and we write to flat files :)
I'm personally a Mongo fan, but frankly, Redis and Cassandra are unlikely to perform either better or worse. I mean, all you're doing is throwing stuff into memory and then flushing to disk in the background (both Mongo and Redis do this).
If you're looking for blazing fast speed, the other option is to keep several impressions in local memory and then flush them disk every minute or so. Of course, this is basically what Mongo and Redis do for you. Not a real compelling reason to move.
All three solutions (four if you count flat-files) will give you blazing fast writes. The non-relational (nosql) solutions will give you tunable fault-tolerance as well for the purposes of disaster recovery.
In terms of scale, our test environment, with only three MongoDB nodes, can handle 2-3k mixed transactions per second. At 8 nodes, we can handle 12k-15k mixed transactions per second. Cassandra can scale even higher. 250 reads is (or should be) no problem.
The more important question is, what do you want to do with this data? Operational reporting? Time-series analysis? Ad-hoc pattern analysis? real-time reporting?
MongoDB is a good option if you want the ability to do ad-hoc analysis based on multiple attributes within a collection. You can put up to 40 indexes on a collection, though the indexes will be stored in-memory, so watch for size. But the result is a flexible analytical solution.
Cassandra is a key-value store. You define a static column or set of columns that will act as your primary index right up front. All queries run against Cassandra should be tuned to this index. You can put a secondary on it, but that's about as far as it goes. You can, of course, use MapReduce to scan the store for non-key attribution, but it will be just that: a serial scan through the store. Cassandra also doesn't have the notion of "like" or regex operations on the server nodes. If you want to find all customers where the first name starts with "Alex", you'll have to scan through the entire collection, pull the first name out for each entry and run it through a client-side regex.
I'm not familiar enough with Redis to speak intelligently about it. Sorry.
If you are evaluating non-relational platforms, you might also want to consider CouchDB and Riak.
Hope this helps.
Just found this: http://blog.axant.it/archives/236
Quoting the most interesting part:
This second graph is about Redis RPUSH vs Mongo $PUSH vs Mongo insert, and I find this graph to be really interesting. Up to 5000 entries mongodb $push is faster even when compared to Redis RPUSH, then it becames incredibly slow, probably the mongodb array type has linear insertion time and so it becomes slower and slower. mongodb might gain a bit of performances by exposing a constant time insertion list type, but even with the linear time array type (which can guarantee constant time look-up) it has its applications for small sets of data.
I guess everything depends at least on data type and volume. Best advice probably would be to benchmark on your typical dataset and see yourself.
According to the Benchmarking Top NoSQL Databases (download here)
I recommend Cassandra.
If you have the choice (and need to move away from flat fies) I would go with Redis. Its blazingly fast, will comfortably handle the load you're talking about, but more importantly you won't have to manage the flushing/IO code. I understand its pretty straight forward but less code to manage is better than more.
You will also get horizontal scaling options with Redis that you may not get with file based caching.
I can get around 30k inserts/sec with MongoDB on a simple $350 Dell. If you only need around 2k inserts/sec, I would stick with MongoDB and shard it for scalability. Maybe also look into doing something with Node.js or something similar to make things more asynchronous.
The problem with inserts into databases is that they usually require writing to a random block on disk for each insert. What you want is something that only writes to disk every 10 inserts or so, ideally to sequential blocks.
Flat files are good. Summary statistics (eg total hits per page) can be obtained from flat files in a scalable manner using merge-sorty map-reducy type algorithms. It's not too hard to roll your own.
SQLite now supports Write Ahead Logging, which may also provide adequate performance.
I have hand-on experience with mongodb, couchdb and cassandra. I converted a lot of files to base64 string and insert these string into nosql.
mongodb is the fastest. cassandra is slowest. couchdb is slow too.
I think mysql would be much faster than all of them, but I didn't try mysql for my test case yet.