How Do I Create A Page Scroller Like In Apple's iBooks? - iphone

You guys get what I mean. I have no idea how to do this. There are no tutorials anywhere and so far I've spent about 4 hours on this to no avail. Can anyone point me to anything useful or give me a quick run down on how I would achieve this? Cheers.

In short: create a UIView or UIControl subclass. Draw thumbnail images of the pages. Respond to touch events and send selection changes to a delegate that can then update the real page. Something like that :-)


How to use UIPinchGestureRecognizer

I have made a simple web browser for the iPhone but I would really like to be able to pinch to zoom in and out with the UIPinchGestureRecognizer, but I don't know how to use it. Could someone explain to me how to implement it in my code? If you have a link to a good explanation of this that would be very much appreciated as well.
Why do you need to implement it at all? UIWebView already supports pinch-zooming natively.
For all the stuff you need for gesture recognizer's, look here. Basically, you set up a gesture for your view, and add a selector method that would get called if the view recognizes that gesture. In this case, when it detects a pinch, you would tell the view to change size to your liking.
This, however, is the hard way of doing it though, as the pinch gesture is already associated with a UIWebView (not to mention, the MKMapView as well). You should probably look at this other post to see what you need to do. Any search on google will also point you in the right direction. Hope that helps!

iOS - UIDocumentInteractionController and adding a view

So I have an idea for something just for fun I want to try and was wondering if someone could give some insight whether it would be possible or not.
Basically, I want to try and use a UIDocumentInteractionController and place a clear overlay view over top of that that would serve as sort of a drawing board. Is this something feasible to do? I think it would be cool to try and make it so the user could circle part of the document and put a post it note on there to leave feedback.
I just need to know if anyone knows whether or not it's possible to add a view on top of a UIDocumentInteractionController window? Or perhaps there is a better solution? I am not looking for anyone to do this for me, just conceptual ideas. Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated. :D
EDIT: I know how to do all the things like handle touch events, view animation, all of that sort of stuff. I am just opening a conceptual question to the public kicking some ideas around...
It's a nice idea however I don't believe you can achieve what you're shooting for.
After presenting its user interface, a document interaction controller handles all interactions needed to support file preview and menu display.

Flipboard animation

Does anyone knows how to build a flip animation like the flipboard app?
If you mean the page flip transition, have a look at the OpenGL transition class I wrote.
I added a couple of example transitions and one of them are a "page flip" transition.
Have a look at FlipView, it tries to replicate Flipboard app for iPad
Some of the features implemented are:
Multiple flip (just click on last pagination if u r at first or second for multi-flip).
Views arrangement if orientation changed like Flipboard
Selection of random layout
Hopefully this link is of some help to you :D
I remember from watching an interview with the CEO saying that all the flipping boards and the animations are done using HTML5! I can not find it now sorry :(
I managed to find the non-broken link to FlipView example on github:
Hope it helps
I've been looking for the same for weeks. If you use the 'origami' transition in the ipad's photo app, you'll see that it has a very similar flipboard effect. Though someone with much more programming chops can probably give you the specifics, I think they use core animation. In it, you can define the anchor point and basically transform the uiview along the z axis.

timer for slide show in iphone app development

I developed sample app for image slide show
Now i want to keep timer to the app.
It has to scroll the images for every 5 seconds
Please help me with sample code
Its bad to ask for sample code. Because, you will not learn. If you see the documentation, along with required solution, you will get a chance to learn new things.
You can use UIImageVIew to show your images.
If you see the documentation for UIImageView, there is a property "animationImages" which will take an array of images. You can set "animationDuration" as well there.
That's it, your slide show is ready.

UIWebView and Gesture Detection

HI There,
I have a View Base Project application and one of the viewcotrollers simply manages a view that houses a UIWebView. I need to be able to detect tapping events on the UIWebView. I've tried suggestion here but cannot get it to work.
Would anyone have a sample viewbased application that implements this method. I think Id be able to then use this sample to implement in my own project properly.
Really stuck and wouldn't be asking only I've tried now for 2 days solid to get it to work.
Many thanks for your help on this.
I sorted it. Should have read article properly. I forgot to Make sure in your MainWindow.xib file, the window is of type TapDetectingWindow and not UIWindow.
Sorry about that.