iOS - UIDocumentInteractionController and adding a view - iphone

So I have an idea for something just for fun I want to try and was wondering if someone could give some insight whether it would be possible or not.
Basically, I want to try and use a UIDocumentInteractionController and place a clear overlay view over top of that that would serve as sort of a drawing board. Is this something feasible to do? I think it would be cool to try and make it so the user could circle part of the document and put a post it note on there to leave feedback.
I just need to know if anyone knows whether or not it's possible to add a view on top of a UIDocumentInteractionController window? Or perhaps there is a better solution? I am not looking for anyone to do this for me, just conceptual ideas. Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated. :D
EDIT: I know how to do all the things like handle touch events, view animation, all of that sort of stuff. I am just opening a conceptual question to the public kicking some ideas around...

It's a nice idea however I don't believe you can achieve what you're shooting for.
After presenting its user interface, a document interaction controller handles all interactions needed to support file preview and menu display.


How to create tabs dynamically in Objective C

I am trying to implement the following kind of tabs into my Application. I have first tried it with creating buttons. So can anyone guide me how to create this kind of interface ?
I want to clarify that this are the groups & it will be dynamically created & it can be in any number.
Any suggestions & references will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I've been implementing pretty much exactly what you are asking in an app im working on, i've uploaded the source files here. its pretty much plug-and-play, just make a TabView where you want your tabs and hook up the delegate methods. can swap out all the images with your own (my tabs were underneath something and not on top so they will look upside down initially for you).
Dont really have time to explain the inner workings of it all, but if you play around with the code im sure you will manage to customise it how you want. otherwise, just learn from it and implement your own.
edit: oh and there is some code that changes how the tabs look depending if iOS 7 or not, you will get an error when first importing it because i have a variable in my appDelegate isIOS7 which you can either implement in your app, or just take out all the relevant iOS 7 checks in the code

How to replicate the CNN iOS app pull down menu

Does anyone know how CNN is doing their top pull down menu?
It looks like a UITableView that is called with a touch drag event but wasn't sure. Googled various keywords but was not able to turn anything up. Just looking for some guidance on how to replicate this behavior.
I've no idea how it's actually done, but I know how I would do it: any view can sit completely or partially offscreen and be dragged onscreen by the user in the usual ways (e.g. a swipe or pan gesture recognizer). There's nothing special about that.
I guess they are doing something like
You have to customize "MFSideMenu" a lot though. If you dont want to show this menu on every view you need to disable UIGestureRecognizerDelegate on that view.
There is also something like but you may need to add UIGestureRecognizer to this class.

Move the object in iPhone?

I want to ask a question about the iPhone application. I am going to write a application, and the application can let the users to move the list or folder just like you move the app in the home page in iPhone. Is it possible to do it? Thank you.
It is possible to move stuff like moving the app in the home page. It can be hard but it is possible. You need to handle all the touch events inside your view controller and then decide to move stuff. There is no built-in ViewController for doing that for you.
Everything is possible. So the answer to your question is: Yes.
But I don't think that's what you wanted to know - there's no convenient or existing way to implement something like this, you would have to do it all by yourself.

How Do I Create A Page Scroller Like In Apple's iBooks?

You guys get what I mean. I have no idea how to do this. There are no tutorials anywhere and so far I've spent about 4 hours on this to no avail. Can anyone point me to anything useful or give me a quick run down on how I would achieve this? Cheers.
In short: create a UIView or UIControl subclass. Draw thumbnail images of the pages. Respond to touch events and send selection changes to a delegate that can then update the real page. Something like that :-)

What's the best way to skin my iPhone app (similar to how the Notes app is skinned)?

If you look at the Notes app on the iPad, you can see it uses all native iPhone controls, but they're "skinned" to look like a pad of paper. What's the best way to implement something similar to that? Could I use interface builder and simply change the background image for each of the controls, including the TableViews?
Thanks in advance for all your help! I'm going to continue researching this question right now.
This article from Dr Touch will probably come in handy: Stuff you learn from reverse engineering
It's a little more complicated than that. My suggestion is manifold:
Hire a real designer to make the artwork.
Subclass whatever controls you want to skin, and handle this business directly in drawRect:. Interface Builder will not help you in this instance.
Consider drawing your controls programmatically instead of using images; a really cool thing would be to cache the programmatic drawings so that they only have to be performed once.
Best of luck!