Adding a button to last UITableView row - iphone

I'm developing an app where the user can choose between a number of included songs. I also want the user to be able to choose a song from his/her iPod Library.
Currently the song is choosen by selecting it in a UITableView. So I figure I would like to add a new row at the end of the table and make it a button that will fire a MPMediaPickerController. All songs are placed in an array consisting of their names.
My question is how I add this last row? And also how I can "save" the selected song (or the path to it) to be used in the parent viewcontroller?

Well, you can use the UITableViewCell directly as a button itself, so when a user clicks on the last row, the action is being executed. But if I understand you right, you want to add a specific extra button as a subview of a UITableViewCell. That means if the cell (the last row) is being built, you compose your button, add its target and action, and add the button just as simple subview of the cell.
Well, the parent should now receive the message that the button has been pushed. I would do this using NSNotification, that is very easy to use, just check out the Apple documentation and take a look at an example. You can even send the selected song or its name path via the notification directly to the parent controller, where you can handle this notification.


how to check the number of clicks the user clicks on an image in swift

Is there a function to count the numbers of click that the user clicks on an image and when the user starts clicking on another image the count resets.
Like for example : there is an image that requires the user to click on it for 3 times , then another image comes out that requires the user to click on it for 5 times , is there a function that can help me in the touchBegan method.
You can use a UITapGestureRecognizer and add one to all the image views you need. As selector you can choose the same method for every gesture recognizer. When the user press in the method you increase the counter and save the view that has received the tap, if the user change the view you can find a mismatch between the previous view and the pressed one. In this case you reset the couter.

Image Slider to my iPhone application

I need this kind of component to my iPhone Application. How could I Added to this to my project.
after i click that black color I need to animated it to left side and show next one.. like that
Try a tableView with one row and one section. Then the action of clicking on the row can trigger the delegate method of the tableView and use that to do whatever you like.
Alternately, you can make this a button with a custom view and swap out the view each time the user taps it.

UIPickerView - Selects row too fast

I am currently using a UIPIckerView in my app to allow a user to select from a list of options. The problem is that there isn't enough of a delay when the user stops spinning the wheel and it is selecting a value before the user has a chance to scroll further down the list.
Is there a way to override the default behavior that selects the row as soon as the wheel stops spinning and the user removes their finger? I see Mobile Safari includes a "Done" button which would be great.
I can provide code if necessary (not sure how it would help).
You can add this manually; just add a done button to the view that holds the UIPicker, and have IT do whatever action you're currently performing in – pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent:.
The UIPickerView automatically selects which ever row stops in the center. It does not work like a table but more like a popup menu. As such, you can't use a picker view like a button to call an action because it will trigger the moment the user stops moving it whether that represents their final choice or not.
Instead, as noted previously, you need a second control element (usually a button) to call the action that makes use of the pickerview's selection.

How to mark multiple UITableViewCells and perform an action on marked cells?

I would like to do pretty much what the Mail Application does: that when I select Edit, instead of the usual Delete Button, Radio Buttons appear on the side that may be checked by the user, then the user may click on a Button to take an action on the marked cells(any kind of action not just delete). Is there any apple sample code that does this?, can anyone please provide some code or documentation on how to do this?. Thank you.
I haven't done this so all of the following comes straight from the documentation. This is how I would do it:
Overwrite your view controller's setEditing:animated: method to display one or more buttons to execute your batch action (just like does) when the table goes into editing mode.
Use a custom UITableViewCell subclass for your cells.
The key is to overwrite willTransitionToState: in your custom cell class. In this method, add a custom subview containing your radio button to the cell.
Overwrite layoutSubviews to position the radio button and the rest of the cell's content in the cell.
In tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:, differentiate between the normal and editing states. If the table is in editing mode and the user taps a cell, mark it as selected (modify your radio button subview accordingly) and keep a record of all marked cells.
Here is a good article about doing a Mail-style multiple selection:

iPhone Dev: Get more data functionality in twitter iPhone clients?

I'm building an app (not necessarily a twitter client) and I'm trying to figure out how developers create the buttons above and below a table view where a user presses them to either reload newer data or reload older data into a table view. Does anyone know of any tutorials out there that does this or know of an easy way?
If you want fixed buttons, you can just make your table view not use the full screen and add the buttons in the space. If you want the buttons to scroll with the table view, you can add a header or footer view to the table and put your buttons inside that.
Check the Three20 project. I believe there's a tableview there that does that.
It's actually not that hard to add inline buttons to a tableview. First you check and see if there's actually more data to show. If so, you want to add 1 to the number of rows returned from the datasource. When asked to draw that last row you return a cell that contains "Press for more" caption as well as a hidden spinner instead of the standard cell that shows your normal data.
If the user presses that last button the table view handler turns on the spinner then fires off a network event. Once the network request completes the data is processed and added to the same tableview datasource that was used to draw the first table.
Now all you have to do is tell the tableview to reload itself and the new data will show up. If you want to limit the amount of data shown you can prune out N number of items from the head of the datasource before redrawing so the memory-use stays manageable.