Eclipse error when Adding Tomcat as server runtime environment - eclipse

When I try to add Tomcat as a server runtime environment in eclipse, I get the following error "No new server runtime environments were found"
The way I am trying to add Tomcat is as follows:
Click "Window"-> "preferences"
Expand "Server->Runtime Environments"
Click Search
In the directroy browser dialog, navigate to and select my Tomcat dir
"C:\program files\apache-tomcat-6.0.26"
Click "ok"
Does anyone know what eclipse is actually looking for when you tell it what folder to search in? If I knew this, I could troubleshoot myself a bit more.
I have tried re-installing tomcat, also installed the next version up (6.0.26)
but still eclipse cannot find it. The version of eclipse I am running is -
"Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" Build id: 20090920-1017

It works fine for me but i'm using Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.


Cannot install Apache Tomcat in Eclipse

I've downloaded apache-tomcat-8.0.8 archive, then I've unzipped it and tried to add it in Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments by clicking Search and selecting path to the uzipped archive. What I'm getting is Server Error
No new server runtime environments were found.
Any ideas why it might be happening? I have no Apache Tomcat options in New Server Runtime Environment window, which I get by clicking Add in the previous one. There are such options in every tutorial I read.
I think there currently is no adapter for Tomcat 8 in Eclipse.
Don't use the search button. Click add and choose an adapter first. Open Apache and choose Tomcat 7. Click next and point the installation directory at your Tomcat folder.
It seem that you have Eclipse without Java EE components.
so you see something like
instead of
Check Apache Tomcat Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments (need to install JST Server Adapters )
Once you have plugins installed follow dialog flow e.g. like
Seems like no java EE component.
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers 'Servers' doesn't exist.
Therefore download correct Eclipse IDE. It is Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers(Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers).
Open Eclipse IDE > Click on the Servers tab located at the bottom > right click > New > click on Server.
Select Apache and then select the appropriate version of tomcat Next.
Select tomcat Installation Directory and JRE. Click next.Click Finish.

Adding Tomcat into Eclipse

I am trying to add a tomcat server into runtime environments. I successfully installed tomcat. I already have Java EE eclipse, BUT after I click search under Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime environments and select apache tomcat and then click OK a window with the following text popups: No new server runtime environments were found. What am I doing wrong? I thought after switching to Java EE and installing tomcat I will be able to add the RE... Many thanks in advance!
After trying to add the RE: no tomcat servers list!!!
after trying to search (C:/Program Files/Apache...)
and finally the popup after choosing "apache software foundation" and hitting ok
You need to specify the server runtime in that window. From the browse button, select the base path of the directory where you have installed tomcat and hit next. Hopefully that should do it. There should also be an option to download and install, if you have internet connectivity.
If you dont see any server types in the 'add new Server' dialog, then you are probably missing the server adapters. In which case click on the 'Download additional server adapters' link. This will allow you to pick and download 'tomcat server adapter'. Once that is done.
Some screenshots etc would also help in understanding and helping you resolve your issue.
Hope this helps.
Run time environment click on add button select Apache tomcat-> Click on next button -> Browse the Tomcat 7.0 path -> Finish.
Because you are not having JST server are not able to see installed apache in eclipse ....just install this through 'install new software' in help menu ....
You are most likely are missing the Eclipse Tomcat Server Feature. You can either try reinstalling all of the WTP plugins or maybe install Spring STS which I'm sure has the plugin installed.

Glassfish 3.1.2 and Eclipse Indigo Plugin

My freshly installed Eclipse Indigo SR2 with the new Glassfish 3.1.2 Plugin creates on every start a new "Internal GlassFish 3.1.2" Server.
How can I prevent this behavior? Does somebody already use this configuration?
This bug has been recently fixed - here is the guide how to install the new fixed runtime plugin:
I've faced the same issue and my workaround is uninstall the "Glassfish 3.1.2 Application Server Runtime" from the Eclipse. Please make a full backup for our Eclipse first.
It can be done by the following step: -
Go to "Help" menu ---> "About Eclipse".
Click "Installation Details" button.
The system will display the "Eclipse Installation Details" windows.
Go to "Installed Software" tab.
Find the "Glassfish 3.1.2 Application Server Runtime" in the list and click it. Please note it is sorted alphabetically.
Click "Uninstall..." button
The "Uninstall" windows will display, please review and click the "Finish" button for uninstalling.
Edit: We need to start the Eclipse with "clean" option after it is uninstalled.
I download the Glassfish 3.1.2 Open Source Edition form here and install to my machine. Then register the new installed Glassfish 3.1.2 to the Eclipse.
Regarding to my opinion, I thought that it would be nice if I use the Glassfish out side the Eclipse plugin / workspace folder.

GlassFish in Eclipse complains "GlassFish v3 requires a JDK 1.6 and not a JRE"

I am running:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Helios Service Release 2
Build id: 20110218-0911
I have also installed Java EE 6 SDK Update 2 which includes:
GlassFish Open Source Edition 3.1
Java EE 6 Code Samples
Java EE 6 API Documentation
Java EE 6 Tutorial
Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Java EE Platform
I have registered GlassFish with Eclipse but when I try to start the server, I get the following error:
GlassFish v3 requires a JDK 1.6 and not a JRE. Please add/select the correct JDK in the Server properties 'Runtime Environment' section.
I have searched here for an answer but none so far seem to work. Can anybody suggest how I would sort this error out?
I had the same issue and actually i got the solution from this link ( The above answers really didnt gave me the solution
1) make sure the jdk is installed. Look in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.XXXX (mine says 0_16). If that has stuff in it the jdk probably was installed, if not you can grab just the jdk from
2) This is where the error message kinda foobars ya...
- Get eclipse started, ignore the message.
- Go to Window>Preferences
- Then under +Java+Installed JREs hit Add.
- Select 'Standard VM' then Next
- JRE Home = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.XXXX the rest should fill in automagically. Hit Finish.
- MOST IMPORTANT!!! Click the check box back in the Preferences Window for the new jdk runtime...I don't know why it's necessary, but it definitely is...
3)Still in Preference Window.
- Get to +Server, Runtime Environments
- Select the Glassfish SRE, hit Edit...
- From the JRE drop down grab the JDK and hit Finish
- Hit Okay.
4)Go to the Servers Veiw (probably down by the Console View).
Right click on the Bundled Glassfish...Server and hit restart/start...
Yes, you downloaded (or pointed Eclipse to) a JRE, but it needs a JDK. The latter has all the Java tools: javac.exe, java.exe, jar.exe, etc.
If you look at the directory where you told Eclipse to look for a JDK, you must see a /bin directory with those .exe files in it. If you don't, you know why the error message.
Make sure you downloaded a JDK and point Eclipse to it.
One more check: see if you can start Glassfish without Eclipse. You're ignorant of two things if you're learning both at the same time. Leave one unknown out of the equation until you can make Glassfish run on its own.
You need a JAVA_HOME environment variable. What's it pointing to? If you don't have one, create it.
For other people like me who still have a problem, try to be careful in your JRE Definition :
Don't use this : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29\jre
but this : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29
and Glassfish will eventually work.
It took me a while to find where this is configured in eclipse so I'll note it here for everyone:
Window menu > Preferences dialog > Server section > Runtime Environments subsection.

Debugging a tomcat project in Eclipse 3.4.2

I downloaded eclipse 3.4.2 and tried installing tomcat plugin (version 3.2.1)for eclipse from sysdeo (
I have followed installation instructions but when is start tomcat from eclipse toolbar i got the following error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tomcat/util/log/SystemLogHandler
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.init(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
I did follow troubleshoot instructions but no success.
I tried to putting plugin in dropin directory too but still got the same error.
This was working fine in eclipse 3.2 and 3.3
Then I tried using standard inbuilt WTP to set up my tomcat server. I am not sure how it will pick my server.xml in conf directory of tomcat, it seems it is not picking as of now.
How do I associate my eclipse project with this setup. I am able to start the server but when i browse the tomcat start page, it does not show anything.
I would appreciate if someone can provide some ways to fix this.
Thanks in advance.
After trying out few things I was able to debug tomcat project in eclipse 3.4.2
To debug tomcat application/project using eclipse 3.4.2 use WTP plugins which are installed along with it.
Go to Window --> Show View --> Others --> Server
In this view create a new server, please select tomcat installation directory and version information.
Then double click on Tomcat VX.X Server at local host, it opens up configuration settings page
In the Server Locations Section select "Use Tomcat Installation (takes control of Tomcat Installation) and enter deploy path.
In the publishing section select Never Publish automatically and uncheck update context path checkbox.
Voila!! All set to debug tomcat project in eclipse 3.4.2
There is no need to download and copy any extra plugin.
Thanks Juri. Hope this helps.
I'm using Tomcat with Eclipse Java EE version with WTP and it works perfectly. I have Ant scripts which deploy my web app to the tomcat webapp folder. In order to debug, you have to open the Server view in Eclipse, add a new server and choose the correct Tomcat version. Once that's done, open the configuration of Tomcat within eclipse by double-clicking on the server entry in the Eclipse server view you just created. On the left-middle side of the confguration page you should see something like "let Eclipse control the native Tomcat installation", I don't remember the exact text now. You have to choose that. Then you can set a breakpoint in your source code and then start Tomcat in debug mode from within Eclipse's server view.
Hope that helped.
If you are using the Sysdeo plugin, then you don't want to also be using the standard Eclipse WTP servers. To use the Sysdeo plugin, you need to have already downloaded and extracted a standard zipped tomcat directory. Make sure to define CATALINA_HOME in your path. Then, assuming you've correctly installed the sysdeo plugin, go into Eclipse->Windows->Prefs->Tomcat (this is Sysdeo's Tomcat settings, and not the WTP settings). You need to tell the plugin where you've extracted your Tomcat directory, and set it to use Context files.
Now create a new Dynamic web project. Right click it, and go into its properties->Tomcat.
Check it as a 'Tomcat Project'. Give it a context name, and also tell it the directory which would be the base of your war (by default, Eclipse has named this WebContent, I believe). Apply it and close the Window. Right click again your project, and go to the Tomcat section. Add the 'Tomcat Libraries to Build Path' so you can use the Servlet/JSP classes. Finally, click on 'Update Context'. If you go into your Tomcat directory under Conf, you'll see that the plugin has created a context for you that points to your Eclipse workspace. No need for deploying the app to the Tomcat directory. Now, you should be able to click on the Sysdeo Tomcat 'start' button, and your app should be able to connect to your app at localhost:8080/context_name.
Using the excellent Findjar web page for:
gives the following:
Information on class org.apache.tomcat.util.log.SystemLogHandler:
Containing JAR files:
Ensure the appropriate jar file is in your CLASSPATH.