Quartz.Net - delay a simple trigger to start - quartz-scheduler

I have a few jobs setup in Quartz to run at set intervals. The problem is though that when the service starts it tries to start all the jobs at once... is there a way to add a delay to each job using the .xml config?
Here are 2 job trigger examples:
<description>Triggers the ProductSaleIn job</description>
<description>Triggers the CustomersOut job</description>
As you see there are 2 triggers, the first repeats every day, the next repeats twice a day.
My issue is that I want either the first or second job to start a few minutes after the other... (because they are both in the end, accessing the same API and I don't want to overload the request)
Is there a repeat-delay or priority property? I can't find any documentation saying so..

I know you are doing this via XML but in code you can set the StartTimeUtc to delay say 30 seconds like this...
trigger.StartTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(30);

This isn't exactly a perfect answer for your XML file - but via code you can use the StartAt extension method when building your trigger.
/* calculate the next time you want your job to run - in this case top of the next hour */
var hourFromNow = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1);
var topOfNextHour = new DateTime(hourFromNow.Year, hourFromNow.Month, hourFromNow.Day, hourFromNow.Hour, 0, 0);
/* build your trigger and call 'StartAt' */
TriggerBuilder.Create().WithIdentity("Delayed Job").WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInSeconds(60).RepeatForever()).StartAt(new DateTimeOffset(topOfNextHour))

You've probably already seen this by now, but it's possible to chain jobs, though it's not supported out of the box.


(Laravel 5) Monitor and optionally cancel an ALREADY RUNNING job on queue

I need to achieve the ability to monitor and be able to cancel an ALREADY RUNNING job on queue.
There's a lot of answers about deleting QUEUED jobs, but not on an already running one.
This is the situation: I have a "job", which consists of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS rows on a database, that need to be queried ONE BY ONE against a web service.
Every row needs to be picked up, queried against a web service, stored the response and its status updated.
I had that already working as a Command (launching from / outputting to console), but now I need to implement queues in order to allow piling up more jobs from more users.
So far I've seen Horizon (which doesn't runs on Windows due to missing process control libs). However, in some demos seen around it lacks (I believe) a couple things I need:
Dynamically configurable timeout (the whole job may take more than 12 hours, depending on the number of rows to process on the selected job)
I also considered the option to generate EACH REQUEST as a new job instead of seeing a "job" as the whole collection of rows (this would overcome the timeout thing), but that would give me a Horizon "pending jobs" list of hundreds of thousands of records per job, and that would kill the browser (I know Redis can handle this without itching at all). Further, I guess is not possible to cancel "all jobs belonging to X tag".
I've been thinking about hitting an API route, fire the job and decouple it from the app, but I'm seeing that this requires forking processes.
For the ability to cancel, I would implement a database with job_id, and when the user hits an API to cancel a job, I'd mark it as "halted". On every loop I would check its status and if it finds "halted" then kill itself.
If I've missed any aspect just holler and I'll add it or clarify about it.
So I'm asking for an advice here since I'm new to Laravel: how could I achieve this?
So I finally came up with this (a bit clunky) solution:
In Controller:
public function cancelJob()
$jobs = DB::table('jobs')->get();
# I could use a specific ID and user owner filter, etc.
foreach ($jobs as $job) {
# This is a file that... well, it's self explaining
return "Job cancelled - It will stop soon";
In job class (inside model::chunk() function)
if ($this->service->shouldHaltProcess()) {
# build stats, do some cleanup, log, etc...
$this->halted = true;
# This FALSE is what it makes the chunk() method to stop looping
return false;
In service class:
* Checks the existence of the 'Halt Process Signal' file
* #return bool
public function shouldHaltProcess() :bool
return file_exists($this->config['files.halt_process_signal']);
* Stop the batch process
* #return void
public function stopProcess() :void
return ;
It doesn't looks quite elegant, but it works.
I've surfed the whole web and many goes for Horizon or other tools that doesn't fit my case.
If anyone has a better way to achieve this, it's welcome to share.
Laravel queue have 3 important config:
1. retry_after
2. timeout
3. tries
See more: https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/queues
Dynamically configurable timeout (the whole job may take more than 12
hours, depending on the number of rows to process on the selected job)
I think you can config timeout + retry_after about 24h.
Delete job in jobs table
Delete process by process id in your server
Hope it help you :)

How to make a jenkins call to retrieve the job details every 'X' minutes in meteor?

What I'm up to is to get the jenkins job details and store it in mongo DB every "X" minutes. I have to make an HTTP.call(JenkinsURL) which I know how to do. My problem is calling it for specific intervals.
buildURL has the Jenkins job URL. I found this link which gives an overview of the code for my problem, but I don't know how and where i should place these code to get it working. I tried all possibility.
Is there any method in meteor which can make this possible to run a specific code to be run for every X min??
Is there any method in meteor which can make this possible to run a specific code to be run for every X min??
Yes, there is.
Meteor.setInterval that can be used to do something repetitively every X interval of time.
You can put your HTTP call within it on the server. Eg:
var timerID = Meteor.setInterval(function(){
// and other things
}, 60000) //60000ms = 1 min
When you want to stop the timer function, simply call Meteor.clearInterval

flink streaming window trigger

I have flink stream and I am calucating few things on some time window say 30 seconds.
here what happens it is giving me result my aggregating previous windows as well.
say for first 30 seconds I get result 10.
next thiry seconds I want fresh result, instead I get last window result + new
and so on.
so my question is how I get fresh result for each window.
You need to use a purging trigger. What you want is FIRE_AND_PURGE (emit and remove window content), what the default flink trigger does is FIRE (emit and keep window content).
// The important part: Replace the default non-purging ProcessingTimeTrigger
.trigger(new PurgingTrigger[..., TimeWindow](ProcessingTimeTrigger))
For a more in depth explanation have a look into Triggers and FIRE vs FIRE_AND_PURGE.
A Trigger determines when a window (as formed by the window assigner) is ready to be processed by the window function. Each WindowAssigner comes with a default Trigger. If the default trigger does not fit your needs, you can specify a custom trigger using trigger(...).
When a trigger fires, it can either FIRE or FIRE_AND_PURGE. While FIRE keeps the contents of the window, FIRE_AND_PURGE removes its content. By default, the pre-implemented triggers simply FIRE without purging the window state.
The functionality you describe can be found in Tumbling Windows: https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.2/dev/windows.html#tumbling-windows
A bit more detail and/or code would help :)
I'm little late into this question but I encountered the same issue with OP's. What I found out later was a bug in my own code. FYI my mistake could be good reference for your problem.
// Old code (modified to be an example):
val tenSecondGrouping: DataStream[MyCustomGrouping] = userIdsStream
.window(TumblingProcessingTimeWindows.of(Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)))
.aggregate(new MyCustomAggregateFunc(new MyCustomGrouping()))
Bug happened at new MyCustomGrouping: I unintentionally created a singleton MyCustomGrouping object and reusing it in MyCustomAggregateFunc. As more tumbling windows created, the later aggregation results grow crazy! The fix was to create new MyCustomGrouping each time MyCustomAggregateFunc is triggered. So:
// New code, problem solved
.aggregate(new MyCustomAggregateFunc(() => new MyCustomGrouping()))
// passing in a func to create new object per trigger

How to call the controller task on each 1 min interval

I have created task on controller and there is loop which is loading for 100 times.
Now I want to load it for 25 times and pause that loop for 1 min and after that it will execute next 25 items same for next 25.
I have checked it with sleep but its not working.
Can you please advise me if is there any way on plugin event or any other method.
This is actually unrelated to Joomla! Since you're creating a long running process you need to start it with something else than a browser. A CRON job is a good idea here if you want to execute this operation multiple times. Otherwise it can run via command line. Make sure the max_execution time setting of PHP does not cause any trouble.
If you still need this within Joomla please have a look at the CLI documentation.

Run Two Action At The Same Time Inside ONE Sequence

I'm not sure if what I'm seeking is possible, but I'm just checking to make sure I'm not doing thing the hard way.
At the moment I have two sequences, which both run at the same time. Each sequence starts off by waiting 3 seconds and then one sequence scales a node, where the other adjusts that node's alpha. So the code looks something like this:
node.runAction(SKAction.sequence([animationWait, animationScale]))
node.runAction(SKAction.sequence([animationWait, animationAlpha]))
But is there a way of running both the animationScale and animationAlpha at the same time inside one sequence? So it will look something like this (this doesn't work, but I'm hoping you can see what I'm trying to do):
node.runAction(SKAction.sequence([animationWait, (animationScale, animationAlpha)]))
You can group actions together to a sequence:
var actions = Array<SKAction>()
actions.append(SKAction.sequence([animationWait, animationScale]))
actions.append(SKAction.sequence([animationWait, animationAlpha]))
let group = SKAction.group(actions)
When the action executes, the actions that comprise the group all start immediately and run in parallel. The duration of the group action is the longest duration among the collection of actions. If an action in the group has a duration less than the group’s duration, the action completes, then idles until the group completes the remaining actions. This matters most when creating a repeating action that repeats a group.
I just tested something out, and it seemed to have worked. Instead of the below:
node.runAction(SKAction.sequence([animationWait, (animationScale, animationAlpha)]))
node.runAction(SKAction.sequence([animationWait, [animationScale, animationAlpha]]))
I'm surprised it worked. I was going to delete the question, but someone might find this handy.
The below no longer works
node.runAction(SKAction.sequence([animationWait, [animationScale, animationAlpha]]))
As evilboxingdragonslayer suggested, you will need to use "group", see below:
node.runAction(SKAction.sequence([animationWait, group([animationScale, animationAlpha])]))