Is it possible to use SandCastle with Visual Studio 2008 and C++ (non-CLI)? - doxygen

I'm mystified: I'm using Visual Studio 2008 with C++ (non-CLI), and I can't for the life of me work out how to build the help file with Sandcastle.
Once its installed, and its generating an .xml file, shouldn't there be a menu option somewhere to switch on the build of the docs? Or at least a menu option to trigger the build of the docs?

I don't believe sandcastle works with doxygen.
Sandcastle actually has nothing to do with managed or unmanaged projects. Sandcastle works against a set of XML documents that are typically generated during the build process. If you manually built the xml, you could make it generate docs for Smalltalk.
That said, while its most common usage is in the managed world, it is certainly supported for native C++ as well. The key is that the visual studio supports pulling xml documentation out of C++ compiled without the /clr switch, and those same XML files can be provided to Sandcastle for your document generation.


Does Postsharp .pssym files are required as part of the product installation?

I'm using postsharp and would like to know if these files .pssym are required for our product build/install process ?
Pssym files are not required for build or as part of a production installation.
Pssym files contains information about aspects applied to your code. PostSharp Tools for Visual Studio uses them to underline source code elements enhanced by an aspect and for source code analysis.

Code to generate templates

I just downloaded Visual Studio Code last night. What do I do so that Code will generate, say, a Console Application template?
I've read around the web so far I can't find anything telling me how to create a template.
Q: How do I create and run a new project?
A: VS Code doesn't include a traditional File > New Project dialog or
pre-installed project templates. You'll need to add additional
components and scaffolders depending on your development interests.
With scaffolding tools like Yeoman and the multitude of modules
available through the NPM package manager, you're sure to find
appropriate templates and tools to create your projects.
for details:
and a question on SO: Run C# Console Application on Visual Studio Code Editor on Windows

MEF With Portable Class library using Microsoft Composition MEF2 throws file not found exception

I am working on Portable Class Library(PCL) and trying to achieve MEF in that. I used System.Composition from Nuget. When i build and package for vsix (Extension for Visual Studio) it doesn't package and place those dll's to extension folder
(C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0Exp\Extensions\ExtensionName\AppName\versionofYourApp). When i manually place those library in this folder it works fine. Can some one suggest a good solution to this problem. I am writing it for Roslyn Analyzers and creating a nuget package. Again i am facing the same issue, even if i am packaging those library together.
Set Copy Local to true in the VSIX's reference to the MEF DLLs.
I found a solution, thought of sharing. You are welcome to correct and suggest. For Vsix extension i added those library as an asset(VisualStudio.Assembly) from local.
And for packages, Assembly.Load("AssemblyName") was trying to load library from all possible locations like " C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies" and many. So i placed it there and it was getting loaded. I know this is not the best solution. You are most welcome to suggest.

Generate post-processed xml in Sandcastle?

There are some features like inheritdoc which are not supported natively by Visual Studio. How to convert input xml file with unsupported tags to its post-processed version so it can be included into release package?
Intellisense Only plugin should do the job for you. You can find it under project properties in plugins tab (see Intellisense plugin doc).

Nuget won't install Entity Framework into C++/CLI project

I thought this problem was fixed. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and it is Entity Framework 6.1. I get the error message: PublicKeyToken=xxxxxx is not marked as serializable.
I thought this was fixed. Is it broken again and if so, is there a workaround?
Here is the complete error message when trying to install into a win32 C++ console application. (Built with default settings, no other adds to new build.)
Error: Type
'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project.VisualC.VCProjectEngine.VCProjectShim' in Assembly
'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project.VisualC.VCProjectEngine, Version=,Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' is not marked as serializable.
Here is the complete error message when trying to install into a C++ CLR:
(Actually, it's the exact same error message.)
Here is the complete error message when trying to install into a General Empty C++ Project:
(Again, same error message.)
Okay, I can finally figure out what you are doing. You are trying to run Nuget to download and install the Entity Framework into a C++ project. Yes, that's going to be a fail-whale. Nuget acquired the ability to install C++ libraries at version 2.5, but that only works for native libraries. Pure C++, not managed code like EF. Being a relatively new feature, it doesn't do anything to stop you from getting it wrong, it doesn't filter the available packages to the kind that can work in a C++ project.
The step that fails is the final one, download and copying files work okay but then Nuget runs a Powerscript script to modify the project properties. Which, for EF, was written to work in a C# or VB.NET project. The VS extension model for C++ projects (implemented by the VCProjectEngine class as reported in the error message) is too different to permit that script to complete successfully.
Do keep in mind that the odds of using EF in a native C++ projects are zero. You'll only have a smallish shot at it in a C++/CLI project. Starting with a project template in the CLR node is a required first step.
The next one is to fool the Nuget installer, add a dummy C# project to your solution and run Nuget to get EF installed into that project. You'll see it adding an app.config file to the project, you need to do the same in your C++/CLI project. And it adds two EF assemblies that you also need to add to your C++/CLI project:
Right-click the project in the Solution Explorer window, Properties
Select Common Properties + References
Click the Add New Reference button
Click the Browse button
Navigate to the dummy C# project's packages\EntityFramework.6.1.0\lib\net45 directory
Select EntityFramework.dll you see there
Repeat to add EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll there.
Be sure to write C++/CLI code to use it. Beware that you'll have a Eskimo's chance to find any. The much saner approach is to create a C# library that uses EF and use that library in a C++/CLI project.