Does Postsharp .pssym files are required as part of the product installation? - postsharp

I'm using postsharp and would like to know if these files .pssym are required for our product build/install process ?

Pssym files are not required for build or as part of a production installation.
Pssym files contains information about aspects applied to your code. PostSharp Tools for Visual Studio uses them to underline source code elements enhanced by an aspect and for source code analysis.


How does visual studio find MEF components in VSIX project?

When a VSIX project that contains MEF components is installed, how does visual studio find the MEF components? I know the regular way could be adding catalogs of dll directories that contains the MEF parts. How does Visual Studio know where to look to find the MEF in VSIX project?
Visual Studio Extensions (VSIX) usually contain a VS Package class, an extension.vsixmanifest file, and zero or more PKGDEF files that provided metadata and extension initialization information to the IDE.
VS is made aware of MEF components via a MefComponent registration in the extension.vsixmanifest file that indicates that a specific assembly should be scanned at MEF cache generation.
The simplest way to declare a MEF component in your extension is to right click on the project, select 'New Item', and add a Package to your project. This will provide the source.extension.vsixmanifest file to which you can add the MEF component registration. Double click this file, and add your registration in the 'Assets' tab of the VSIX manifest designer.

MEF With Portable Class library using Microsoft Composition MEF2 throws file not found exception

I am working on Portable Class Library(PCL) and trying to achieve MEF in that. I used System.Composition from Nuget. When i build and package for vsix (Extension for Visual Studio) it doesn't package and place those dll's to extension folder
(C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0Exp\Extensions\ExtensionName\AppName\versionofYourApp). When i manually place those library in this folder it works fine. Can some one suggest a good solution to this problem. I am writing it for Roslyn Analyzers and creating a nuget package. Again i am facing the same issue, even if i am packaging those library together.
Set Copy Local to true in the VSIX's reference to the MEF DLLs.
I found a solution, thought of sharing. You are welcome to correct and suggest. For Vsix extension i added those library as an asset(VisualStudio.Assembly) from local.
And for packages, Assembly.Load("AssemblyName") was trying to load library from all possible locations like " C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies" and many. So i placed it there and it was getting loaded. I know this is not the best solution. You are most welcome to suggest.

Add a custom file to Eclipse/Mule Studio for any NewProjects automatically

To abide some Audit/IT process, we are required to always add File(a TXT & XML file) to our Java projects. Is there a way that I can customize my Eclipse/Mule Studio to add these automatically whenever I create File->New->Mule Project. Because sometimes we miss it and then we need to repackage just because of this.
You can consider also to create a template and upload it to the Anypoint Exchange, although this is an enterprise feature.
It should be part of your Maven build process to either auto-include these files or die if they are missing. That way, you won't be able to produce invalid Mule applications.

Eclipse product configuration: Setting launcherArgs for "arch"

The eclipse product configuration has the section "launcherArgs" which can be specified globally or for any supported platform. We build our product for win32 as x86 and x86_64 and I want to have a different .ini generated depending on the arch property. To be specific: It´s an in-house application and the JVMs are rolled out to the same directory on every client, but differs between 32bit and 64bit machines.
We build with maven/tycho.
I'm afraid this is a limitation/bug of the PDE product file format which tycho re-uses.
It can be achieved in the p2.inf advice file using these keywords:
filter=(&(osgi.os=win32)(osgi.arch=x86_64)) instructions.configure=setProgramProperty(propName:-vm,propValue:64bitVM)
It´s actually not that easy and the correct syntax of the p2.inf file remains a miracle to me. But somehow I got this working. A look to the content.xml file can be helpful if anyone also want´s to do stuff in the p2.inf file...

Is it possible to use SandCastle with Visual Studio 2008 and C++ (non-CLI)?

I'm mystified: I'm using Visual Studio 2008 with C++ (non-CLI), and I can't for the life of me work out how to build the help file with Sandcastle.
Once its installed, and its generating an .xml file, shouldn't there be a menu option somewhere to switch on the build of the docs? Or at least a menu option to trigger the build of the docs?
I don't believe sandcastle works with doxygen.
Sandcastle actually has nothing to do with managed or unmanaged projects. Sandcastle works against a set of XML documents that are typically generated during the build process. If you manually built the xml, you could make it generate docs for Smalltalk.
That said, while its most common usage is in the managed world, it is certainly supported for native C++ as well. The key is that the visual studio supports pulling xml documentation out of C++ compiled without the /clr switch, and those same XML files can be provided to Sandcastle for your document generation.