Getting Plugins to work with Eclipse Helios 3.6 - plugins

I have been searching for a new IDE for a while. I finally decided to try Eclipse, although I am a little discontent with the memory usage, and I really like a lot of aspects about it. There are, as with learning any new IDE, some things that I haven't been able to figure out yet. One of the biggest ones is that it seems like no matter what plugin in I install it doesn't work, or doesn't appear to.
I downloaded Eclipse Galileo just to make sure that I could get plugins working there, since I know Helios is pretty new, and plugins worked in Galileo as expected. Is there something different that you have to do in Helios that I haven't discovered yet or am I missing something?
I have tried installing RSE, Subclipse, and Drupal for Eclipse (I am a Drupal developer). None of these work in Helios, but all work in Galileo.
Any help from Eclipse users would be greatly appreciated!

There's the new marketplace, so rather than using
Help -> Install New Software,
check out
Help -> Eclipse Marketplace.
I've had a similar issue with the m2eclipse plugin, but found installing it through the marketplace worked fine!


Eclipse Plugins disappeared

After a ubuntu update all my eclipse plugin have disappeared, inclcuding ADT Plugin, Database Plugin, and PHP Plugin. If I install "new" software, eclipse gives my the error "Duplicated Location". Great
Any ideas how to fix this?
Did the Eclipse version get updated? Either way, from my experience the best option is to do a fresh install of Eclipse to make sure there's no cruft sitting around from previous installations (better to eliminate the possibility now then have some bug down the road that may be attributed to a code issue).

Eclipse, no web project in wizard

Trying to import some code I wrote in intelliJ and I came across a problem on my main workstation, my Eclipse Juno has no option to create a new web project, however on my laptop Eclipse Juno in there has the option, which is odd because it's the same version of Eclipse, any thoughts on how I should be able to start a web project?
Edit Thanks Andre, yeah I have the wrong Eclipse but I have so much in my workspace it isn't viable to reinstall it, also getting it to work on Ubuntu was a bit of a pain; I was looking for a single repositry for the EE web tools, thanks.
Thanks to Andre for the answer, you can find the WTP plugin in the marketplace, unfortunately Juno does not have Marketplace as default therefore you must use Juno software repository URL in the install new software section of Eclipse to download and install the Marketplace

Upgrade from Helios to Indigo with Helios version having many working sets

I am sure somebody might have come across this scenario.
I have many working sets in my present workspace (Eclipse Helios version). I am trying to migrate the same to Indigo SR2 version.
Simple workspace migration from one version of Eclipse to another also I have not done earlier.
Please let me know how to proceed with the same
Normally, everything should go fine when you install all the plug-ins in Indigo which you have in Helios. Then you just open your workspace with Helios, you are good to go, but of course, a full workspace compilation might be done.
As far as I know, Indigo used to have some problems with Maven support, I don't know if it has been fixed.

Move to eclipse Indigo?

Now that the new version of eclipse is out should I move to immediately? If my plug-ins work in Galileo will it work in the indigo?
There is no way to know without trying or researching what the particular plugin providers state regarding Indigo compatibility. Many plugins will work just fine. Some will not.
I would recommend starting a separate Indigo install along side your working Galileo install. Then install your plugins into the new install one by one. If everything installs and appears to be working, you can safely transition. If it doesn't, you will know which plugins are incompatible. Maybe a newer version exists or is on the way.
I am planning not to switch before SR2 is available. In the past new Eclipse versions had some minor bugs and I don't see the big advantage of Indigo for my daily work.
It is a risk worth taking. First, create a copy of your eclipse installation and upgrade and see if your plugins are working fine.
If those are working it's good to go Indigo.
All the best with Indigo.

cannot install aptana

I am trying to install aptan in my eclips hilios. Its giving me a wired problem. I went here and installed it
When I went to perspectives I dont see aptana there.
I tried to reinstall aptana and it said I couldnt as it is already installed.
I deleted the installation of eclipse and redid the steps and still no help.
I am not sure whats going on
Any help will be very much appreciated
If you are using Helios, I would recommend trying out the new Aptana Studio 3 beta. It's in good shape, especially for a 'beta'! I've been using it as my primary IDE with additional plugins such as CFEclipse, Java Development Tools, J2EE and the Groovy plugin and had zero issues for the last month+.
Additionally, the Studio 3 beta is built on Helios' architecture, so you should be able to integrate it without any (read: too many) headaches!