how to receive a vlc flow in a socket? - sockets

I'm developping a streaming application with tcl.
I have a vlc sever that broadcast a flow in http mode. what I'm trying to do is to develop a client who will try to connect to server with a particular ip adress and port number, and then try to save the flow in a file.
the code that i'm using is simple:
set server localhost
set sockChan [socket $server 1234]
set line [read $sockChan 1000]
puts " vidéo: $line"
close $sockChan
the problem when i try to test my script, I see that I realise the connection, but I can't read the flow!
the 'puts' doesn't show anything in the console...
Have you any ideas!
thank you..

If you're just wanting to save the contents of a URL to a file, the standard http package has a -channel option which lets you dump directly. For example:
package require http
set f [open video.dump w]
fconfigure $f -translation binary
set tok [http::geturl "http://server:port/url" -channel $f]
close $f
if {[http::ncode $tok] != 200} {
# failed somehow...
} else {
# succeeded
http::cleanup $tok
Edit: Doing it asynchronously (requires the event loop going, e.g. via vwait forever):
package require http
set f [open video.dump w]
fconfigure $f -translation binary
proc done {f tok} {
close $f
if {[http::ncode $tok] != 200} {
# failed somehow...
} else {
# succeeded
http::cleanup $tok
http::geturl "http://server:port/url" -channel $f -command "done $f"
# Your code runs here straight away...
Note that the code's recognizably similar, but now in a slightly different order! If you've got Tcl 8.5 — if not, why not? — then you can use a lambda application instead to make the apparent order of the code even more similar:
package require http
set f [open video.dump w]
fconfigure $f -translation binary
http::geturl "http://server:port/url" -channel $f -command [list apply {{f tok} {
close $f
if {[http::ncode $tok] != 200} {
# failed somehow...
} else {
# succeeded
http::cleanup $tok
}} $f]
# Your code runs here straight away...

Since you are working with HTTP, I would suggest looking at libcurl bindings for TCL.


Mikrotik - result of script job as var is empty

I need to now some info about LTE/3G connection from output of command with Zabbix. Routerboard is 6.47.7 version.
[admin#Mikrotik_24] > interface lte info lte1 once
pin-status: ok
registration-status: registered
functionality: full
manufacturer: "MikroTik"
model: "R11e-LTE"
revision: "MikroTik_CP_2.160.000_v008"
current-operator: MTS
psc: 295
lac: 5205
current-cellid: 241903616
access-technology: 3G
session-uptime: 21h3m18s
imei: 355654090621868
imsi: 250016652966098
uicc: 89701011266529660988
earfcn: 10762
ecno: 0dB
rssi: -95dBm
For example "rssi", "access-technology", "uicc" and so on.
The problem with such command described by themselves - the data goes infinitely, and you cant catch it easy.
So I have a script to get some values as a global var.
/interface lte info lte1 once do={:global at $"access-technology" }
and ":put $at" in terminal works fine. But I think to take result with SNMP by executing another script to show this generated var $at. It is possible with OID they did for "script result" purpose.
The question is how to output this var in script?
[admin#Mikrotik_24] > /system script export compact
# oct/31/2020 01:52:57 by RouterOS 6.47.7
# software id = PW8X-NNQ5
# model = RouterBOARD wAP R-2nD
/system script
add dont-require-permissions=no name=at owner=admin policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=\
"/interface lte info lte1 once do={:global at \$\"access-technology\" } \r\
add dont-require-permissions=no name=at_result owner=admin policy=\
ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=":put \$at"
[admin#Mikrotik_24] > :environment print
[admin#Mikrotik_24] > /system script environment print
0 at 3G
[admin#Mikrotik_24] > /system script run at_result
[admin#Mikrotik_24] >
You see, /system script run at_result is empty, but in terminal I can see it
[admin#Mikrotik_24] > :put $at
[admin#Mikrotik_24] >
Ok. The right form of script var is
:global test
set $test "my data"
I have to declare it first.

Make a dump of a session on fiddler without modification of Fiddler Rules

I want to do this things :
select a session
make a dump of this session (the issue is here)
Plus, I want to do that without modification of Fiddler Rules. I have done this with a modification of Fiddler Rules but the program will be used on several machines and it can be difficult to change Fiddler Rules in every machines.
I don't know if it is possible.
The code to do that with the modification of the fiddler Rules is :
PowerShell :
$filePath = "...\nameFile.txt" # file which contain the names of fiddler ZIP files
$file = Get-Content $filePath # content of nameFile
foreach ($line in $file) {
start $line # open the file
Write-Host "File : $line open"
Start-Sleep -s 1
& "...\Fiddler\ExecAction.exe" "failuresselection" # select all failures and make another file (see Fiddler Rules)
Fiddler Rules :
static function OnExecAction(sParams: String[]): Boolean {
// Select all failures and put them in a new ZIP file
case "failuresselection":
var path = "...\\Newlogs";
if (UI.GetFirstSelectedSession() != null){
UI.actSaveSessionsToZip(path+"\\Logs" + 449 + ".saz");
// Confirmation
FiddlerObject.StatusText = "Dumped all failures sessions to " + path;
return true;
I try this but it doesn't worked :
& "...\Fiddler\ExecAction.exe" "FiddlerApplication.UI.actSelectAll();"
It's to select all line but I think that ExecAction.exe replace QuickExec.
In summary, I am searching a way to do the same thing without modification of Fiddler Rules.

An error in my code to be a simple ftp

I met an error when running codes at the bottom. It's like a simple ftp.
I use python2.6.6 and CentOS release 6.8
In most linux server, it gets right results like this:(I'm very sorry that I have just sign up and couldn't )
[root#Test ftp]# python
[root#Test ftp]# python
cmd: put
file_name: aaa.txt
file_size: 4
upload successed.
But I get errors in some server(such as my own VM in my PC). I have done lots of tests(python2.6/python2.7, Centos6.5/Centos6.7) and found this error is not because them. Here is the error imformation:
[root#Lewis-VM ftp]# python
pre_data:put|aaa.txt|7sdfsdf ###Here gets the wrong result, "sdfsdf" is the content of /home/aaa.txt and it shouldn't be sent here to 'file_size' and so it cause the "ValueError" below
cmd: put
file_name: aaa.txt
file_size: 7sdfsdf
Exception happened during processing of request from ('', 10699)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 570, in process_request_thread
self.finish_request(request, client_address)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 332, in finish_request
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 627, in __init__
File "", line 30, in handle
if int(file_size)>recv_size:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '7sdfsdf\n'
What's more, I found that if I insert a time.sleep(1) between sk.send(cmd+"|"+file_name+'|'+str(file_size)) and sk.send(data) in, the error will disappear. I have said that I did tests in different system and python versions and the error is not because them. So I guess that is it because of some system configs? I have check about socket.send() and socket.recv() in but fount nothing helpful. So could somebody help me to explain why this happend?
The code are here:
#!/usr/bin/env python
#This is server#
import SocketServer
import os
class MyServer(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
base_path = '/home/ftp/file'
conn = self.request
print 'connected...'
while True:
#####receive pre_data: we should get data like 'put|/home/aaa|7'
pre_data = conn.recv(1024)
print 'pre_data:' + pre_data
cmd,file_name,file_size = pre_data.split('|')
print 'cmd: ' + cmd
print 'file_name: '+ file_name
print 'file_size: '+ file_size
recv_size = 0
file_dir = os.path.join(base_path,file_name)
f = file(file_dir,'wb')
Flag = True
####receive 1024bytes each time
while Flag:
if int(file_size)>recv_size:
data = conn.recv(1024)
recv_size = 0
Flag = False
print 'upload successed.'
instance = SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer(('',9999),MyServer)
#!/usr/bin/env python
#This is client#
import socket
import sys
import os
ip_port = ('',9999)
sk = socket.socket()
while True:
input = raw_input('path:')
#####we should input like 'put|/home/aaa.txt'
cmd,path = input.split('|')
file_name = os.path.basename(path)
send_size = 0
f= file(path,'rb')
Flag = True
#####read 1024 bytes and send it to server each time
while Flag:
if send_size + 1024 >file_size:
data =
Flag = False
data =
The TCP is a stream of data. That is the problem. TCP do not need to keep message boundaries. So when a client calls something like
then a naive server like
while True;
data = conn.recv(1024)
print data + "_"
may print any of:
The server has no chance to recognize how many sends client called because the TCP stack at client side just inserted data to a stream and the server must be able to process the data received in different number of buffers than the client used.
Your server must contain a logic to separate the header and the data. All of application protocols based on TCP use a mechanism to identify application level boundaries. For example HTTP separates headers and body by an empty line and it informs about the body length in a separate header.
Your program works correctly when server receives a header with the command, name and size in a separate buffer it it fails when client is fast enough and push the data into stream quickly and the server reads header and data in one chunk.

Perl process crashes after handling signal

I'm trying to make rereading config file for simple perl daemon on SIGHUP.
I'm trying
use sigtrap qw/handler rereadconf HUP/;
but after executing "rereadconf" procedure process stops
i'm also trying
%SIG{HUP} = \&rereadconf;
sub rereadconf{
.... mycode
print "procedure executed\n";
but result was the same, after executing procedure program stops.
So how can i make that process continue execution after signal handling?
Your program exits because the accept returns false because it got interrupted by a signal. You want
while (1) {
my $client = $srv->accept();
if (!$client) {
next if $!{EINTR};
die(sprintf(STDERR "[%s] accept: %s\n", basename($0), $!));
print(STDERR "accepted new client\n");

net-snmp perl subagent not being triggered by snmpget

I've been working on a custom SNMP Mib and I've come up against a wall while trying to get an agent to return the proper data.
MIB (validated by running smilint -l 6):
MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, enterprises
LAST-UPDATED "201307300000Z" -- Midnight 30 July 2013
ORGANIZATION "*********"
CONTACT-INFO "email: *******"
DESCRIPTION "description"
REVISION "201307300000Z" -- Midnight 29 July 2013
::= { enterprises 42134 }
STATUS current
"Compliance statement for iDB"
GROUP testGroup
"This group is a test group"
::= {idb 1}
SYNTAX Integer32
UNITS "tests"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"A test object"
DEFVAL { 5 }
::= { idb 3 }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "all test objects"
::= { idb 2 }
Agent file:
use NetSNMP::OID(':all');
use NetSNMP::agent(':all');
use NetSNMP::ASN(':all');
sub myhandler {
my ($handler, $registration_info, $request_info, $requests) = #_;
print "Handling request\n";
for ($request = $requests; $request; $request = $request->next()) {
# Work through the list of varbinds
my $oid = $request->getOID();
print "Got request for oid $oi\n";
if ($request_info->getMode() == MODE_GET) {
if ($oid == new NetSNMP::OID($rootOID . ".3")) {
$request->setValue(ASN_INTEGER, 2);
$subagent = 0;
print "Running new agent\n";
my $rootOID = ".";
my $regoid = new NetSNMP::OID($rootOID);
if (!$agent) {
$agent = new NetSNMP::agent('Name'=>'my_agent_name','AgentX' => 1);
$subagent = 1;
print "Starting subagent\n";
print "Registering agent\n";
$agent->register("my_agent_name", $regoid, \&myhandler);
print "Agent registered\n";
if ($subagent) {
$SIG{'INT'} = \&shut_it_down;
$SIG{'QUIT'} = \&shut_it_down;
$running = 1;
while ($running) {
sub shut_it_down() {
$running = 0;
print "Shutting down agent\n";
When I run the agent I get the following:
Running new agent
Starting subagent!
Registering agent with oid idb
Agent registered
So I know that much is working. However when I run the following command:
snmpget -v 1 -c mycommunity localhost:161 test2.0
I get this error message:
Error in packet
Reason: (noSuchName) There is no such variable name in this MIB.
Failed object: IDB-MIB::test2.0
I know from snmptranslate that the mib file is set correctly. I have even looked through the debug for snmpget (using -DALL) to make sure that the mib is being loaded and parsed correctly.
So my question is: Why is my subagent not being passed the request?
I've been told by #EhevuTov that my MIB file is not valid, however smilint does not report any issues and running snmpget -v 2c -c mycommunity localhost:161 . does report the NAME of the object (IDB-MIB::test2.0) correctly, but does not find any data for it.
I am getting IDB-MIB::test2 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID, which makes me think that my agent is not registering properly, however it's not throwing any errors.
Update 2:
I've been fiddling around with the agent code a bit. Based on the CPAN documentation (, it looks like the $agent->register function call is supposed to return 0 if successful. So I checked the return code and got this:
Agent registered. Result: NetSNMP::agent::netsnmp_handler_registration=SCALAR(0x201e688)
Printing it out using Data::Dumper results in:
$VAR1 = bless( do{\(my $o = 34434624)}, 'NetSNMP::agent::netsnmp_handler_registration' );
I vaguely understand what bless does, but even so, I have no idea what this result is supposed to mean. So I'm starting to think that the agent is wrong somehow. Does anyone know how to debug these agents? Is there somewhere I can look to see if it's getting loaded properly into the master snmpd?
And I've solved the problem. It wasn't with the MIB, it was with the agent (which I had THOUGHT was working fine the whole time so I never bothered to check it).
I'd been running the agent stand-alone, because it seemed like it was working fine (never threw any errors when registering the handler). Apparently though, it needs to be run directly by snmpd.
I moved it to a directory that snmpd can access (because also apparently snmpd can't run scripts from /root, even though it's running as root), and added these lines in snmpd.conf:
perl print "\nRunning agents now\n";
perl do "/usr/share/snmp/" || print "Problem running agent script: $!\n";
perl print "Agents run\n";
Note that these two lines were already present:
disablePerl false
perlInitFile /usr/share/snmp/
I can now run the snmpget command and get the expected response.
> snmpget -v 2c -c mycommunity localhost:161 .
IDB-MIB::test2 = INTEGER: 2 tests