Posting Data from iPhone to a server exposing OData - iphone

I have a server which is exposing OData services.
I can actually make use of OData client for Objective C to get the data and show on the iPhone.
I am wondering what is the process of posting some data into the server from the iPhone.
Assume I have to just send a simple name to the server how would I do that
Any pointers to clogs/sites which provides examples of iPhone apps consuming OData services.
Hitesh V

To everyone getting to this question to find more info about OData, here's a pointer to some resources and a quick to-do list:
The official Odata Library for iPhone has moved to Github: (although the link posted by Dan remains valid).
Once you clone the repository, you can run the ./odatagen tool (located in the Frameworks/bin folder) to create a pair of .h/.m files to include in your iOS application.
Once you do so, have a look at the included samples (like the Netflix or ODataSampleApp) to have an idea about how it works.
Hope this helps

I've never heard of OData before, but a little googling finds me an Objective-C OData client for the iphone, here:


What are the ways available to connect iOS app to fetch data from or via microsoft dynamics crm 2011? [duplicate]

I'm looking to interact with my Microsoft Dynamics CRM system from my iPhone, performing tasks such as pulling down, updating, creating and deleting records.
Is this possible? If so, can anyone link me to any good resources on the matter or provide me with any information you feel would be relevant?
Many thanks,
Yes this will be possible and there are at least some relevant pointers in the CRM SDK (Development from Non-.NET Clients in Microsoft Dynamics CRM) however general support and anecdotal information is sparse (in fact the referenced topic and it's links are all that exist in an official sense).
You will be accessing via the SOAP endpoint and the link to the WSDL for that is exposed via the CRM UI (Settings > Customizations > Developer Resources).
I'd start with downloading the CRM SDK and reading the topics I linked to.
Caveat - I know nothing of Objective-C or IOS
I don't know anything about this, but maybe that'll help:
If your looking to develop something yourlself, this might help:
It is possible, you'll need to use the web services API.
MSDN web services API docs
It uses JScript, so on the iPhone, you should use NSURLRequest and NSURLConnection to retrieve the data coming back.
Here is another link for using JSON, as iOS has a JSON parser built in now

Generating Dynamically OpenTok Session ID from iOS

I am using OpenTokSDK for iPhone (using it Natively)
I have made the code for calling but just there is one problem.:-
I have to statically Add the SessionID. But i want to generate the ID Dynamically.
How can I do this ?
Please help!
Thanks In Advance
Full disclosure: I am a developer for TokBox.
The only safe way to get session ID and token credentials to the device is by developing an application server that suits the specific needs of your app. We have a number of server-side SDKs available on GitHub (link) that will interface with the OpenTok server API to generate this data.
Note well the server-side SDK is enough to get your credentials generated, but not all devices will be on the same session, so things like user management and application workflows are all considerations that cannot be easily written to an open source library.
That said, we did try to make some of these examples more clear by writing code examples on our blog (link). You can relieve much of the overhead of writing your own application server (no doubt a daunting task, especially the first time around) by leveraging one of the third party signaling services available, like Parse and Pusher, to name two.
Wobbals is correct, and In addition to what Wabbals has mentioned, generating sessions/tokens is very simple, the sample code required for each server language (PHP, NodeJS, C#, Ruby) is located in OpenTok's Github page.
Furthermore, if you choose not to have server side code and use Parse to handle your back-end, there is a wonderful writeup about how to use Parse's cloud code module for OpenTok to generate sessions and tokens.
Good Luck!
I strongly felt that the tokbox tutorial was quite basic but had steeper learning curve. So I ended up wrote out my own app-cum-tutorial.
Though late, I felt compelled to post here:
How To write your first iPhone Video Chat App using parse and opentok(tokbox)

Objective-C & Interacting with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

I'm looking to interact with my Microsoft Dynamics CRM system from my iPhone, performing tasks such as pulling down, updating, creating and deleting records.
Is this possible? If so, can anyone link me to any good resources on the matter or provide me with any information you feel would be relevant?
Many thanks,
Yes this will be possible and there are at least some relevant pointers in the CRM SDK (Development from Non-.NET Clients in Microsoft Dynamics CRM) however general support and anecdotal information is sparse (in fact the referenced topic and it's links are all that exist in an official sense).
You will be accessing via the SOAP endpoint and the link to the WSDL for that is exposed via the CRM UI (Settings > Customizations > Developer Resources).
I'd start with downloading the CRM SDK and reading the topics I linked to.
Caveat - I know nothing of Objective-C or IOS
I don't know anything about this, but maybe that'll help:
If your looking to develop something yourlself, this might help:
It is possible, you'll need to use the web services API.
MSDN web services API docs
It uses JScript, so on the iPhone, you should use NSURLRequest and NSURLConnection to retrieve the data coming back.
Here is another link for using JSON, as iOS has a JSON parser built in now

iOS webservice xml help

i am trying to create an app that connects to a mysql database, downloads the records in the table for the user then displays them in a UITableview which can be drilled down with the data that as downloaded from the mysql database. I would also like the data to be stored locally in something like sqlite. The data would then be modified then uploaded back to the mysql database.
My questions is where do i start? I have read alot of posts on google and they say that its best to connect to a xml which acts as a middle man between the database and the app. How can i create this xml file? is it something that is generated every time the app is launched or something done daily on the server?
If anyone can help me out. i know its a very broad question so if someone can point me in the right direction im not asking someone to right this app just a hand as im lost.
I know others have mentioned links to libraries that let you connect to MySQL from iOS. I've not tried them myself but don't rule that out.
To answer your quest, you do not "create" the XML files. Web services are developed in a language, and written as applications. You would in essence need to write another application that runs on a server. That application would connect to your MySQL database. That application would also publish methods for getting at, and updating, data. By virtue of making your server a SOAP web service (in whatever platform), the data will be sent over the wire as XML.
If I have understood you want a kind of ORM?
If so you can check for Restkit and more specifically on the side of the object mapping system. It allows us to synchronize remote object/data locally with the coredata.
I have never used it, but I have seen a great tuto which talking about that here: Advanced RestKit Development (However I think it works only with json messages).
I hope it'll help you in your reflection.
I would recommend looking at XML Parser, Webservice, and Core Data tutorials.
SOAP and XML Response Parsing Samples for iPhone/iPad?
That would be a good start, and I could give you some more material if you would like. As far as setting up your actual web service, I've never done that so I couldn't help you there.

How do I sync an offline web app (HTML+JS+CSS) with my server?

Do I need to implement my own sync methods in order to make an offline web app (html+css+js) stay up to date with changes made on the server (and viceversa)? I'm using MySQL on the server side.
I read Two-way sync between iPhone application and web application with some pointers but I think they're talking about native applications when they mention CFUUIDCreate and I wander if this is possible for the Web.
Does someone have some code to share or maybe can point me in the right direction?
Thank you!
P.S.: I hope my english is not that rusty ;)
To store static contents on the client-side, as Jethro Larson said, the Application Cache Manifest is the way to go to cache the static contents of your website (HTML, CSS, JS and images).
To handle dynamically generated contents offline, you can use javascript templates. There are several solutions for this.
To sync the two databases, there is a project called persistence.js ( which is a javascript library which offers a unique API to work with WebSQL databases, Local Storage, etc. They have a plugin for this library called persistence.sync ( which syncs the remote database with the server's one. It consists of POST and GET requests to a specific url that you can configure (for example They have an example back-end written in node.js and here is one for Rails. It's simple to understand and persistence.sync is well documented.
Look at the offline cache: