Objective-C & Interacting with Microsoft Dynamics CRM - iphone

I'm looking to interact with my Microsoft Dynamics CRM system from my iPhone, performing tasks such as pulling down, updating, creating and deleting records.
Is this possible? If so, can anyone link me to any good resources on the matter or provide me with any information you feel would be relevant?
Many thanks,

Yes this will be possible and there are at least some relevant pointers in the CRM SDK (Development from Non-.NET Clients in Microsoft Dynamics CRM) however general support and anecdotal information is sparse (in fact the referenced topic and it's links are all that exist in an official sense).
You will be accessing via the SOAP endpoint and the link to the WSDL for that is exposed via the CRM UI (Settings > Customizations > Developer Resources).
I'd start with downloading the CRM SDK and reading the topics I linked to.
Caveat - I know nothing of Objective-C or IOS

I don't know anything about this, but maybe that'll help: http://www.cwrmobility.com/
If your looking to develop something yourlself, this might help: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13621

It is possible, you'll need to use the web services API.
MSDN web services API docs
It uses JScript, so on the iPhone, you should use NSURLRequest and NSURLConnection to retrieve the data coming back.
Here is another link for using JSON, as iOS has a JSON parser built in now


What are the ways available to connect iOS app to fetch data from or via microsoft dynamics crm 2011? [duplicate]

I'm looking to interact with my Microsoft Dynamics CRM system from my iPhone, performing tasks such as pulling down, updating, creating and deleting records.
Is this possible? If so, can anyone link me to any good resources on the matter or provide me with any information you feel would be relevant?
Many thanks,
Yes this will be possible and there are at least some relevant pointers in the CRM SDK (Development from Non-.NET Clients in Microsoft Dynamics CRM) however general support and anecdotal information is sparse (in fact the referenced topic and it's links are all that exist in an official sense).
You will be accessing via the SOAP endpoint and the link to the WSDL for that is exposed via the CRM UI (Settings > Customizations > Developer Resources).
I'd start with downloading the CRM SDK and reading the topics I linked to.
Caveat - I know nothing of Objective-C or IOS
I don't know anything about this, but maybe that'll help: http://www.cwrmobility.com/
If your looking to develop something yourlself, this might help: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13621
It is possible, you'll need to use the web services API.
MSDN web services API docs
It uses JScript, so on the iPhone, you should use NSURLRequest and NSURLConnection to retrieve the data coming back.
Here is another link for using JSON, as iOS has a JSON parser built in now

Posting Data from iPhone to a server exposing OData

I have a server which is exposing OData services.
I can actually make use of OData client for Objective C to get the data and show on the iPhone.
I am wondering what is the process of posting some data into the server from the iPhone.
Assume I have to just send a simple name to the server how would I do that
Any pointers to clogs/sites which provides examples of iPhone apps consuming OData services.
Hitesh V
To everyone getting to this question to find more info about OData, here's a pointer to some resources and a quick to-do list:
The official Odata Library for iPhone has moved to Github: https://github.com/OData/OData4ObjC/ (although the link posted by Dan remains valid).
Once you clone the repository, you can run the ./odatagen tool (located in the Frameworks/bin folder) to create a pair of .h/.m files to include in your iOS application.
Once you do so, have a look at the included samples (like the Netflix or ODataSampleApp) to have an idea about how it works.
Hope this helps
I've never heard of OData before, but a little googling finds me an Objective-C OData client for the iphone, here: http://odataobjc.codeplex.com/

Can you get notes and tasks from Exchange with VB.NET?

I'm currently looking into expanding a project to include the syncing of notes and tasks from a web application with exchange/Outlook.
Though at the moment, this is only an idea.
Unfortunately for me, it's the first time I've considered doing any form of Exchange integration at all from any application.
So I'm wondering, is what I've set out to do even possible?
I'll most likely be using ASP.NET MVC 2, .NET 4 and Exchange 2003.
The old way to do it would be to use Outlook Interop to automate Outlook to get access to the data. However, this isn't the neatest way of doing things, and you almost certainly wouldn't want to do it on a server.
The new way of doing it is using Exchange Web Services, you can find an article here about it, but I'm not sure if they're supported on Exchange 2003...

How to setup a CMS as a backend for iPhone app

I would like my iPhone app to get dynamic content off the net. This content should be managed using a CMS. I would like to know in particular if I can setup Drupal or Joomla or other CMS as a backend for my iphone app to get the content.
Any advice on how this can be achieved would be helpful.
I am completely new to setting up/using CMS.
You can also take a look at StorageRoom, which is a CMS for Mobile Applications.
Disclaimer: I created this myself to scratch my own itch.
Wordpress with the JSON-API plugin is a great solution, especially if you need a web site as well.
You can find a good example here that uses Wordpress and Phonegap to get a basic app going.
If you can access the content in any serialized format (e.g. XML or JSON), it should be no problem to use any CMS as a "backend" for your application.
I'm checking out storageroom, and I'm searching for a similar answer, but I also found osmek to be a bit promising. I might use that one because of the menu templates .Osmek can provide responses in json and xml (and other formats that aren't useful in iphone dev like php, html, and templates)
Feed.Us is another option. I have a series of travel guides iphone apps and use Feed.Us to manage the businesses listed within the apps.
It creates a URL with XML that gets imported into the app.
This seems to be a very promising solution!
Apache Usergrid
I have briefly tried DreamFactory for some trial project but never got around to using it in production. Usergrid seems to be in the right direction in providing a full fledged solution (which can also work for modern web apps)
I'm very curious about Helios (helios.io) and will be trying it out shortly.
At least from the write-up on their site it looks very promising. Its open source, and in beta currently. They also have very easy heroku hosting support.
Helios is an open-source framework that provides essential backend
services for iOS apps, from data synchronization and push
notifications to in-app purchases and passbook integration.
I will update the answer again once I use this for some test project.
you can use any cms or framework to implement this. you need to make a jsonm api to communicate between app and backend server.
For php cms joomla, drupal and wordpress are best.
in frameworks you can use yii, cakephp, laravel or zend
hope this helps..
Also worth taking a look at Cloud CMS:
It's a cloud content management system for mobile and web applications, entirely oriented around JSON and having a fast, fully featured API. Your iOS application could easily grab things, render them, capture data, store it back into the CMS and more. Plus, it gives you a user interface you can drop in front of your business users so that they can create, edit and review things.
Note: I'm one of the developers. That said, worth checking out if for no other reason than for inspiration.
Depending on the data-complexity, perhaps willing a CMS into being a data-store or simple API is overkill when you can leverage file storage services like Google Drive/Apps to GET/POST spreadsheets or other documents in JSON, among other formats.
Is it possible to use Dropbox, Google Drive, Skydrive, etc. as a server space?

Serve a form without a web interface

Anyone doing any work using "offline" forms? We have an application that requires inputting data from outside our company. I was thinking about sending a form out via email, allowing the form to be filled out then sent back. Obviously a web application would be the best solution, but management doesn't seem ready to build the infrastructure and security to support that. I've read a little about PDF forms is that a good solution or are there other solutions?
Have you considered InfoPath? These can be created and distributed through email. And then the data can be collated automatically.
Also, consider using Google Spreadsheets with Google Forms. It's free and infrastructure is outsourced.
PDF forms can work as well.
Another possibility is to use Microsoft SharePoint. If your company uses Microsoft Office for the people filling the forms you referring to, you could deploy an Office based solution and gather information with Sharepoint Server.
Check this link out.