Detect number of fingers in UIScrollView swipe - iphone

Questions similar to this have been asked all over, but I haven't been able to find a solution to my specific problem, so here goes.
I have a UIViewController with a UIScrollView in its view. Within the scrollview, I have a number of regular uiview subviews. I want to be able to detect whether the scrollview swipe was with one or two fingers, and to cancel the scroll and call some other method in one of those cases. Can anyone help me with this?

If you are on OS 3.2 + try giving UIGestureRecognizer a try. You can detect swipes of any number of fingers very easily.


Two finger swipe on a UITableView

I am using a UITableView in my application to show a set of images under each section in a UITableView.I have a requirement which makes the UITableView to scroll to next section if the swipe is done with two fingers.
Can some one help me in making the UITableView respond to two finger swipe.I tried by assigning a swipe gesture with number of touches assigned to two but the table responds to normal traditional scroll.
Can someone suggest a way to implement this.If possible with pieces of code which is well appreciated.
[swipeGesture setCancelsTouchesInView:TRUE];
This will make the gesture recognizer swallow the touches.
Hope this helps.

Slide of UIScrollView

I made a slideview using a uiview and detecting touches to move pages. This slideview is almost like this, except that I made it works like a UITableView.
Now I'm using this to uivews with uiscrollviews. The problem is, "how to distribute touch events to scrollview or slideview?". I had the logic to do. Basically, the uiscrollviews are vertical and slideview is horizontal.
I tried hitTest to keep the touchBegan,Moved,Ended in slideview. When I get a touch movement horizontally, I keep to slideview, when vertically, distribute to uiscrollview. But I cannot figure out how to distribute events to uiscrollview.
Calling [scrollView touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event] doesn't work. I supposed uiscrollview has a different way to work.
If you don't find a clue to your answer, probably, you're wrong.
UIScrollView uses a own way to get touchesBegan, Moved and Ended. Way that I don't, but it's mean if you override touchesBegan to make UIScrollView stops to work, you won't get it. Using hitTest in superview of scroll, you can get the touches before UIScrollView but you can't change the touches target while touches is happening.
After all, there is one way to solve this, ashly, three ways.
1- Simulate touches
I didn't test this, you'll know below. Events come from UIWindow and distributed to subview by - (void)sendEvent:(UIEvent *)event. We don't know how touches target is saved, and change this is completely out of question. But we can use the idea of override superview's hitTest to know what the user will do to make a 'WA' to change the target. To do this, simulate a event of touch ended. Supposed target will be reset. Simulate a event of touch begin again, and this time make sure to let hittest get scrollview.
You can find how simulate events here. The problem is, probably your app will be rejected due using private methods.
2- Make your own UIScrollView
This should be the best or the worst, depending what you want to do. I believe it's painful. And isn't what you want to do right now.
3- Surrender to 'Nest UIScrollView'
To make slideshow of pdf, hq, docs and books, it's the best and painless way. Put a UIScrollView inside another and let them reach an agreement of scrolling.

I have a UI Scroll View with UIButtons on top. How do i make it scroll when they touch and drag the buttons?

I want something similar to how the iPhone homescreen works. I have my scrollview inside my main view, which scrolls to the right, but when you touch on the UIButtons, they become highlighted and dragging means they don't end up getting pressed but also the scrollview doesn't end up scrolling. It doesn't do this on the homescreen. How can i make it similar to this?
A touch-down-drag is a completely different event. Apple doesn't support this directly—you'd have to code it in—start tracking the touches using the gesture responders as soon as a touch-down-inside is detected, then scroll the same amount, and stop scrolling at a touch-up-outside (or inside). This would most likely fall under the category of unusual use of interface elements, and could very well get you rejected.
I think this is a better answer to the question:
UIScrollview with UIButtons - how to recreate springboard?

Swipe to change UIViewContent

Hej folks,
I got an UIView in my application and want to implement kind of a swipe gesture. I know how I detect this gesture (touchesBegan: and touchesEnded: for example is x coordinates are distanced more than 100 pixels or something else) but I really don´t now how to animate my needs. In fact my UIView will contain subviews which are 9 UIButtons. On swipe I want to change the set of buttons programatically...any solutions out there? Primarily need the animation!
EDIT: I thought about programatically moving the buttons off-screen to the left and at the same time move the new ones on-screen from the right side. But it seems I don't really know how to realize this...isn't it too much leaking at the same time? Please give me a hint!
It's seem that you want to recreate somethings like the springboard but with button instead of icon.
I can suggest you to use UIScrollView.
why you don't load just a new view with the other button set in your window after the swipe gesture was detected?

iPhone - Catch horizontal swipes -before- subview

I have a view, that is able to go back to the previous view.
Let's say this is a questionnaire. So my main view is the questionnaireView(Controller), and it has a subview which shows a question with 2 possible answers. When one answers the question, one presses next, and the questionnaireView(Controller) shows the next question in that particular subview. Simple, right?
Okay, now imagine having to accomodate up to 10 anwers for a particular question. This will require implementing a scrollview in the subview, to accomodate for the question + all answers.
Now my question: I want questionnaireView(Controller) to receive notice of horizontal swipes (next/previous question), but I want all other touches (taps, for the radiobuttons of the answers, and vertical swipes for the scrollview) to go through...
Any idea's how to go about this? I have tried about 5 different approaches and broke my head and motivation on each on of 'em :/
Last one (and most simple one), was simply adding another subview to questionnaireView(Controller), overlaying the question+answer view.
This kindly catches all the touchesBegan/Moved/Ended/Cancelled for me, but even if I just put a forward in -each- of thoses methods ([self nextResponder] ...) the underlying view (with the answers, and the scrollview) won't respond anymore...
I'm kinda lost on this, and am thinking of writing my own Scrollview someday, since UIScrollView is the most terrible monster faced by iPhone devvers :P
Mind you, I am supporting iPhone OS 3.0 and up, so the new gesture APIs are no-go.
I'm not sure what you mean by "a forward in -each- of thoses methods". I'm not sure that nextResponder is the correct thing to forward them to either.
The problem is that touches are supposed to be "owned" by a single view throughout their lifetime. I'm not sure how UIScrollView or gesture recognizers are implemented, but I'm pretty sure they do more than you're supposed to do on your own.
I'd override questionnaireView's hitTest:withEvent: to return self. In your touchesBegan:withEvent:, call [super hitTest:[touch locationInView:self] withEvent:event] and store the subview that "owns" it. In touchesMoved:withEvent:, forward the touch to the relevant subview, but if you detect a gesture, "forget" the subview that owns the touch and instead call touchesCancelled:withEvent:. In touchesEnded/Cancelled:withEvent:, forward it to the subview and then forget the owning subview.
It's icky, but it mostly works. Some things it gets wrong (from the perspective of subviews):
-[UIEvent touchesForView:] will return the QuestionnaireView.
UITouch.view will return the QuestionnaireView
UITouch.phase might not be UITouchPhaseCancelled in touchesCancelled:withEvent: (if you detect the gesture and cancel the touch).