I have a UI Scroll View with UIButtons on top. How do i make it scroll when they touch and drag the buttons? - iphone

I want something similar to how the iPhone homescreen works. I have my scrollview inside my main view, which scrolls to the right, but when you touch on the UIButtons, they become highlighted and dragging means they don't end up getting pressed but also the scrollview doesn't end up scrolling. It doesn't do this on the homescreen. How can i make it similar to this?

A touch-down-drag is a completely different event. Apple doesn't support this directly—you'd have to code it in—start tracking the touches using the gesture responders as soon as a touch-down-inside is detected, then scroll the same amount, and stop scrolling at a touch-up-outside (or inside). This would most likely fall under the category of unusual use of interface elements, and could very well get you rejected.

I think this is a better answer to the question:
UIScrollview with UIButtons - how to recreate springboard?


Avoiding touch gesture conflicts between two different views

Let me emphasize that there are two views that overlap and I want handle the touch gestures of the view on top.
The UIGestureRecognizeDelegate methods work for conflicting gestures within one view not two views from what I have read. Please don't link me to those threads without explaining.
This issue is occurring between the toolbar items and an image view with gestures attached to it.
In the image above the bar buttons cannot be touched.
Other apps handle this case without issues. If I touch a bar button it would work and if I drag the view on the non-overlapped parts I would be able to drag it.
How can I achieve this ?
Currently the image view has gestures attached to it (one for testing, its a pan).
As requested here is a Gif.
Notice how the buttons are not responding when there is a view under the toolbar.
The issue was that I was using view.layer.zPosition, apparently changing the zPosition does not change the position of view is the subview hierarchy (which was something that I assumed).
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15807250/3366784

UIButton disabled when covered (or semi covered) by a view

I have a view that holds some UIButtons. Another view covers and hides the buttons. When the top view slides off to reveal the buttons (with an animation).. the UI draws the buttons grayed out until the top view no longer covers or overlaps the buttons at all.. causing an undesirable flicker from gray to the normal button color (white).
is there a way to keep the UIButton from rendering itself disabled while covered or semi covered by another view?
I dont think that its correct that a button is disabled while covered. What is happening is that when its covered, touch events are prevented from getting to the button, so the button cant get pressed. If the button is only partially covered, touch events to that part that are not covered can be received by the button and the button can be depressed. If you really wanted the button to work while it was covered (maybe you can relayer your views so the button is in front of the view instead of behind it?) you could hack your view and void its hit testing so it doesnt capture the touches.
Well, in lieu of actually finding the correct answer, I simply swapped out the buttons with UIImageViews and attached UITapGestureRecognizers to them... this solved the problem.

Swipe to change UIViewContent

Hej folks,
I got an UIView in my application and want to implement kind of a swipe gesture. I know how I detect this gesture (touchesBegan: and touchesEnded: for example is x coordinates are distanced more than 100 pixels or something else) but I really don´t now how to animate my needs. In fact my UIView will contain subviews which are 9 UIButtons. On swipe I want to change the set of buttons programatically...any solutions out there? Primarily need the animation!
EDIT: I thought about programatically moving the buttons off-screen to the left and at the same time move the new ones on-screen from the right side. But it seems I don't really know how to realize this...isn't it too much leaking at the same time? Please give me a hint!
It's seem that you want to recreate somethings like the springboard but with button instead of icon.
I can suggest you to use UIScrollView.
why you don't load just a new view with the other button set in your window after the swipe gesture was detected?

UIScrollView with embedded UIWebView not scrolling after holding

I have a UIWebView which is embedded in a UIScrollView. The webView is resized so that the scroll view manages all the scrolling (I need control over the scrolling).
In the webView I have disabled userSelection via '-webkit-user-select: none;'
Everything is working fine except one annoying detail. When I hold down my finger on the content before starting to scroll for about a second the scrollView won't scroll. My best guess is, that it has something to do with userSelection. The time is about the same it usually takes for the copy/paste/magnifying-thing to appear which usually disables scrolling as well.
I am running out of ideas on how to solve this. Every help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: Another aspect of the problem is, that the non-scrolling actually triggers JS-Eventhandler (click, mousedown, mouseup) inside my webView which leads to surprising app behavior. The user puts her finger down, waits, scrolls, nothing happens, removes her finger and this is perceived as a click, which feels wrong from a users perspective.
I would guess what is happening is that after that short duration, the scrollview is no longer interpreting the touch as being on it's view and instead passes the touch down to it's content views.
Have you tried delaying the content touches for the scrollview? This will essentially tell the scrollview to delay taking action on the touch event and instead to briefly monitor the touch and if the touch moves then it recognizes it as a swipe gesture for scrolling. If it doesn't move, it will eventually pass the touch along to it's subviews.
scrollView.delaysContentTouches = YES;
I think even then, there is a standard delay time before the scrollview will pass the touch events along the responder chain. If you hold for too long, it's going to naturally perceive it as being a press down event rather than a scroll event.
This question is not relevant anymore. As of iOS 5.0 the UIWebView is based on a real UIScrollView and also exposes that UIScrollView via a property. Use that instead.
And don't mess with UIWebViews embedded in UIScrollViews anymore. The documentation explicitly advises against that.
Relevant Documentation

UISwitch within UIScrollview nearly impossible to use

I'm using a UISwitch-Component at the bottom of a view that sits within a UIScrollView.
Now the problem that appeared, is that the switch is nearly impossible to swipe because the UIScrollView seems to dominate the userinput.
Switching works very well by tapping the switch, but from my point of view, most users "switch" the UISwitch instead of tapping.
Did anyone of you face the same / or similar problems and managed to come up with a solution?
thx in advance
You have a design decision to make: if your content is meant to scroll horizontally, then a user swipe over a switch is ambiguous -- does it mean they want to scroll, or toggle the switch?
The easiest solution is to modify your UI so that this ambiguity disappears. For example, if the scroll's contentSize is not wider than the bounds of the scroll view, then it can't scroll horizontally, and a horizontal swipe will always activate the switch.
If you do want to allow horizontal scrolling, then it makes sense to replace the UISwitch with a UIButton that toggles on touch, similar to a play/pause button.
On the other hand, if you don't want to modify your UI, you could always just do:
myScrollView.delaysContentTouches = NO;
This will cause your switch to "get" the touches immediately, rather than have them go to the UIScrollView first. More info here. (You can also set this boolean in Interface Builder, as pointed out by Squeegy.)